sure, but again, this is all coming literally decades after the body of work people refer to when they talk about her ideas. i obviously don't think it's wrong to point out the deficiencies there, but late in life turns towards reaction aren't exactly uncommon, and i think it has very little to no bearing on the things she spent the entirety of her life dedicated to talking about
any evidence to back up the claim Dworkin was a Zionist?

i've read some iffy stuff from her on Israel but she seemed to be sympathetic to the plight of the Palestinians. i know that sounds like liberal zionism but i can't really hold it against her when she wrote it. in fact, widespread support anti-Zionism and the one state solution is a relatively recent development.
in the link i posted she claims

the Israelis are my guys, a miracle of self-determination and courage. Well, they took the land; but they had to.

it goes on to say that:

She was a good Jewish girl in a pro-Israel home: "And all of my remaining family are, I would say, Zionist zealots." She remains a supporter of Israel's right to exist, of the Jewish right to have their own state and the Jewish right to fight back against those who tried and still try to kill them; just as she thinks that women have the right to fight back, even kill, the men who have abused them. "I've been a pacifist all of my life, currently lapsed, and maybe before I die I'll go back to my religion, which is pacifism," she said.

she follows it up by noting that

brutality has become institutionalised in Israel as expressions of male dominance and state sovereignty - over Jewish/Israeli women as well as over Palestinian men and women.

but at that point its basically saying that they were necessary casualties in the need to carve out a safe space for jews

like i said, it seems like a really confused point, at least to me



I put "650" as the weight in a daily caloric needs calculator and it gave me an error saying "please enter a valid weight"

omg 650 pounds is a BMI of almost 200.
people who complain about how BMI is not accurate are reskinned versions of the people who believe that their heroin use is not a problem
i had a personal trainer that was obese according to bmi (not morbid tho) he was fit as hell, just a think frame lots of muscle
yeah goatstein is talking about how an obese person might r eference your personal trainer to try to claim their own astronomic bmi isn't valid
right the truth is indeed somewhere in the middle
the other thing i see a lot is when people say that being fat and having diabetes isn't unhealthy if you maintain your blood glucose levels. yeah alright you're eating 4,000 calories a day but i'm sure most of that is from foods with a low glycemic index. lady don't kid a kidder. my cheat day is any day that ends in 'day'.

libelous_slander posted:

i had a personal trainer that was obese according to bmi (not morbid tho) he was fit as hell, just a think frame lots of muscle

i knew a guy in the hospital who had a button that let him have all the morphine he wanted and he turned out fine


le_nelson_mandela_face posted:

omg 650 pounds is a BMI of almost 200.

wait no it isnt where the hell did i get this

maybe you accidentally put 650 pounds for this hypothetical height

Themselves posted:

same but only with very short girls, like maybe 2-3 cm.

now goatstein can ifap me and conec can free me
i read a jezebel article that said 'the US government is literally waging a war on fat people" and i googled army recruiting offices in my area
[account deactivated]
the system works

le_nelson_mandela_face posted:

le_nelson_mandela_face posted:

omg 650 pounds is a BMI of almost 200.

wait no it isnt where the hell did i get this

oh i inputted 650 kg instead of pounds. check out this dude, the only human ever recorded to have a BMI of over 200 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Khalid_Bin_Mohsen_Shaari


Themselves posted:

getfiscal posted:

roseweird posted:

i actually only date the ghosts of gangsters from the 1920s

Apropos of nothing, I look somewhat like Al Capone.

i like that you look like a tough character and he looks rather personable

you in carcossa now boy

it turns out that muammar gaddafi used to be handsome
i agree with the first part of your meme fringus, but the way capitalism affects individual choice in sexual relations as well as "pair bonding" extends so much further than alcoholic courting and simple lies

people's understandings of who they are, what the other is, and how to relate in a positive, healthy way are so deeply shaped directly or indirectly by capital that simple consent has almost little to nothing to do with it at all. the petty-bourgeois egos of most young singles only reaffirms and streamlines this process.

i approve of your entryism through radical tumblring
especially for how handsome he was, gaddafi (RIP) got really gross with age, like way more than most people

Agnus_Dei posted:

it turns out that muammar gaddafi used to be handsome

Hell yea, brah.

indeed, for a brief moment, he was the most handsome man on TV

getfiscal posted:


getfiscal posted:

I made this today:


i genuinely love you as a human being


Three, community built on androgynous identity will mean the end of transsexuality as we know it. Either the transsexual will be able to expand his/her sexuality into a fluid androgyny, or, as roles disppear, the phenomenon of transsexuality will disappear and that energy will be transformed into new modes of sexual identity and behavior.

This! THIS!!!!!


Superabound posted:

i genuinely love you as a human being

Thank you. When I posted those a few people I know got angry at me for not loving science.

my new angle is just to say that all health care should be mandatory. like when people are like argh vaccines are not a choice i'm like yeah... regular blood donation should be mandatory too. and we should ban smoking. and the gym should be free and mandatory. science rules.
[account deactivated]

conec posted:

i think healthy choices should be mandatory too

True... True.


getfiscal posted:

my new angle is just to say that all health care should be mandatory. like when people are like argh vaccines are not a choice i'm like yeah... regular blood donation should be mandatory too. and we should ban smoking. and the gym should be free and mandatory. science rules.

pro-vaccine activists are literally the most rabidly fascist/bloodthirsty people on the internet. they honestly think that coughing on someone is a form of attempted murder

we should make smoking illegal and make vaping mandatory bro
handsome qaddafi is looking at my posts and being like "aw yeah"