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le_nelson_mandela_face posted:

*loads up Dragon Age youtube of dragons*
"This literally me, teacher. watch and weep"

i was homeschooled and don't regret it but the best school system is obviously mandatory community creches leading into public schools with high leisure time that provide various apprenticeships to the trades while offering open access to colleges for those who want to fart around and write stuff

i would love to read about various socialist countries education systems but other then an account by an ambassador to north korea talking about the nation's emphasize on nurturing and providing for children nobdy i've read has anything to say about it other than 'Soviet Schools? you mean Lysenkoism!!' like that shit didnt end in the 50s
community creches make people sexual deviants because they think all their peers are relatives. look at israel.
You Have Come to a World Called Creche *whip crack*

conec posted:

i think weg is talented

conec this is really good and i just grabbed all the weg i could find. thanks

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it's good yeah, i just like to have some glitchy noise in my dreamy sound these days
world's end girlfriend/mono's palmless prayer/mass murder refrain is super good

Edited by Bablu ()
