discipline posted:the point of all this is to make you aware that the government is watching you, and that you are under constant surveillance, which is 100% true. but for that surveillance to have its desired effect you have to broadcast your capabilities, which is what glen greenwald's job is - to make empire stronger and safer
this is pretty paranoid and unsubstantiated even for you discipline
discipline posted:le_nelson_mandela_face posted:i have a giant manboner for glenn greenwald i admit but the reason for that is that there has been literally no one who even approaches the same degree, consistency and persuasiveness of criticism of israel, the national security state and american foreign policy than glenn greenwald in the public eye. nobody. power would much prefer us to suspect that they're watching but not know how or to the whole extent because then we can talk about it without being written off as nuts and develop technologies and practices as countermeasures, and this is borne out consistently by their statements and actions which are lies, outrage, slander and suppression. saying that this is all part of the plan is beyond 11th dimensional chess
it's not 11th dimensional chess. it's basic PR, basic messaging. it's advertising. it's a campaign. of course you believe in marketing strategy but why don't you accept that the USG/NATO also believes and invests in it? The people running the show are very smart. they learned the lessons of the 60s and have created a world where information is presented in controlled context that seems organic, normal and anarchic. it is anything but. if you think a phone call from a government official or a billionaire means nothing, or that these calls don't happen, I don't know what to tell you but maybe to work in media for a little while and see for yourself how the sausage is made.
greenwald presents his information without contextual analysis or with critique presented in such a way that supports empire. like pussy riot objecting to eric garner's death in a way that pummels russia and furthers NATO propaganda, he loads his work with the same sort of cuckooism. he should have released everything. instead, with showman's style, he releases what he wants in service to a powerful billionaire that has sought to overthrow governments and has a clear political agenda.
you should read some of what tarzie has written on GG: https://ohtarzie.wordpress.com/page/1/?s=greenwald
to be fair, it should be noted that John young from cryptome is a major disinfo agent
c_man posted:the NSA would come to my giant public STEM oriented college and hold a big contest where they would give out little cryptography puzzles and if you got them done fast you would win prizes. one of the really smart people i knew was always one of the first people done and won like a couple canvas lawn chairs but he was never going to get a job from them because he's a russian citizen.
your friend is a cop
EmanuelaBrolandi posted:c_man posted:the NSA would come to my giant public STEM oriented college and hold a big contest where they would give out little cryptography puzzles and if you got them done fast you would win prizes. one of the really smart people i knew was always one of the first people done and won like a couple canvas lawn chairs but he was never going to get a job from them because he's a russian citizen.
your friend is a cop
he's going to be an asshole engineering professor someday, meaning he will almost certainly be getting paid by the DoD

daddyholes posted:i agree, but i'm also wondering if there isn't something under there as well to sift and use the information they're gathering as well as threaten us with the possibility of it. the consensus in the press is that this is some sort of keystone kops situation when you get down to it and they're overreaching their ability to analyze the data.
it is brainless to make a search engine filled with archived data of any kind. all you need are hard drives. everything i've read and heard about the current surveillance state over the past, idk, 6-10 years has made it clear that they understand the insufficient analysts problem which is why their systems are designed to store data before they even realize the information needs analysis. if you can monitor every email and every connection and only record "an email or connection happened at this date/time between these two entities, and it contained these keywords" that takes very, very little storage in a well-designed system. you can then have another graph database somewhere that correlates every ip address and name and email address and credit card and whatever you want, and then it becomes more or less trivial to retroactively build internet activity dossiers of whoever you want.
on top of that, they'd also want to be able to retroactively query for keywords they didn't then realize were interesting, so maybe instead of a whitelist of interesting words, they'd just have a blacklist of uninteresting words. so if you are ever needing to use the internet for sensitive topics, i suggest using a spam topic in place of every proper noun. the cialis viagras at midnight
discipline posted:le_nelson_mandela_face posted:i have a giant manboner for glenn greenwald i admit but the reason for that is that there has been literally no one who even approaches the same degree, consistency and persuasiveness of criticism of israel, the national security state and american foreign policy than glenn greenwald in the public eye. nobody. power would much prefer us to suspect that they're watching but not know how or to the whole extent because then we can talk about it without being written off as nuts and develop technologies and practices as countermeasures, and this is borne out consistently by their statements and actions which are lies, outrage, slander and suppression. saying that this is all part of the plan is beyond 11th dimensional chess
it's not 11th dimensional chess. it's basic PR, basic messaging. it's advertising. it's a campaign. of course you believe in marketing strategy but why don't you accept that the USG/NATO also believes and invests in it? The people running the show are very smart. they learned the lessons of the 60s and have created a world where information is presented in controlled context that seems organic, normal and anarchic. it is anything but. if you think a phone call from a government official or a billionaire means nothing, or that these calls don't happen, I don't know what to tell you but maybe to work in media for a little while and see for yourself how the sausage is made.
greenwald presents his information without contextual analysis or with critique presented in such a way that supports empire. like pussy riot objecting to eric garner's death in a way that pummels russia and furthers NATO propaganda, he loads his work with the same sort of cuckooism. he should have released everything. instead, with showman's style, he releases what he wants in service to a powerful billionaire that has sought to overthrow governments and has a clear political agenda.
you should read some of what tarzie has written on GG: https://ohtarzie.wordpress.com/page/1/?s=greenwald
so you of course have zero evidence that this is what has happened, but believe it nonetheless because it makes sense. except it does not at all. even if we discount everything greenwald and snowden said about their motivations, you believe that the government spent all this time and money constructing a massive surveillance system in near-absolute secret using every legal means to suppress its disclosure, then decide to expose it in a massive dump of not just general facts but naming names of targets and methods, by giving it to their fiercest critic, then having every government, telecom and intelligence official for a year be directed to lie about its scope, details, targets, goals and existence, pretend to be outraged and concerned, and try every legal means to stop its continuing disclosure including raiding a newsroom in britain; causing several international incidents and damaging the brand and sales of huge US-based tech companies. because they want us to be afraid, and that's more important than freely gathering whatever they want from us in total ignorance. because when the FBI wiretaps some group they release a press release about it because gathering intel out of some suspicious but otherwise free-talking group is less important than the additional degree of fear they feel while knowing exactly how and on what device they;'re being monitored. or the US government really did not want this to come out and are acting in accordance with this principle. which is more likely
Edited by le_nelson_mandela_face ()
drwhat posted:the cialis viagras at midnight
i have to admit i know way more about processing data than about efficient storage of it and i don't know anything about anything.
greenwald presents his information without contextual analysis or with critique presented in such a way that supports empire.
utter and absolute lie emerging out of either total ignorance or a deliberate attempt to mislead.
like pussy riot objecting to eric garner's death in a way that pummels russia and furthers NATO propaganda, he loads his work with the same sort of cuckooism. he should have released everything. instead, with showman's style, he releases what he wants in service to a powerful billionaire that has sought to overthrow governments and has a clear political agenda.
"i want more contextual analysis and critique. by the way he should have just released everything"
there are three clear and good reasons he hasn't. first is that is what the source explicitly wanted. i know you believe based on nothing that the source is a lizard from the blood dimension, so let's move on from that one. second is that that is necessary to release news stories, which require vetting, legal analysis and context. third is keeping it in the public eye, which i know you think is a trick based on see first point. i suppose if we're being cynical you could also argue that it's because of ego and money, but neither of those are not congruent with not being a CIA masterplant.
i also think the criticism of omidyar is pretty freaking lame, to be totally honest. all they have managed to dig up on him is that he supported microtransaction firms and opposes the russian government. validity of these positions aside, that's called "being a rich liberal." it isn't unique and doesn't imply any malevolence
any technology story that uses the word "disruptive" is failure, but the content here is that peter thiel and joe chen and most importantly chinese investors are grabbing up as much u.s. student debt as they possibly can with their company SoFi. and they claim that only two people have ever defaulted on loans they refinanced. ooookay.
daddyholes posted:i think it's fair to say that he's releasing good information and then spinning what's revealed as an argument for the same tepid alt-careerist crap he's been building for himself since 2004. last i checked glenn greenwald doesn't even believe that any possible international law applies to the united states unless we agree to it, and not practically but philosophically, so his argument is that we should get our government to sign all these treaties it's been neglecting so we can pursue moral rectitude in policing ourselves.
i dont think this is true
le_nelson_mandela_face posted:literally all the left-criticism of greenwald derives fundamentally from the desperate personal grudge of a deeply unpleasant and paranoid meth addict
who's that mang
babyhueypnewton posted:NSA is a big deal because rich white liberal homonationalists like Greenwald are affected. For communists I think there's no difference, in fact it may be better since the govt is distracted by reddit.com/r/socialism instead of coming to your house and shooting you in the back of the head while you sleep
i don't think they're actually distracted, at all. like i think this ties in with what discipline is saying, the hype-sponsored belief that there is a giant all-encompassing surveillance program that records everything in a cumbersome archive distracts from the far more dangerous fact that counterintelligence programs are still engaging in sophisticated, dedicated surveillance and disruption of specific organizations and individuals. it's not that the all-encompassing surveillance doesn't exist, it does, but it's not actually the real threat.
Crow posted:So what do u want me to do about it.
Socialise the datacentres!
and use tails i guess
xipe posted:
the part where he takes a huge shit on jared cohen was funny