
babyfinland posted:

Lessons posted:
yes i remember when you cried about ad-homming and strawmannery for pages on end then curled up into a fetal position screaming "DONT LOOK AT ME! DONT LOOK AT ME!!!" until everyone left the room. i'm glad you've reached a point in your life when you can look back at that and laugh.

that was u actually. cuz what happened was you fell back on 19th C oxford mythologies about method that scholarly consensus refutes and i introduced these arguments to you and you called me a backwards muslim prayerhaveer bc youre a racist cisprivileged (sort of cis. you know what im talking baout)

not really, you gave an explanation that didn't include method at all and i called you on it and you replied that method was "somewhere between mysticism and hermeneutics" and then i coke-slammed you through a deck table and dropped the Stone Cold Stunner

Im gonna fuck with you... cling film over the bowl

babyfinland posted:
Lessons literally believes in the discontinuity of the "Scientific Revolution" lol

this is what happens when u Don't Read Books

this is what happens when you fight a stranger in the alps. The People's Elbow


Lessons posted:

babyfinland posted:

Lessons posted:
yes i remember when you cried about ad-homming and strawmannery for pages on end then curled up into a fetal position screaming "DONT LOOK AT ME! DONT LOOK AT ME!!!" until everyone left the room. i'm glad you've reached a point in your life when you can look back at that and laugh.

that was u actually. cuz what happened was you fell back on 19th C oxford mythologies about method that scholarly consensus refutes and i introduced these arguments to you and you called me a backwards muslim prayerhaveer bc youre a racist cisprivileged (sort of cis. you know what im talking baout)

not really, you gave an explanation that didn't include method at all and i called you on it and you replied that method was "somewhere between mysticism and hermeneutics" and then i coke-slammed you through a deck table and dropped the Stone Cold Stunner

i owned u so hard u dont even realize you've been owned. i see what happened here.

"method" has not one iota of signficance. i dont know where you got this from, probably some atheist pervert's book

Maybe we should all go back and give Capitalism one more honest try and then talk about this again in a couple decades...
[account deactivated]

babyfinland posted:

Lessons posted:

babyfinland posted:

Lessons posted:
yes i remember when you cried about ad-homming and strawmannery for pages on end then curled up into a fetal position screaming "DONT LOOK AT ME! DONT LOOK AT ME!!!" until everyone left the room. i'm glad you've reached a point in your life when you can look back at that and laugh.

that was u actually. cuz what happened was you fell back on 19th C oxford mythologies about method that scholarly consensus refutes and i introduced these arguments to you and you called me a backwards muslim prayerhaveer bc youre a racist cisprivileged (sort of cis. you know what im talking baout)

not really, you gave an explanation that didn't include method at all and i called you on it and you replied that method was "somewhere between mysticism and hermeneutics" and then i coke-slammed you through a deck table and dropped the Stone Cold Stunner

i owned u so hard u dont even realize you've been owned. i see what happened here.

"method" has not one iota of signficance. i dont know where you got this from, probably some atheist pervert's book

yes method doesn't matter you just do whatever you want and get knowledge and/or technology. that's why mathematics is, as they say on Penn and Teller's Bullshit, "Bullshit!"


discipline posted:
Gary Oldman is the most handsome man in Hollywood

Thank you


Goethestein posted:

Lessons posted:
are yall still whining about transsexuals? some people want to be a different gender just get over it you perverts.

It is immoral to tell the mentally ill that is OK, laudable or necessary to castrate themselves

You now what's more immoral than indulging and enabling the mentally ill?? Obsessively attacking them

i guess i understand this, you don't believe method matters so you don't feel compelled to construct coherent arguments. you just expect say whatever you want because logic is a eurocentric lie, you just fart and wail and expect everyone to be convinced because Method Dont Matter Yall.
[account deactivated]
crow im at the airport i need you to pick me up

Lessons posted:

babyfinland posted:

Lessons posted:

babyfinland posted:

Lessons posted:
yes i remember when you cried about ad-homming and strawmannery for pages on end then curled up into a fetal position screaming "DONT LOOK AT ME! DONT LOOK AT ME!!!" until everyone left the room. i'm glad you've reached a point in your life when you can look back at that and laugh.

that was u actually. cuz what happened was you fell back on 19th C oxford mythologies about method that scholarly consensus refutes and i introduced these arguments to you and you called me a backwards muslim prayerhaveer bc youre a racist cisprivileged (sort of cis. you know what im talking baout)

not really, you gave an explanation that didn't include method at all and i called you on it and you replied that method was "somewhere between mysticism and hermeneutics" and then i coke-slammed you through a deck table and dropped the Stone Cold Stunner

i owned u so hard u dont even realize you've been owned. i see what happened here.

"method" has not one iota of signficance. i dont know where you got this from, probably some atheist pervert's book

yes method doesn't matter you just do whatever you want and get knowledge and/or technology. that's why mathematics is, as they say on Penn and Teller's Bullshit, "Bullshit!"

read very carefully lessons. i have restated this literaly a dozen times in a dozen different ways.

method had no significance to the so-called scientific revolution.

i'd like to know what you think occured prior to the empiricist revelation of The Method in the realm of natural discovery, apparently you think people just Did Whatever

i need a ride to Qua the sharks must be fed

Lessons posted:
i guess i understand this, you don't believe method matters so you don't feel compelled to construct coherent arguments. you just expect say whatever you want because logic is a eurocentric lie, you just fart and wail and expect everyone to be convinced because Method Dont Matter Yall.

you are essentially arguing that science didnt exist prior to the scientific revolution, clearly an imperialist notion, because you dont recognize the intellectual environment in which it took place as sufficiently european, empiricist, atheistic, etc

B-but you can only know something if you do it like THIS *gets things wrong anyway, gets redundant results, copies other people's work and translates it into thr empirical form to the applause of strangeweinered goons*

babyfinland posted:
you are essentially arguing that science didnt exist prior to the scientific revolution, clearly an imperialist notion, because you dont recognize the intellectual environment in which it took place as sufficiently european, empiricist, atheistic, etc

no i'm not. there are different scientific methods. there were classical scientists and islamic scientists and modern european scientists. i'm not saying there is One Scientific Method that was discovered and started a scientific revolution, just by chance at the beginning of the colonial era. however that doesn't change the fact that calculus is a whole lot more useful than useful than, say, augury, if you want to construct a bridge.


EmanuelaOrlandi posted:
crow im at the airport i need you to pick me up

Haha should ii do this. Or should I take a nap. HUmm


That, owing partly to the want of ability in historians, and partly to the complexity of social phenomena, extremely little had as yet been done towards discovering the principles that govern the character and destiny of nations, or, in other words, towards establishing a science of history

That, while the theological dogma of predestination is a barren hypothesis beyond the province of knowledge, and the metaphysical dogma of free will rests on an erroneous belief in the infallibility of consciousness, it is proved by science, and especially by statistics, that human actions are governed by laws as fixed and regular as those that rule in the physical world

That climate, soil, food, and the aspects of nature are the primary causes of intellectual progress,--the first three indirectly, through determining the accumulation and distribution of wealth, and the last by directly influencing the accumulation and distribution of thought, the imagination being stimulated and the understanding subdued when the phenomena of the external world are sublime and terrible, the understanding being emboldened and the imagination curbed when they are small and feeble

That the great division between European and non-European civilization turns on the fact that in Europe man is stronger than nature, and that elsewhere nature is stronger than man, the consequence of which is that in Europe alone has man subdued nature to his service

That the advance of European civilization is characterized by a continually diminishing influence of physical laws, and a continually increasing influence of mental laws

That the mental laws that regulate the progress of society cannot be discovered by the metaphysical method, that is, by the introspective study of the individual mind, but only by such a comprehensive survey of facts as enable us to eliminate disturbances, that is, by the method of averages

That human progress has been due, not to moral agencies, which are stationary, and which balance one another in such a manner that their influence is unfelt over any long period, but to intellectual activity, which has been constantly varying and advancing: "The actions of individuals are greatly affected by their moral feelings and passions; but these being antagonistic to the passions and feelings of other individuals, are balanced by them, so that their effect is, in the great average of human affairs, nowhere to be seen, and the total actions of mankind, considered as a whole, are left to be regulated by the total knowledge of which mankind is possessed"

That individual efforts are insignificant in the great mass of human affairs, and that great men, although they exist, and must “at present” be looked upon as disturbing forces, are merely the creatures of the age to which they belong
That religion, literature and government are, at the best, the products and not the causes of civilization

That the progress of civilization varies directly as "scepticism," the disposition to doubt and to investigate, and inversely as "credulity" or "the protective spirit," a disposition to maintain, without examination, established beliefs and practices.

Lessons posted:

babyfinland posted:
you are essentially arguing that science didnt exist prior to the scientific revolution, clearly an imperialist notion, because you dont recognize the intellectual environment in which it took place as sufficiently european, empiricist, atheistic, etc

no i'm not. there are different scientific methods. there were classical scientists and islamic scientists and modern european scientists. i'm not saying there is One Scientific Method that was discovered and started a scientific revolution, just by chance at the beginning of the colonial era. however that doesn't change the fact that calculus is a whole lot more useful than useful than, say, augury, if you want to construct a bridge.

something i have never refuted, nor does anyone argue. you are being so disingenuous just to save face, but youre not saving face, youre just making me stronger, more powerful, more ownage, more best poster. im the best poster.

concession to defeat accepted.

there are, in fact, new methods of scientific discovery emerging, all the time. some aren't happening in teh west. it's almost like different methods of thought are more effective for different intellectual tasks WhoaoAOoa
western scientists do it like this, islamic scientists do it like this
I need to enter my mind palace.

babyfinland posted:
something i have never refuted, nor does anyone argue. you are being so disingenuous just to save face, but youre not saving face, youre just making me stronger, more powerful, more ownage, more best poster. im the best poster.

concession to defeat accepted.

if you think method has nothing to do with scientific development then You Literally Believe That


jools posted:
western scientists do it like this, islamic scientists do it like this

intellectual environment is relevant to how people compose their discoveries and how those discoveries constitute themselves later within a given society but none of that is neither here nor there when we are discussing the "~~SCIENTIFIC REVOLUTION~~" except to point out that perhaps this revolution is simply a revolution of form, superficial

I wish I could pick up jools from the airport, I hear he's even more white than druxx. GARY. GARY HELP ME ACT MY WAY OUT OF THIS

jools posted:
western scientists do it like this, islamic scientists do it like this

a Literal true fact, science exists within a societal context


Lessons posted:

babyfinland posted:
something i have never refuted, nor does anyone argue. you are being so disingenuous just to save face, but youre not saving face, youre just making me stronger, more powerful, more ownage, more best poster. im the best poster.

concession to defeat accepted.

if you think method has nothing to do with scientific development then You Literally Believe That

you use "method" so vaguely i don't even know what you mean by it anymore. you're just accusing me of not using a word you like enough at this point, lessons, since you seem to understand and agree the point i'm making. but i must be wrong because i believe in god i guess right

im white as hell and im not gonna take it any more
i think the middle ground you are looking for is called structuralism but idk

babyfinland posted:

Goethestein posted:
The west was elevated to ruler via colonialism, which was possible due to their superior technology

technology they adopted from islamicate and chinese civilization, and the circumstances permitting colonialism were far more incidental than determined by those technologies (seeing as how the rest of the world had them before they did). colonialism preceded most of europe's unique scientific development

lol no. The compass, Astrolabe, cannon, firearm, and crossbow were all of European design, and their ships as well


babyfinland posted:

Lessons posted:

babyfinland posted:
something i have never refuted, nor does anyone argue. you are being so disingenuous just to save face, but youre not saving face, youre just making me stronger, more powerful, more ownage, more best poster. im the best poster.

concession to defeat accepted.

if you think method has nothing to do with scientific development then You Literally Believe That

you use "method" so vaguely i don't even know what you mean by it anymore. you're just accusing me of not using a word you like enough at this point, lessons, since you seem to understand and agree the point i'm making. but i must be wrong because i believe in god i guess right

yes i'm pretty sure it's entirely a semantic argument, but that doesn't change the fact that you gotta die


Lessons posted:

jools posted:
western scientists do it like this, islamic scientists do it like this

a Literal true fact, science exists within a societal context

Yeah, it also is constituted by ideology, but I also have no idea what you mean by 'method' so I'm not really sure what you're even arguing. Time to drop you off at the airport

Someone change "NounsareVerbs" name to "NounsareSerbs"

jools posted:
im white as hell and im not gonna take it any more



Goethestein posted:

babyfinland posted:

Goethestein posted:
The west was elevated to ruler via colonialism, which was possible due to their superior technology

technology they adopted from islamicate and chinese civilization, and the circumstances permitting colonialism were far more incidental than determined by those technologies (seeing as how the rest of the world had them before they did). colonialism preceded most of europe's unique scientific development

lol no. The compass, Astrolabe, cannon, firearm, and crossbow were all of European design, and their ships as well

holy shit lol

the astrolabe is older than books grumblefish reads
Gunpowder, in vented in the west
i am a southern people with one unwavering belief - that nouns and verbs have no essential difference from each other, as subjects or objects, in the world of the real

babyfinland posted:

Goethestein posted:

babyfinland posted:

Goethestein posted:
The west was elevated to ruler via colonialism, which was possible due to their superior technology

technology they adopted from islamicate and chinese civilization, and the circumstances permitting colonialism were far more incidental than determined by those technologies (seeing as how the rest of the world had them before they did). colonialism preceded most of europe's unique scientific development

lol no. The compass, Astrolabe, cannon, firearm, and crossbow were all of European design, and their ships as well

holy shit lol

lmao is even a single one of these a european invention??