Hi friends, I’m a white, American, middle-class, mostly nondisabled, afab non-binary girl (it’s complicated, don’t ask) and baby feminist radical slogging my way through college! I love BL and consume a loooot of BL ( ) but the poor representation of women, absolutely abysmal treatment of consent, etc etc in the genre are continual points of frustration for me, just as I think radical/intersectional/whatever-label-fits feminism provides a useful lens through which to examine gender politics and other feminist issues (such as class, disability, sexuality, race/ethnicity etc) in the genre. So I'm now making this website about BL in order to vent, and turn my rambly thoughts into something productive, and hopefully entertain/inform fellow fans of BL and fellow feminists who are sick of the awful in the genre.

I really want to keep this a fun, informal space, as well as one that’s safe for people of all identities (marginalized identities). That means:

  • talk to me! offer your thoughts, opinions, requests and questions! my perspective is limited, it’s just my own and no one else’s, so I’d love to see other people add onto my thoughts.
  • if you have information I don’t or you think I’ve screwed up, let me know! especially if you have access to Japanese feminist scholarship, hot dang please gimme some of that
  • no slurs, no antagonism, no apologism
  • more rules may be added when/if this website becomes a bigger thing

That’s it! A big thank you to my followers, I hope you enjoy the new direction for this website~

Edited by germanjoey ()

what is BL

EmanuelaBrolandi posted:

what is BL

Black Lagoon.

This is reall the new direction we need!! V excite for the new rhzzone style

So, in terms of upcoming content, I’m definitely gonna do some fumi yoshinaga at one point as per the suggestion of a pal, and I might review okane ga nai for funsies. (!!!!!!!!!!!!! I get to tear something apart omg) just the ova b/c hell no am I putting myself through that manga. ug h so bad

and then gosh I’D LIKE TO DO SOMETHING POPULAR but junjou romantica et al are so looooooooong and so paaaaainful to get through b/c of all the shitty conseeeeent (maybe I’ll do hey class president. I have such a huge soft spot for that manga ;o

EmanuelaBrolandi posted:

what is BL

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* rhizzone stock oscillates wildly *
civ4 is a bad game



[account deactivated]
really glad I watched that in 3D
[account deactivated]

EmanuelaBrolandi posted:

what is BL



tpaine posted:

joey can you change my username to Sir Rhosis and change discipline's username to Jeanne D'Ice and make us co-mods of a new rhizzone Drink Yourself to Death Forum

i dont like changing usernames but i'll do the latter thing

[account deactivated]
[account deactivated]
Goey I'm learning django now lol.






[account deactivated]
its an exact replica of joeys earthly visage
really excited and energized about the new subforum DYtD
I can't wait to start posting about my favorite type of bread here on the newly christened Ryezone. "Rye is good" is a popular saying here, and we will defend this motto against any and all rye-visionists
ed that fucker

stegosaurus posted:

Goey I'm learning django now lol.

hell yeah, now you can fix this broke ass website

is that broke-ass website or broke ass-website

tpaine posted:

what the fuck is that awful looking avatar anyway. some kind of unspeakable webcomic or something?

its my all time most favourited webcomic, www.moonoverjune.com


gyrofry posted:

is that broke-ass website or broke ass-website

neither, there's no hyphen grammatically necessary in my statement.

by the way, in my first and only abuse of power in 4 years of not running this website, i have sent the user "Panopticon" to the IFAP for crimes of blasphemy against Gameing.
T-Paine I think you're really going to enjoy Moon Over June. please post your fav strips here in my thread!


gyrofry posted:

is that broke-ass website or broke ass-website

neither, there's no hyphen grammatically necessary in my statement.

[account deactivated]
[account deactivated]
T-paine are you caught up with the MooN Over June back catalogue yet.
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