I was expecting that to go to goatse
it was good. I enjoyed it. jacobin is still a comedy magazine but sam kriss understands that. which is why it works.
i don't even own a television
i told you
the tears that sam produces in complainers nourish me as well.

they nourish me as well.
if you won't stand behind my facetious marxist critique..... feel free to stand in front of it
It was real good dead Ken
he didn't pee in the drawer. someone else did and that's why we like him again.
Marx is a freaking noob. I don't take political philosophy from noobs, I own them.
PISS on my ASS
[account deactivated]
I don't even own a television
[account deactivated]
i remember sparks. the original forumla that is
Its true what they say. A piss is worth a thousand words.
I read it and it was good
[account deactivated]

gyrofry posted:

i remember sparks. the original forumla that is


Mason has published a comeback in um, Scribd https://www.scribd.com/doc/261505098/Comrades-The-Lannisters-Have-No-More-Gold?fb_ref=Default
wow, i can't wait for krink to respond with some choice paradol extracts

pow posted:

Mason has published a comeback in um, Scribd https://www.scribd.com/doc/261505098/Comrades-The-Lannisters-Have-No-More-Gold?fb_ref=Default

"Einstein's e=mc2 paper is one and a half pages long ... This multicausal explanation is only missing because of the Guardian's limit is 900 words for my G2 column"

so the brevity of his argument shouldn't be an indication of it's shallowness Because Einstein, but simultaneously its admitted shallowness must be excused by format constraints forcing it to be brief. this dude is a delusional narcissist lmao

[account deactivated]

pow posted:

Mason has published a comeback in um, Scribd https://www.scribd.com/doc/261505098/Comrades-The-Lannisters-Have-No-More-Gold?fb_ref=Default


Einstein's e=mc2 paper is one and a half pages long.


shriekingviolet posted:

"Einstein's e=mc2 paper is one and a half pages long

Edited by swampman ()

only if the observer is in the same inertial frame of reference

discipline posted:

Paul Mason eh? Gross

At least he knows how to party on a friday night

something something and the marine punched the smug marxist blogger professor, and that man's name was simultaneously albert einstein, paul mason, jesus chirst, and duke nukem. the whole classroom stood up and clapped until their hands bled. god bless america.
some of my comments about paul mason were unfair and i think he responded with generally good humour
this thread is now for posting the lfest chicks of the syrian arab army

deadken posted:

some of my comments about paul mason were unfair and i think he responded with generally good humour

Shut the fuck up Sam this has nothing to do with you

tbh yeah he responded pretty well on the whole considering the typical way that a response over the internet goes, but oh my god that doesn't stop it from provoking profound fremdscham
we're going to set up a marxist fantasy colloquium
yes, we'll all rally around known trot Steven Brust and something fantasy movement something joke fuck i have to go to bed
some boston commie named doug is upset that the jacobin piece came out before his planned article. he poked around on facebook and found some left forum organizers and got a panel there just to present a response paper he hasn't even written yet


Urbandale posted:

some boston commie named doug is upset that the jacobin piece came out before his planned article. he poked around on facebook and found some left forum organizers and got a panel there just to present a response paper he hasn't even written yet



imo people only study state building in the early modern period so that they can write the word "fugger"

shriekingviolet posted:

"Einstein's e=mc2 paper is one and a half pages long ... This multicausal explanation is only missing because of the Guardian's limit is 900 words for my G2 column"

so the brevity of his argument shouldn't be an indication of it's shallowness Because Einstein, but simultaneously its admitted shallowness must be excused by format constraints forcing it to be brief. this dude is a delusional narcissist lmao

it's almost like a 900-word column for the left liberal limey herald-tribune is a bad venue to discuss marxism


deadken posted:

some of my comments about paul mason were unfair and i think he responded with generally good humour

great, now people are going to start pulling quotes from this forum for their "whither" vlogs