Financial Times posted:Royal Dutch Shell is facing a storm of criticism after deciding to proceed with plans to bring a ship named after a Nazi war criminal into UK waters to decommission the Brent oilfield, having failed to get the owner to change the name.
The Anglo-Dutch energy group has filed plans with the British government to use the Pieter Schelte — the world’s largest crane ship — to lift the 23,500-tonne steel superstructure of the Brent Delta oil platform and bring it to Teesside for scrapping.
But the name of the brand-new ship, which is currently in Rotterdam for its final fit-out, has sparked outrage among the Jewish community on both sides of the North Sea.
It was named by its Dutch owner after his father, Pieter Schelte Heerema, a convicted war criminal who served in the Waffen-SS alongside the notorious Josef Mengele during the second world war, and also worked for the SS sending slave labour to the eastern front.
He was found guilty of war crimes by a Dutch court, but served less than half his three-year prison sentence after the judge believed his story — since discredited — that he had renounced the Nazis and started working for the Resistance.
He went to Venezuela after the war to work in the oil industry before returning to the Netherlands to set up Heerema, a successful oil services company.
Shell said it had supported a Dutch-led campaign to change the name of the ship, owned by Edward Heerema, president of Switzerland-based Allseas and one of the Waffen-SS officer’s sons, but the company had refused to bow to the demands.
“Shell believes that the name of the vessel is inappropriate. We have raised our concerns with Allseas and asked them to consider changing the name. However, the name of the vessel is a matter for Allseas alone, and one for Allseas to justify,” the company said.
The issue has been discussed by senior management at Shell. The ship is the only one in the world capable of lifting the weight of the oil platform.
Vivian Wineman, president of the Board of Deputies of British Jews, told the Financial Times that he planned to make representations to the government during the 30-day consultation period over Shell’s Brent decommission plan, which begins a week on Monday.
”We call on Shell and the government to insist the ship is renamed. The shipowner should be sensitive to the citizens of Britain and the Netherlands, both Jewish and non-Jewish, who will be deeply hurt.
“There is never a good time to name a ship after a dead Nazi,” added Mr Wineman, “but coming just as we commemorate the 70th anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz, and considering the majority of Dutch Jews were killed in the Holocaust, this is very unfortunate timing.”
Esther Voet, director of the Dutch Centre for Information and Documentation on Israel (Cidi), which has led the renaming campaign in the Netherlands, hit out at Shell for chartering the vessel. “This is a bloodstain on the name of Royal Dutch Shell,” she said. She was equally scathing about the refusal of the Dutch government to intervene.
The UK government said the issue of the ship’s name was “a matter for Allseas and Shell to resolve”.
Allseas said the decision to name the vessel after Heerema, who died in 1981, was “a tribute to his accomplishments” in the offshore industry, and that Edward Heerema had “disassociated himself entirely of his father’s wartime history”.
The company had previously said Heerema joined the Waffen-SS because of his anti-communist views, but this was discredited by an expert at NIOD, the Amsterdam-based Institute for War, Holocaust and Genocide Studies.
David Barnouw, the leading expert on Heerema, who recently retired from NIOD after 33 years, said he could not understand the decision. “Why name a ship after him and say this is named after my father as a pioneer? He was also an SS officer and an anti-semite.”
Heerema was in Venezuela before the war and came back to join the Nazi party after Germany occupied the Netherlands. NIOD has on file an excerpt of a 1941 speech made by the former Waffen-SS officer, in which he said: “Compared to the German race, the Jewish race is a parasite and for that reason the Jewish question must be resolved in every country.”
Heerema was a volunteer who saw active service with the elite 5th SS Panzer Division Wiking in 1941 and 1942 in the former Yugoslavia and on the eastern front near Rostov and the Caucasus. The unit has been linked to a number of war crimes. Mengele served as a medical officer in the Wiking division before moving to Auschwitz.
posted the whole thing cuz ft has a very annoying paywall. tl;dr the biggest floating crane in the world is named after a nazi ss war criminal. this reminds me of when i learned albert speer's kid designs skyscrapers in dubai for a living. i'm sure there's worse
c_man posted:
Engaging in eugenics just makes the Nazis win.,9306449
The Spokesman posted:In 1982 Aquino performed a satanic ritual in the Westphalian castle
used as an occult sanctuary by Heinrich Himmler's S.S. Elite in Nazi Germany.
Aquino, in a Temple of Set newsletter, told of performing the ritual in
the castle's Hall of the Dead while on a tour of NATO military installations
in Europe.
But he said his interest in Nazism is academic, not adulatory.
"I'm fascinated by the lessons to be learned from the Nazi experience
but not blinded by their excesses," Aquino said. "You had a small group
of brutal and desperate men who ran a country by despotism and tyranny.
They were quite bright in some ways, quite savage in others."
This guy wrote a military paper on why targetting people psychologically is more important than physically fighting them. He also wore full Nazi regalia during his 'appreciation of the nazi experience' in Westphalia.
Some fun quotes from that:
Michael Aquino, Mind War posted:While in the 1980s I had no reason to think that this paper had had any
official effect upon U.S. PSYOP doctrine within or beyond the Army, it was
with some fascination that I saw specific of its prescriptions applied during the
first Gulf War, and recently even more obviously during the 2003 invasion of Iraq
In both instances extreme PSYOP was directed both against the object of
attack and upon U.S. domestic public perception and opinion, in 2003 t the
extent of "embedding" journalists with military units to inevitably channel
their perspectives and perceptions.
The advantage of Mind War is that it conducts wars in nonlethal, noninjurious, and
nondestructive ways. Essentially you overwhelm your enemy with argument. You seize control of all of the means by which his government and populace process information to make up their minds, and you adjust it so that those minds are made up as you desire. Everyone is happy, no one gets hurt or killed, and nothing is destroyed.
Ordinary warfare, on the other hand, is characterized by its lack of reason. The
antagonists just maim or kill each other's people, and steal or destroy each other's land, until one side is hurt so badly that it gives up . After such a war there is lasting misery, hate, and suffering.
The only loser in MindWar are the war profiteers: companies and corporations which grow fat on orders for helicopters, tanks, guns, munitions, etc. Consequently what President Dwight Eisenhower referred to as the "military/industrial complex" can be counted upon to resist implementation of MindWar as the governing strategic conflict doctrine.
Psychotronic research is in its infancy, but the U.S. Army already possesses an
operational weapons systems designed to do what LTC Alexander would like ESP to do - except that this weapons system uses existing communications media. It seeks to map the minds of neutral and enemy individuals and then tochange them in accordance with U.S. national interests.
It does this on a wide scale, embracing military units, regions, nations, and blocs. In its present form it is called Psychological Operations (PS YOP).
To this end MindWar must be strategic in emphasis, with tactical applications playing a reinforcing, supplementary role. In its strategic context, MindWar must reach out to friends, enemies, and neutrals alike across the globe - neither through primitive "battlefield" leaflets and loudspeakers of PSYOP nor through the weak, imprecise, and narrow effort of psychotronics 11 - but through the media possessed by the United States which have the capabilities to reach virtually all people on the face of the Earth.
These media are, of course, the electronic media - television and radio. State of the art developments in satellite communication, video recording techniques, and laser and optical transmission of broadcasts make possible a penetration of the minds of the world such as would have been inconceivable just a few years ago. Like the sword Excalibur, we have but to reach out and seize this tool; and it can transform the world for us if we have the courage and the integrity to enhance civilization with it. If we do not accept Excalibur, then we relinquish our ability to inspire foreign cultures with our morality. If they then desire moralities unsatisfactory to us, we have no choice but to fight them on a more brutish level.
MindWar must target all participants if it is to be effective. It must not only weaken the enemy; it must strengthen the United States. It strengthens the United States by denying enemy propaganda access to our people, and by explaining and emphasizing to our people the rationale for our national interest in a specific war.
Under existing United States law, PSYOP units may not target American citizens. 12 That prohibition is based upon the presumption that "propaganda" is necessarily a lie or at least a misleading half-truth, and that the government has no right to lie to the people. The Propaganda Ministry of Goebbels must not be a part of the American way of life.
Quite right, and so it must be axiomatic of MindWar that it always speaks the truth. Its power lies in its ability to focus recipients' attention on the truth of the future as well as that of the present. MindWar thus involves the stated promise of the truth that the United States has resolved to make real if it is not already so.
MindWar is not new. Nations' greatest - and least costly - victories have resulted from it, both in time of actual combat and in time of threatened combat. Consider the atomic attacks on Hiroshima and Nagasaki. The physical destruction of those two cities did not destroy Japan's ability to continue fighting. Rather the psychological shock of the weapons destroyed what remained of Japan's national will to fight. Surrender followed; a long and costly ground invasion was averted. 13
He was also under investigation for running a daycare in which children were allegedly ritually abused by satanists. The investigation is surrounded by controversy, for obvious reasons. How very interesting!
e:i keep editting this because my formatting was bad but I also want to point out that while Aquino performed his ritual in the Halls of the Dead he was wearing full Nazi regalia. In case you were wondering about his level of satanic nazi lovingness
Edited by Barbarossa ()
Barbarossa posted:military officer, author of MindWar, full blown satanist, Nazi cult worshipper, and possible head of a pedophilia ring.
its a pretty smart forum here, we get it, you dont need to repeat yourself 4 times