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i've literally never seen this shit in canada and its always been a mystery. what is it. EXPLAIN
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so like are we talking a strong blonde like the belgian delerium tremens, or more of a barley wine? i'm still confused tpaine
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the history of malt liquor is class struggle.
no for real, beer was real cheap and wine was the realm of the super elite. those aspiring to achieve the american dream in the don draper 50s in 60s needed a drink to separate themselves from the poors (blacks) thus malt liquor was born and advertised to the middle and upper class. a drink you could drink with your bros on the golf course etc etc. with the resurgence of the american silent majority in the 80s , alcohol began to lose it's popularity similar to cigarettes. successful people wouldn't be drinking such a high proof liquid. at the same time light beers were coming into fashion as america watched it's waistline. the beverage was rebranded for poor blacks as a cheap, higher proof alternative to regular beer that could get you drunk quickly if consumed quickly. it was very easy on the pocketbook.
as america ended racism once and for all, companies realized they could manufacture cheap wine and market it to a missed demographic, poor women. so the men had their cheap brews, their ladies had their boxes and boones farm, and the blacks had their malt liquor. urban elite could drink status drinks at fancy clubs (brand based on yearly income) and the elite still spend hundreds of dollars on bottles of fancy grapejuice
no for real, beer was real cheap and wine was the realm of the super elite. those aspiring to achieve the american dream in the don draper 50s in 60s needed a drink to separate themselves from the poors (blacks) thus malt liquor was born and advertised to the middle and upper class. a drink you could drink with your bros on the golf course etc etc. with the resurgence of the american silent majority in the 80s , alcohol began to lose it's popularity similar to cigarettes. successful people wouldn't be drinking such a high proof liquid. at the same time light beers were coming into fashion as america watched it's waistline. the beverage was rebranded for poor blacks as a cheap, higher proof alternative to regular beer that could get you drunk quickly if consumed quickly. it was very easy on the pocketbook.
as america ended racism once and for all, companies realized they could manufacture cheap wine and market it to a missed demographic, poor women. so the men had their cheap brews, their ladies had their boxes and boones farm, and the blacks had their malt liquor. urban elite could drink status drinks at fancy clubs (brand based on yearly income) and the elite still spend hundreds of dollars on bottles of fancy grapejuice
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sweepberry wiiiiine
According to my sources the regular Olde English 800 is only around 6% alcohol per volume, They sell St Ides where I am for around the same price and its at 8.2% ABV. Also Olde English moved to plastic containers, which is not only environmentally harmful, but somehow less obnoxious than having a huge glass jug of hobo booze. Here's to You St Ides!

one cool thing to do with cheap beer is chase it with a shot of cheap whiskey
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So what's the opinion on Brass Monkey's (half Malt Liquor, half orange juice) here? I have no idea why people want to make a terrible tasting beverage that is less alcoholic, myself. Also its really acidic.
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it never ceases to amaze me how much prohibition created a bizarro world alcohol/drinking culture in the states. after doing a little research i find that most malt liquors have about as much alcohol, possibly less, than beer i drink on the regular.
i feel so much pity, i need a drink
i feel so much pity, i need a drink
When Prohibition ended, Ernest Gallo and his brothers Julio and Joe wanted to corner the young wine market. Earnest wanted the company to become "the Campbell Soup company of the wine industry" so he started selling Thunderbird in the ghettos around the country. Their radio adds featured a song that sang, "What's the word? / Thunderbird / How's it sold? / Good and cold / What's the jive? / Bird's alive / What's the price? / Thirty twice." It is said that Ernest once drove through a tough, inner city neighborhood and pulled over when he saw a bum. When Gallo rolled down his window and called out, "What's the word?" the immediate answer from the bum was, "Thunderbird."
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they started selling 40s in 'shatter proof' containers around here, which just means plastic, and is an inspiring vote of confidence in their customers
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I am drinking a moscow mule. cross-posted from the vodka appreciation station
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tpaine posted:they don't sell 40s in florida, so you just buy multiple 32s. my ass! or cock!
Keep Florida Weird
Steel reserve is the best, its a delightful 8.5% abv. Also capping it at 32 oz in Florida is a horrible joke. The peoe who need it the most are most deprived
gyrofry posted:I am drinking a moscow mule. cross-posted from the vodka appreciation station
But are you drinking it out of a copper mug? Otherwise I don't even
of course that's the whole point. Don't you only meat
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I like to pair steel reserve with outdoor activities like bocce ball and alligator wrestling and whatnot
gyrofry posted:of course that's the whole point. Don't you only meat
I have two copper mugs, I keep them for a rainy day when I can hopefully sell them to the metal man for enough to buy a 40.
This is strikingly similar to the schemes my clients have except it doesn't involve breaking and entering
they have forties in montreal idk about the rest of canada
theres a carling malt liquor
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i personally prefer the Bull and Mickeys but they dont rly have them here in NYC so I have to get st ides or cobra or OE
i personally prefer the Bull and Mickeys but they dont rly have them here in NYC so I have to get st ides or cobra or OE
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gyrofry posted:I am drinking a moscow mule. cross-posted from the vodka appreciation station
Those are the shit