And Conec-thank you for writing your reply, even though I didn't get around to responding to it.
RedMaistre posted:I would be willing to do so-provided that we (1) recognize that there are degrees of selfishness, and (2) qualify this sentiment with the recognition that even death at the hands of persecutors can be a mini-Warsaw. Some died better than others at Auschwitz. And this holds for much more ordinary circumstances than the destruction of European Jewry.
There is the martyrdom of blood, and there is the little, but not contemptible, silent martyrdom of patience and service. And it is the latter, I think, that is all the more vital to value under social conditions as atomized as our own.
right, and i actually agree with these points completely - while recognising that to attribute a unique form of selfishness to suicide while recognising this would be untenable
as for the rest, i do tend towards viewing the individual subject as an emergent phenomenon produced through the process of interpellation, history being built by the masses - but i've always been clear that this is where i stand and this puts me at an impasse with humanist approaches. that's all that needs to be said, i believe!
Petrol posted:728FuDswrcI
rest in peace james stinson
blinkandwheeze posted:
Could it be possible for humans to breath underwater? A foetus in its mothers womb is certainly alive in an aquatic environment. During the greatest holocaust the world has ever known, pregnant America-bound African slaves were thrown overboard by the thousands during labour for being sick and disruptive cargo. Is it possible that they could have given birth at sea to babies that never needed air? Recent experiments have shown mice able to breathe liquid oxygen. Even more shocking and conclusive was a recent instance of a premature infant saved from certain death by breathing liquid oxygen through its undeveloped lungs. These facts combined with reported sightings of Gillmen and swamp monsters in the coastal swamps of the South- Eastern United States make the slave trade theory startlingly feasible. Are Drexciyans water breathing, aquatically mutated descendants of those unfortunate victims of human greed? have they been spared by God to teach us or terrorise us? Did they migrate from the Gulf of Mexico to the Mississippi river basin and on to the great lakes of Michigan? Do they walk among us? Are they more advanced than us and why do they make their strange music? What is their Quest? These are many of the questions that you don’t know and never will. The end of one thing...and the beginning of another.
Drexciya bring this extraterritorial discontinuum down to earth and under the water. Instead of ground reality, their sonic fiction sinks through the streets with the invisible force of an intensified magnetron. It derealises the solid facts that Hardcore music insists upon, deforming reality through a systematic confusion of technology with rumour, information with mystery. Drexciya are esoterrorists. "Mommy, what's an esoterrorist?" Something, or someone who terrorises through esoteric myth systems. Infiltrating the world, the esoterrorist plants logic bombs and then vanishes, detonating conceptual explosions, multiplying perceptual holes through which the entire universe drains out.
discipline posted:I wrote a really long reply about community, solidarity, palestinians and my friend who hanged himself when he turned 30 but I deleted it because it's probably too personal for me and for you, my fellow posters
I am sure it would have been an interesting read, discipline.
conec posted:Barbarossa posted:if the world is so bad that you want to remove yourself from it then perhaps you should try to improve it rather than just shrugging your shoulders, erasing yourself and leaving the next person to experience the same thing. I mean, if you aren't selfish
"if you aren`t selfish".. yeah the 5,000 john/jane does building up each year in the u.s.a were so selfish that no one even noticed they went missing~! how dare those dead cunts~! in fact, fucky them.. no friends? no family? no one to talk to ? well well then... fucky u ~! in fact... to hell with jane does... what i really despise is all those evil bourgeois biches who kill themselves ~! how could they be so selfish??? i hate dem
TG posted:crow how can i get some of this cocaine youve been doing???
Start posteing insane pornography like so
TG posted:hachi machi! thats somea spicy stuff!!
Gimme dat posting history
Crow posted:TG posted:crow how can i get some of this cocaine youve been doing???
Start posteing insane pornography like so
lol is the freud post supposed to be the tumblr smoking gun that you're now exploring a cocaine habit
TheIneff posted:Crow posted:TG posted:crow how can i get some of this cocaine youve been doing???
Start posteing insane pornography like so
lol is the freud post supposed to be the tumblr smoking gun that you're now exploring a cocaine habit
i think he is just mentally ill and has seen something else. but he refuses to get help so
conec posted:Barbarossa posted:
if the world is so bad that you want to remove yourself from it then perhaps you should try to improve it rather than just shrugging your shoulders, erasing yourself and leaving the next person to experience the same thing. I mean, if you aren't selfish
"if you aren`t selfish".. yeah the 5,000 john/jane does building up each year in the u.s.a were so selfish that no one even noticed they went missing~! how dare those dead cunts~! in fact, fucky them.. no friends? no family? no one to talk to ? well well then... fucky u ~! in fact... to hell with jane does... what i really despise is all those evil bourgeois biches who kill themselves ~! how could they be so selfish??? i hate dem
read the first five pages of revolutionary suicide. whether you buy it or not idc, but it explains what you're disagreeing with fairly well. my only issue w/discipline's post was that she called them bourgeois
wasted posted:Ahem, FFX is a bad game. Much like this is a bad thread.
besline spotted
daddyholes posted:i agree with this thread and with brother and comrade James "Warren" Jim Jones.
the people's temple in san francisco is now a US Post Office, whenever I pass by it I feel waves of nostalgia for that time when local politicians were forced to glad hand a weird leftist cult for votes in order to be a viable candidate for the city.
stegosaurus posted:blink please do an insane front page post about drexciya
on it