Agnus_Dei posted:Hello friends. I've had a new job for a while now and it's really good. Just generally been trying to enjoy a healthier and more social lifestyle.
My plan is to stop reading or posting on internet forums for Lent, and focus on other things for a bit. But I will return upon the resurrection of our Lord.
God bless.
i did this last year so i wasn't going to do it this year. but i was reminded today you can always add to your fast. so i'm going to do it again. as a non superstar the only reason i'm posting this here is because then i kind of have to do it. cheers and see you in PMs.
getfiscal posted:tpaine posted:i'm gay as a tangerine. i'm gayer than a two-dollar bill. i'm as a gay as a fucking lite-brite. i'm more gay than a god damn french trombone. if i were to enter a gay contest with a kia sedona, i would win. do you know what a parfait is? well it has nothing on me in terms of how gay it is. i even beat out fan favorite the concept of forensic accounting in a gay contest recently. don't even fucking step to me.
i'm the king of your mom jokes... and your mom
Nothing ever dies but lives forever
i feel like an adult for the first time in my life
of course the thing i'm worried about is that absence of explicit ideology doesn't mean absence of implicit ideology. and, hell, i think stalin was more right than wrong, so i'm worried some trot will spaz on me if i slip up and admit the greatness of the father of all soviet peoples.
getfiscal posted:i get to meet my new org tomorrow night. the reason i'm joining is that i want a network of activist friends in real life to help support me in my spirit quest to help organize on issues, and this org is so inoffensive and loose in its program that it's like joining a reading club almost. which i think is all i can stomach because, despite loving communism, i don't really like most people i meet who are extremely partisan for their worldview, because they tend to be weirdos.
of course the thing i'm worried about is that absence of explicit ideology doesn't mean absence of implicit ideology. and, hell, i think stalin was more right than wrong, so i'm worried some trot will spaz on me if i slip up and admit the greatness of the father of all soviet peoples.
yeah in my experience being "loose and inoffensive" turns into extreme partisanship for loose inoffensiveness real quick if you push them a little. the core of these kinds of groups (who is respected, who gets things done, etc) tends to center around a surprisingly codified (but not acknowledged) implicit ideology.
which isn't to say that you shouldn't hang out/work with these folks, most organizing people in real life can still be pretty agreeable despite questionable politics, and it's ok to make a couple friends that you feel some contempt for. you might even be lucky enough to find someone you can bond with over things you hate about your organization! it'll be fun.
discipline posted:Wait what group are you joining... Is it even red or militant?
I don't answer pig questions.
Also I've decided to just try to answer honestly and directly people when they invariably start to interrogate my fail ideology.
RedMaistre posted:This reminds me of my fumbling attempts to make a connection with the American Communist Party. Long story....
There is also a new party with the name Party of Communists USA. Fair Warning: They don't have a sense of humour about this. I think they should be referred to as pocusards.
getfiscal posted:Sorry. I felt offended that a Marcyite renegade would criticize my affiliations but now I'm over it.
Hey, some of my best friends are Marcyite renegades.
getfiscal posted:RedMaistre posted:This reminds me of my fumbling attempts to make a connection with the American Communist Party. Long story....
There is also a new party with the name Party of Communists USA. Fair Warning: They don't have a sense of humour about this. I think they should be referred to as pocusards.
They look like they have far more solid line than the CPUSA, to be honest:
"Our ideological allegiance is to the communist parties that were established after the Bolshevik Revolution of 1917 in Russia and that later became part of the Third International (Comintern). Historically, our orientation has always been directed toward the Soviet Union, and we proudly consider ourselves part and parcel of the pro-Soviet wing of the communist movement. We make no apologises for supporting the Leninist policies of the leadership of the socialist community of nations and the USSR from 1917 to the counterrevolution in 1985, when Gorbachev came on the scene. However, history has now shown that the internal economic policies during the Khrushchev period, culminating in the disastrous reforms of Gorbachev (Glasnost and perestroika) were Bukarinite, social-democratic departures from previous socialist construction (centralized planning)."
RedMaistre posted:They look like they have far more solid line than the CPUSA, to be honest:
i'm not sure their line matters much at this point. it's an idiosyncratic position really, i would guess a handful of people came up with it, i doubt even most members agree with it. they are basically CPUSA supporters that are tired of supporting democratic party candidates. which is a good thing, but i feel like they are irrelevant until proven otherwise. they link to the party in canada, which is a carbon copy of the CPUSA except they run a few independent candidates.
walkinginonit posted:Is that the fraction of the CPUSA that split off a year or two ago? I haven't really been able to find out much about them, unless I've just been failing at google.
part of pocusa is that fraction, yes, although it also included various 'stalinists' who were independent already. for example, the american party of labor, which i think is like ten people.
Well if we're going to be talking about whatever this or that North American ML sect thinks objectively matters or not....
(Also got bad vibes from the ex-army fellow in charge of the drinks)
Panopticon posted:i forget the name but wasnt there a socialist party of some kind in germany that gave an ex-army guy a chance at organising things and he turned out to be a really good public speaker, just give him a chance
Let us not give ground to the twin totalitarian systems theory of the left and right divide, sirrah.
RedMaistre posted:Went to check out the meeting of a Maoist group in DC a few months ago. Found striking (but not surprising), that, after a presentation about an unjustly forgotten Southern black organizer from the early 20th century, they were talking about helping a local Green party figure get a municipal office.
(Also got bad vibes from the ex-army fellow in charge of the drinks)
was it puryear?

Keven posted:Add me on facebook and check out my cool upcoming pics except you cant because I don't trust anyone here with my real name.
i feel like keeping your name a secret is a bad self-promotion strategy for a comic
like is jimmy fallon going to introduce you as "Up next, this funny guy... I've seen him perform before and it's always a treat.... who... doesn't want us to tell you his name?" *looks over at producer* *producer shrugs*