One of the cruelties of school is, “All young people must go to this place and absorb instruction, 6 hours a day, 5 days a week.” It’s the law. There’s no getting around it (unless your parents are privileged enough and willing to homeschool you). And that, in and of itself, is violence.
teens are really dumb

postposting posted:

teens are really dumb


Goat Stein, we spend too much time making fun of people online. We need to come up with some ideas for making a lot of money. If you already have an idea I might be able to help.
my idea for making a lot of money: making fun of people online. i call it the lowtax maneuver.

getfiscal posted:

Goat Stein, we spend too much time making fun of people online. We need to come up with some ideas for making a lot of money. If you already have an idea I might be able to help.

breed and sell pit bull dachsund mixes

[account deactivated]
school sucks though
this is a "thing" now? and somehow goatstein knows about it? that's pretty weird (no offense)

le_nelson_mandela_face posted:

(unless your parents are privileged enough and willing to homeschool you)

so lately i've been doing some work with a support community for survivors of abusive homeschooling (so all homeschooling), esp new evangelical movements like Quiverfull families. there's this huge problem of long term captive indoctrination where even once they understand that the situation that they were in was fucked up their sense of reality and what healthy home life, family relationships, education etc are supposed to be like is severely damaged.

the fact that someone from outside of that horrible cycle of abuse is looking in and seeing a bountiful utopia of spoiled elites who need to check their privilege, effectively replicating that same propaganda structure onto themselves on their own initiative, shouldn't surprise me anymore but i think i'm going to die laughing/sobbing

Good point goatstein, we need to really stick it to these literal children complaining about their parents. Show those 12-year-olds whos boss.

Lessons posted:

Good point goatstein, we need to really stick it to these literal children complaining about their parents. Show those 12-year-olds whos boss.

does it seem strangely anti-marxist to you


le_nelson_mandela_face posted:

Lessons posted:

Good point goatstein, we need to really stick it to these literal children complaining about their parents. Show those 12-year-olds whos boss.

does it seem strangely anti-marxist to you

WTF are you talking about you deranged freak.

The ideal target for goatstein would be like a quadruple amputee or maybe a coma patient, whoever has the least potential to fight back.

Lessons posted:

le_nelson_mandela_face posted:

Lessons posted:

Good point goatstein, we need to really stick it to these literal children complaining about their parents. Show those 12-year-olds whos boss.

does it seem strangely anti-marxist to you

WTF are you talking about you deranged freak.

these literal children complaining about their parents

let's talk some more about adult privilege. for example, legally as an adult i can have sex with mccaine if we both want to, but a child cannot have sex with mccaine even though they both want to
Yeah honey my side small business is going great! Annabelle's college fund is overflowing!

*is actually thinking of some amazing burn on a gay teen*

[account deactivated]

shriekingviolet posted:

le_nelson_mandela_face posted:

(unless your parents are privileged enough and willing to homeschool you)

so lately i've been doing some work with a support community for survivors of abusive homeschooling (so all homeschooling), esp new evangelical movements like Quiverfull families. there's this huge problem of long term captive indoctrination where even once they understand that the situation that they were in was fucked up their sense of reality and what healthy home life, family relationships, education etc are supposed to be like is severely damaged.

the fact that someone from outside of that horrible cycle of abuse is looking in and seeing a bountiful utopia of spoiled elites who need to check their privilege, effectively replicating that same propaganda structure onto themselves on their own initiative, shouldn't surprise me anymore but i think i'm going to die laughing/sobbing

That's an extremely ahistorical and liberal view of human nature.

there is seriously a market for dogs with incongruously sized heads
'Abuse' and 'indoctrination' are presumably horrible things like reading the Bible, and a 'healthy education' is the Prussian military-bureaucratic education which is, as we all know, the form of learning best suited to human flourishing.
a dog with a head too big would be cruel. all that stress on the spinal column and all that brain putting heavy demands on the heart and lungs. but a dog with a head way too small would probably be ok. imagine the reverse, a pit bull body with a dachsund sized head. incredible
[account deactivated]
all bodies are beautiful

le_nelson_mandela_face posted:

when adult privileges axes other privileges you can count on my axe to fight agains the axes of evil


getfiscal posted:

Goat Stein, we spend too much time making fun of people online. We need to come up with some ideas for making a lot of money. If you already have an idea I might be able to help.

star of david shaped shuriken, dumbass

[account deactivated]

swirlsofhistory posted:

'Abuse' and 'indoctrination' are presumably horrible things like reading the Bible, and a 'healthy education' is the Prussian military-bureaucratic education which is, as we all know, the form of learning best suited to human flourishing.

Hi, first of all I didn't intend to imply that first world capitalist public education structures are any good at all, so for that I apologize. Second, I don't care if you're being deliberately obtuse for irony's sake or if you actually believe that this shit is relatively benign, but this isn't some half baked tumblr whiner fantasy.

Quiverfull is an organized christian community that subjects women and children to deliberate deprivation and total dependence on a totalitarian father figure, women are kept confined to the home and kept continually pregnant until their bodies give out from the strain and lack of proper medical care, they suffer organized sexual abuse including the rape of children, and vicious escalating physical violence that starts as early as smacking a newborn until it learns not to cry out, occasionally ending in the 'accidental death' of a child. You can find instructions on how to do all this under the lifestyle section of certain christian bookstores.

The homeschooling community at large enables, excuses, and covers up this systematic destruction of human lives, out of a mixture of wanting to defend the existence of their own homeschooling paradigms (which are of at best mixed quality) and a good helping of somewhat deliberate ignorance.

The existence of a few good homeschooling parents or programs is as irrelevant as the existence of the mythical good cop: even if/when they exist their presence is the excuse at the foundation of a monstrous structure that needs to be abolished. Thanks for reading my angry words.

[account deactivated]
[account deactivated]
The total severing of exterior social ties (or in the case of a lot of kids, they are never built up in the first place) precludes anyone outside the family or your local homeschool community intervening in or even noticing an abusive situation, and in a lot of the more severe cases such as Quiverfull the community actively tolerates or condones, even encourages abuse and is its own self contained system. Getting yourself out of a situation like that without any exterior support and/or not even knowing how to find help is extremely difficult, even before we get into problems like an isolated physical location.

I know a lot of homeschool kids in healthier situations have relatively normal access to socialization, but there are far more than most people think who are totally isolated, you can't notice what you never see. I didn't really intend to claim a 'unique' situation except perhaps for the combination of its severity and the lack of public acknowledgement/support. It's a particular community of survivors I've been working with and I just wanted to share :/
goon project: communist madrassah
[account deactivated]
i had friends in texas who were homeschooled because there parents were liberal and recognized (rightly) that the texas education system is garbage and saw homeschooling as an alternative to expensive private schools (mostly all protestant prep schools in the area anyways). they are fine and definitely learned math and stuff at a faster rate than most people did in public schools. tho they were probably a minority and im sure that in the austin-area homeschooling 'community' that i tangentially experienced through being friends with them there were definitely lots of loons loons.

Edited by EmanuelaBrolandi ()

im going to homeschool my children by having them read Marxist literature/Infowars and watch black power documentaries and episodes of America Unearthed on H2
also lots of gun/survival training aka P.E.
[account deactivated]