February 22, 2015
Words, letters and letter sequences:
an: anal
as: anal
box: vagina
c: support for voyeurism and for putting voyeuristic video on the Internet
cam: masturbation, voyeuristic cameras
com: orgasm
d: the size breasts which the conglomerate tries to tell the world that I have. Derogatory.
day, daily: Tom Daley
dig: Robert Pattinson
dream: support for child molestation
g: the g spot
go: Ben Affleck
in: in a person sexually
innovation: support for child molestation
j: support for voyeuristic video
k: Lena Kochman
l: Lena Kochman
limit, limited: Tom Daley
m: Emma Watson
mart/Martin: support for child molestation
mas: reference to masturbation
mil: originally, it was support for child molestation
min: support for child molestation
new: since late 2011, or sometime during 2012, it has been code for support for voyeuristic videos being put on the Internet
o: orgasm
p: urine
park: support for voyeuristically videotaping people who get physically close in parks at night when there's (they think) nobody else around, support for putting voyeuristic film of people whose privacy was invaded in parks on the Internet
shot: my being forced to have shots of involuntary, psychiatric medication when I got upset in a hospital where I was being harassed by staff and called paranoid for objecting to being harassed. I hadn't hurt anyone; from the time I got to that hospital to the time I left it, I was harassed all day and every day by staff and patients, and I tried every peaceful way to get it to stop. I told the harassers to leave me alone and they laughed and said they weren't doing anything. I asked supervisors to speak to those of the staff and patients who harassed me; sometimes they did, which sometimes helped, sometimes did nothing or made it worse. Whether or not a supervisor, such as a nurse, agreed to try to stop the harassment or not depended on the supervisor. Several of them denied what was happening, supported it and participated in it. It is also a hospital where grabbing a patient and gathering a large group of staff to watch the patient be involuntarily injected in the butt seems to be an amusement almost like a group sport. The only other place where I ever saw so much physical abuse of patients by staff was the Vermont State Hospital. Even at the Vermont State Hospital, which is the only place I ever was where I know that patients were put into 5-point restraints, I didn't witness patients being dragged into "the quiet room" and injected for the viewing pleasure of a crowd of staff every week. The bloodlust for watching and participating in the degradation of patients, which has infected many of the staff of Bayridge Hospital in Lynn, MA, is probably one of the reasons that situations among patients there are allowed to escalate and staff who like to upset patients are allowed to do it. When the neglected or harassed patient loses equilibrium, the staff gets its fix. It's the only psychiatric facility where I have ever been given shots. I had neurological side effects for days after it happened.
so: Lena Kochman
spot: pimple, orgasm (because spots are round, like the "o" shape)
v: vagina
x: support for voyeuristic video to be filmed and put on the Internet
z: Zac Efron
gold: support for child molestation
silver, grey: against child molestation
pink: support for voyeurism, support for child molestation
red: being strongly against something, was originally the color of support for stoning female prisoners accused of adultery in Iran. The conglomerate's support for the execution of those prisoners is one of the most disgusting things the conglomerate has done.
purple: support for survivors of domestic violence, reference to me
0: "o" for "orgasm"
2: 2 fingers in a vagina
3: 3 orgasms
4: Zac Efron and/or the group of actors Leonardo DiCaprio, Jake Gyllenhaal, Robert Pattinson, Zac Efron
5: the number of people that the conglomerate insists that I have slept with; generally derogatory and never respectful
6: was originally code for Jude Law, is now considered a generally nonconglomerate number
7: support for child molestation
8: oral sex
9: support for putting voyeuristic videos on the Internet
10: against child molestation
11: was originally the code number for Leonardo DiCaprio
12: Emma Watson
13: Zac Efron
14: Lena Kochman
15: Taylor Swift, sometimes Lena Kochman
16: Vanessa Hudgens
17: Zac Efron
18: a nonconglomerate number
19: support for voyeuristic videos being put on the Internet
20: was originally code for Tom Daley or Justin Bieber
21: a nonconglomerate number
22: support for child molestation
23: was originally code for Tom Daley
24: a nonconglomerate number
25: a nonconglomerate number
26: a nonconglomerate number, since Zac Efron turned 27
27: support for voyeuristic videos being put on the Internet
28: Zac Efron
29: was originally an add-them-together code number for Leonardo DiCaprio, has been used for a while to promote putting voyeuristic videos on the Internet
30: a reference to 3 orgasms
31: Zac Efron
32: 3 orgasms achieved with 2 fingers in a vagina. Also adds up to 5.
33: a reference to 3 orgasms
34: support for child molestation
35: a nonconglomerate number
36: support for voyeuristic video being put on the Internet
37: support for child molestation
circle: orgasm
horizontal lines: prison
plaid: reference to voyeurism and voyeuristic videos being put on the Internet. Color of the plaid implies for or against.
square: vagina (because a square is like a box)
triangle: with the one angle down and the two angles up, it's a vagina and support for voyeurism and for putting voyeuristic videos on the Internet
vertical lines: support for a cause or person
v-shape with larger side on the right: support for voyeurism and for voyeuristic videos being put on the Internet
References to vaginas, characteristics of vaginas, and vaginal functions:
beard: pubic hair
baldness: lack of pubic hair
Everything that has to do with wetness, from ponds, rivers, lakes and oceans to puddles and floods to words such as sloppy and sticky
Everything that could be interpreted to mean genital smell: fish, cheese, yeast
Everything that implies a smell that causes breathing problems: coughing, sneezing, nose rubbing, nose blowing, breathing masks worn over the face
Wet Floor signs, Caution cones left everywhere or permanently when there is no wet floor or cause for physical caution. Many places permanently leave Wet Floor signs in front of or in restrooms and at the entrances to buildings.
Sweeping, mopping, vacuuming, cleaning windows, doors
Wet Paint signs
Everything that immature and vulgar people can think of to try to imply that the person whom they are surrounding with this language and these behaviors is at the least not worthy of respect and at the most a dirty and dangerous person who deserves to be constantly harassed.
This is not a total list of code symbols. If it seems unbelievable that adults with serious responsibilities are spending their time thinking of these symbols and ways to use them, if the conglomerate seems sordid, evil, disgusting and destructive and if you're questioning how people who either want or have to deal with all of those symbols and the reactions of people who know what the symbols mean are able to get through a working day productively or attempt something other than lying in the fetal position in the dark, then you are getting the idea of what's been happening since 2010.
I have had several blogs since 2010. Some of them were destroyed by the blog services where I had created them; WordPress and YouTube have destroyed my blogs at their sites numerous times, calling them "inappropriate." Those blog services don't seem to consider the blogs created to abuse and threaten me online to be inappropriate.
For the first few years that I wrote online about the conglomerate's behavior, the conglomerate was constantly accusing me of using code in my writing. Those accusations were one of the many tactics that the conglomerate used to portray me as being slutty and also insincere about everything I said to protest the conglomerate's agenda. I finally wrote a number of pages that I called "code policies," to try to defend myself from the conglomerate's constant obscuring and distortion of what I was saying. For a few years after writing the code policies, I republished them at the beginning of each day that I wrote at a blog or published videos documenting my situation at YouTube.
The synopsis of the code policies is that I don't use code unless I write the word (code), in parentheses, before or after whatever the code word or other symbol is. I never use code to promote the conglomerate's agenda.
The main reason that the conglomerate has to use code is that the conglomerate's goals are criminal goals. The conglomerate wants to desensitize the public to the ideas of having sex with children, harassing and stalking women, voyeuristically videotaping everyone who doesn't have the money that buys protection against that violation, and threatening to kill everyone who objects to these crimes. The conglomerate hopes that it will be able to weaken the laws against its goals to such an extent that those crimes stop being investigated or prosecuted; it has already had considerable success in the weakening of those laws and destroying the informal and formal processes by which the crimes the conglomerate promotes are prevented and punished when they can't be prevented. I'm sure that the final goal of the conglomerate is to destroy altogether the laws which protect women, children, and the unwealthy from being continual victims of male and/or rich or otherwise powerful predators. Making Plan B available over the counter with no age restrictions was a large step toward turning female children into the helpless prey of adult sexual predators, including their fathers and other male relatives.
Crow posted:Lets put this thread in teh CIA depository (Bad post)
ah, come on. after jeffrey, everyone just needs to blow off a little grief.
Crow posted:Lets put this thread in teh CIA depository (Bad post)
it sure is!!! hahaha
le_nelson_mandela_face posted:
please don't post personal information about wddp mods
g; george
art vandelay: george
the architect; george
the marine biologist: george
s: seinfeld
l: elaine
k: kramer
pennypacker; kramer
assman: kramer
doctor martin van nostrand: also kramer
le_nelson_mandela_face posted:did you ever notice that the official stylized spelling of "rHizzonE" has two letters that are uppercase - that is to say, made more important, capitalized if you will, and that those letters are "H" and "E." the CIA-backed autarch gjoey has been slipping subtle male supremacist propaganda on literally every single page of the rhizzone for years now
actually, the HE are capital in "tHE" also. in other words, the secret message hidden in tHE r H i z z o n E naem is is "hehe." because this place is a joke.

laika posted:what really amuses me is that you think it's edgy or something when this is actually pretty common, completely banal behavior
i dont understand what you're trying to say here. could you rephrase it in the form of a website with 100,000 words in several dozen fonts
in any case i posted that cat video as a joke that im the cat swatting the mailman through the mailslot. hope this did not offend and stay safe jeffery, hope you went to the therapy store..
le_nelson_mandela_face posted:laika posted:what really amuses me is that you think it's edgy or something when this is actually pretty common, completely banal behavior
i dont understand what you're trying to say here. could you rephrase it in the form of a website with 100,000 words in several dozen fonts
I’ve seen young men suffering from mental illness unable to ask for help for fear it would make them look less “macho”—in fact in the UK suicide is the biggest killer of men between 20-49 years of age; eclipsing road accidents, cancer and coronary heart disease. I’ve seen men made fragile and insecure by a distorted sense of what constitutes male success.
if we all engaged genuinely and completely with every person who loses their mind in the late capitalist world we would necessarily go with them. joking makes reality tolerable. the alternative is wddp
Petrol posted:let's not get too full of ourselves here. if jeffrey is as crazy as he seems to be, he will find no more personal meaning in a rhizzone thread about gangstalking than he would in, say, taylor swift lyrics, or the ingredient listing for a mcrib.
1) this isn't just about jeffery and 2) that's not necessarily true at all.
i still have fleeting thoughts that my life is kind of like The Truman Show and/or that people over the internet are stalking me but i now know that they're not real and i don't act as if they are. all the medications and therapy in the world won't make those things completely go away. it's not my fault that i have those thoughts and there's nothing inherently wrong with it either, that's just the way my brain works. the idea that that somehow makes me inherently less intelligent, more dangerous, irrational. untrustworthy, and/or unattractive are social and cultural preconceptions and attitudes that are not natural and inevitable and can and should be changed.
when i see people looking to reinforce those attitudes, that does in fact have a very real effect and it is perfectly sensible and appropriate for me to say something
laika posted:i still have fleeting thoughts that my life is kind of like The Truman Show and/or that people over the internet are stalking me but i now know that they're not real and i don't act as if they are. all the medications and therapy in the world won't make those things completely go away. it's not my fault that i have those thoughts and there's nothing inherently wrong with it either, that's just the way my brain works. the idea that that somehow makes me inherently less intelligent, more dangerous, irrational. untrustworthy, and/or unattractive are social and cultural preconceptions and attitudes that are not natural and inevitable and can and should be changed.
when i see people looking to reinforce those attitudes, that does in fact have a very real effect and it is perfectly sensible and appropriate for me to say something
as someone who has gone through something very similar, and still has to be guard against these kind of thoughts, i find it helpful to poke fun at stuff like gangstalking. not treating paranoid/delusional thoughts seriously kind of takes their power away. ymmv.
Petrol posted:as someone who has gone through something very similar, and still has to be guard against these kind of thoughts, i find it helpful to poke fun at stuff like gangstalking. not treating paranoid/delusional thoughts seriously kind of takes their power away. ymmv.
thanks for sharing. i can understand and respect that difference of opinion!
sincerely, a nonconglomerate number
Petrol posted:laika posted:
i still have fleeting thoughts that my life is kind of like The Truman Show and/or that people over the internet are stalking me but i now know that they're not real and i don't act as if they are. all the medications and therapy in the world won't make those things completely go away. it's not my fault that i have those thoughts and there's nothing inherently wrong with it either, that's just the way my brain works. the idea that that somehow makes me inherently less intelligent, more dangerous, irrational. untrustworthy, and/or unattractive are social and cultural preconceptions and attitudes that are not natural and inevitable and can and should be changed.
when i see people looking to reinforce those attitudes, that does in fact have a very real effect and it is perfectly sensible and appropriate for me to say something
as someone who has gone through something very similar, and still has to be guard against these kind of thoughts, i find it helpful to poke fun at stuff like gangstalking. not treating paranoid/delusional thoughts seriously kind of takes their power away. ymmv.
i've found that a certain amount of glibness can be helpful as a coping mechanism in communities of survivors, but all of that can break immediately and swing around to extremely harmful the moment someone like goatstein starts doing it out of obvious malice. it requires an atmosphere of trust