and upon victory, voila:
(tim weber is an ex-BBC news editor, and currently a director/senior vice-president at pr giant edelman)
one of the main vectors for this crap is the interpreter magazine, who have a great piece up by spook and dick pic sender john r schindler:
oh and of course everyone's favourite swedish ex-foreign minister and literal CIA agent got in on the fun too:
discipline posted:The PSL statement on this is p. excellent
This one?
The combined seats of SYRIZA and the KKE would have been enough to form a majority government without the participation of the Independent Greeks or any other ruling-class party. But the Communist Party refused in advance to have any kind of cooperation with SYRIZA inside or outside the parliament. They have focused instead on sharply criticizing the party’s electoral opportunism and reformism.
The KKE advances a program for the revolutionary transformation of society, leaving the EU and nationalizing all major industries under people’s control. The problem is not with this program, but that their abstentionist tactical orientation cannot help guide the masses at this critical moment to it.
It would be one thing if the masses of people were demanding that the organized working class, led by the KKE, seize power. But that is not happening and the KKE is not actively planning insurrection. The broad masses, who are moving to the left, have great expectations about reversing devastating austerity and are looking to SYRIZA’s leadership to provide this. For revolutionary consciousness and conclusions to broadly develop, the masses of people will have to go through their own political experiences that expose the inadequacy of the reformist left. This will not happen by waiting for people to learn the hard way, and then come running to the communists, which appears to be the KKE strategy.
A communist party must play the most active role alongside the people in whatever form their present struggle for reform takes, proving themselves the most sacrificing, adept and principled elements within that struggle at every stage. People who desire profound change but retain social-democratic illusions are generally not moved to follow those who correctly predicted that they would fail. More likely is demoralization or growing susceptibility to right-wing and fascist demagogy, which has historically made use of such divisions between communists and social democrats.
The KKE refusal to form any sort of united front with SYRIZA, even a highly conditional and critical one, creates a wall between the party membership and the millions who just voted for SYRIZA because they want it to succeed in reversing the bankers’ austerity. This makes it harder, not easier, to politically break SYRIZA’s rank and file away from its social-democratic leadership.
The SYRIZA reformist leadership is perfectly happy that the KKE is not pressing for a socialist/communist majority government. It lets them off the hook with their leftist base and allows them to open negotiations with Europe’s bankers free from the taint of association with the “communist party.” But credibility of the communists does not grow by what could be perceived as the active sabotage of social-democrats. Many SYRIZA supporters will accept their leadership’s words when they are told that the communists’ sectarian refusals made right-wing compromises necessary.
In his famous 1920 polemic Left-Wing Communism: A Infantile Disorder, Lenin reviewed the Bolsheviks’ history of complex compromises, electoral united fronts with reformists, and other tactical maneuvers that were essential to winning over broad masses to the need for revolution. Leninist tactics – including the forming and undoing of temporary united fronts with non-revolutionary parties – derived from the varied and complex political struggles that were a precondition for the maturation of revolutionary consciousness.
jools posted:a small part of me is hopeful that western syriza boosters will see what's going on and become more sensible, but eh
More likely many of them will jump on the bandwagon and urge Syriza to take a stronger line against Putin's Dastardly Scheme for World Domination.
so, bringing a neonazi party into government is merely a "technical decision", in this case?
Edited by jools ()
Meanwhile, from U.S. funded Radio "Liberty"....
RedMaistre posted:Meanwhile, from U.S. funded Radio "Liberty"....
hahaha came here to post this
The RFE/FL article mentions Nicolas Laos fawning over Dugin and pledging his support etc. Theres no evidence Laos is a "Syriza adviser", and anyway, the emails also have a long exchange between Dugin and Gavrish talking about how how Laos is a weirdo and possibly a high ranking freemason(!!) which culminates in Dugin saying, fuck it, i will friend him on facebook and see what happens. What happens is Laos falls all over himself trying to suck Dugin off. Big Deal
So then there's something about Kammenos, the leader of Independent Greece and new Foreign Minister, and his ties to Moscow. This comes via an email from "Dimitris Konstantakopoulos, who was apparently doing strategy consultation for Syriza" - once again, no actual evidence for a Syriza link here, at all. Shekhovtsov has blogged about this connection between Konstantakopoulos and Dugin also, saying he is a Syriza man.
Also no one seems to be addressing the inescapable stagnation of the European Union (and the world economy) and that the world rate of profit remains depressed. Thus the situation is going to get much worse before it gets better. The exception are the true left communist infantiles like Andrew Kliman and Michael Roberts. For greeks, who've had a civil war and a fascist dictatorship to suppress the KKE, communist revolution isn't a game and it isn't cheap political negotiation. The KKE in their statements and on the street/working class organization have shown me nothing but clarity and purpose.
babyhueypnewton posted:I dont get the PSL's line here at all. The KKE has clearly expressed it's decision based on the failure of Eurocommunism and post-WWII popular frontism. Instead of actually addressing this they've already decided what is going to happen with vague references to Weimar Germany. There's more to history than the NAZIs.
Also no one seems to be addressing the inescapable stagnation of the European Union (and the world economy) and that the world rate of profit remains depressed. Thus the situation is going to get much worse before it gets better. The exception are the true left communist infantiles like Andrew Kliman and Michael Roberts. For greeks, who've had a civil war and a fascist dictatorship to suppress the KKE, communist revolution isn't a game and it isn't cheap political negotiation. The KKE in their statements and on the street/working class organization have shown me nothing but clarity and purpose.
LeFtist groups (in order of world importance, likelihood of leading a revolution, and blogworthiness):
Jacobin Mag - these guys are doing some good graphic design and writing words and then eventually when they've written enough articles about how bad the world is the world will wake up and become good.
Naxalites - these guys patrol the forests with guns and slay large numbers of policemen with ease. their slogan used to be "land to the tiller" and they aimed at land redistribution and the destruction of the share-cropping system. they are Meowists, which means like the tiger which is a potent symbol of their jungle home, they believe that only under constant threat will the state give in to your demands. currently pursuing the protracted peoples war, which is where you use the sharp end of a protractor to stab your enemies in their vulnerable flesh parts.
Maoist Third Worldists (MTWists or McTwists as they are known colloquially) - a bunch of first-worlders whose correct revolutionary line involves realising that the first world is incapable of any significant action so we should sit around in our E-Z Chairs waiting for the colored people to uprise and slay us.
Syriza - these guys are real hardcore communists of the financial variety. they are gonna renegotiate the terms of Greece's Eurozone bailout and end austerity, thereby ushering in a glorious Age of Red Growth (+2 Research for next 30 turns). People from all over the EU will see this success and join in by moving to Greece or instating Permanent Revolution in their own state.
PiSSL (Party international Supporting Socialism & Liberation) - these guys, from when i talked to them at their Halloween party, are a bunch of union dudes and immigrants that think ecosocialism is the light. they are pretty allright and propose raising the minimum wage and ending global ecological destruction and human extinction which is good to me. they also had pretty heavy drinks for 5$, including some real moonshine which was also good to me.
Anarchists - a bunch of bros who wear black and listen to post-hardcore and would be mad that I called them a group. Their strategy is to break enough Starbucks windows until capitalists get mad and society dissolves, whereupon their local gardening group will have a monopoly on food and they can become lords in the neofeudal regime.
Russia - they used to be communists and now they're capitalists, but Putin is a good guy (pals with the lion Assad). their strategy is to expand and defend their territory in face of threats by the West and reintegrate economically with Germany and China to become a superpower again.
Slavoj "Full Communishm" Zizek - this guy's a group all on his own given how much garbled text he outputs per fiscal year. he thinks fascism is good as long as we call it communism and exists to troll liberals and communists by claiming every position opposite them and then unclaiming it with reference to a scene in a David Lynch film that he hasn't seen and was never made. this guy's idea of revolution is a really nice dinner party with lobsters and cocaine instead of champagne. his plan is to keep writing books, sleeping with his young bride, and giving lectures while gesticulating wildly until he dies of a heart attack at age 83.
Google - these guys have a road map to revolution known as Google Maps. funded by CIA since early on, they plan to usher in the Singularity and become the stewards to a god-like AI controlling a vast army of drones and NSA contractors.
MMT - modern monetary theory are some economists who realized you can just print money to pay for stuff if you're a government. they support a job guarantee or a minimum income, or both, which is good, as well as infrastructure and other state spending to get us out of a recession. they don't realize that no one cares about your economic theory even if it's right if you don't have dudes with guns on your side, so they will continue blogging until they fall asleep and we fall asleep reading their articles.
Rote Armee Faktion - these dudes are kinda like Naxalites but for Germany. they surrendered because the state beat them up, but they shot some ex-Nazi dudes along the way. their strategy is to be sexy and get featured in HOllywood movies inspiring the Youth of Today to wear more Che Guevara shirts and buy illegal AK-47s.
The Rhizzone - these guys (and 3 women) use irony poisoning and advanced dialectics to corrupt the mentally ill into becoming communists. known for using slang words and clever puns to accomplish the detournement of the detritus of the post-9/11 late capitalist web 3.2 cultural memeplex. The revolution will not be televised, but it will be posted on forums. Some of them also have blogs. Sam Kriss, the famous journalist and literary talent, originated in this swampy cesspool and gained his fame by mixing LF memes with liberalism and unadulterated british ponce.
Naked Capitalists - Readers of Yves Smith blog, including the reknowned Lord Koos among their number, who have not yet realized violence is an important part of strategy, but have realized the corrupt and deformed nature of teh beourguiouse state.
Earth First - these ecoterrorists have decided that solving global warming is only possible by smashing the industrial equipment of capitalism. sometiems they eat tofu which makes them not manly enough to believe in the necessity of violence against people too.
Less Wrong - these guys are a Singularitarian cult allied with Google thru funding by Peter Thiel and other technolibertarians and who think Rationalism will save us all, by us meaning white IT guys who have no academic degrees in AI or published papers. Cult of personality aroudn one of the aforementioned known as Eliezer Yudkowsky, whose a dirty Jew rat (big nose).
Bilderberg Group - according to a recently released book these guys control the Deep State and are in league with Nazis whom they fund to infiltrate Ukraine and Australia. Hitler's still alive in Argentina so they probably drop by and have Bratwursts and 0.0 with him once a year. ex-Royal Jews, they now live in a walled compound inside the Tower of London where they bathe in gold ducats.
Republicans - these guys want to accelerate the death of humanity, which is why tpaine votes for them and you should too.
Petrol posted:RedMaistre posted:Meanwhile, from U.S. funded Radio "Liberty"....
http://www.rferl.org/content/greek-syriza-deep-ties-russian-eurasianist-dugin/26818523.htmlhahaha came here to post this
One analyst describes Aleksandr Dugin's vision as "a radical form of anti-Westernism" that ultimately comes down to "a fascist program."
getfiscal posted:NoFreeWill posted this in IFAP, which I am reposting here, and then letting him out.
LeFtist groups (in order of world importance, likelihood of leading a revolution, and blogworthiness):
Jacobin Mag - these guys are doing some good graphic design and writing words and then eventually when they've written enough articles about how bad the world is the world will wake up and become good.
Naxalites - these guys patrol the forests with guns and slay large numbers of policemen with ease. their slogan used to be "land to the tiller" and they aimed at land redistribution and the destruction of the share-cropping system. they are Meowists, which means like the tiger which is a potent symbol of their jungle home, they believe that only under constant threat will the state give in to your demands. currently pursuing the protracted peoples war, which is where you use the sharp end of a protractor to stab your enemies in their vulnerable flesh parts.
Maoist Third Worldists (MTWists or McTwists as they are known colloquially) - a bunch of first-worlders whose correct revolutionary line involves realising that the first world is incapable of any significant action so we should sit around in our E-Z Chairs waiting for the colored people to uprise and slay us.
Syriza - these guys are real hardcore communists of the financial variety. they are gonna renegotiate the terms of Greece's Eurozone bailout and end austerity, thereby ushering in a glorious Age of Red Growth (+2 Research for next 30 turns). People from all over the EU will see this success and join in by moving to Greece or instating Permanent Revolution in their own state.
PiSSL (Party international Supporting Socialism & Liberation) - these guys, from when i talked to them at their Halloween party, are a bunch of union dudes and immigrants that think ecosocialism is the light. they are pretty allright and propose raising the minimum wage and ending global ecological destruction and human extinction which is good to me. they also had pretty heavy drinks for 5$, including some real moonshine which was also good to me.
Anarchists - a bunch of bros who wear black and listen to post-hardcore and would be mad that I called them a group. Their strategy is to break enough Starbucks windows until capitalists get mad and society dissolves, whereupon their local gardening group will have a monopoly on food and they can become lords in the neofeudal regime.
Russia - they used to be communists and now they're capitalists, but Putin is a good guy (pals with the lion Assad). their strategy is to expand and defend their territory in face of threats by the West and reintegrate economically with Germany and China to become a superpower again.
Slavoj "Full Communishm" Zizek - this guy's a group all on his own given how much garbled text he outputs per fiscal year. he thinks fascism is good as long as we call it communism and exists to troll liberals and communists by claiming every position opposite them and then unclaiming it with reference to a scene in a David Lynch film that he hasn't seen and was never made. this guy's idea of revolution is a really nice dinner party with lobsters and cocaine instead of champagne. his plan is to keep writing books, sleeping with his young bride, and giving lectures while gesticulating wildly until he dies of a heart attack at age 83.
Google - these guys have a road map to revolution known as Google Maps. funded by CIA since early on, they plan to usher in the Singularity and become the stewards to a god-like AI controlling a vast army of drones and NSA contractors.
MMT - modern monetary theory are some economists who realized you can just print money to pay for stuff if you're a government. they support a job guarantee or a minimum income, or both, which is good, as well as infrastructure and other state spending to get us out of a recession. they don't realize that no one cares about your economic theory even if it's right if you don't have dudes with guns on your side, so they will continue blogging until they fall asleep and we fall asleep reading their articles.
Rote Armee Faktion - these dudes are kinda like Naxalites but for Germany. they surrendered because the state beat them up, but they shot some ex-Nazi dudes along the way. their strategy is to be sexy and get featured in HOllywood movies inspiring the Youth of Today to wear more Che Guevara shirts and buy illegal AK-47s.
The Rhizzone - these guys (and 3 women) use irony poisoning and advanced dialectics to corrupt the mentally ill into becoming communists. known for using slang words and clever puns to accomplish the detournement of the detritus of the post-9/11 late capitalist web 3.2 cultural memeplex. The revolution will not be televised, but it will be posted on forums. Some of them also have blogs. Sam Kriss, the famous journalist and literary talent, originated in this swampy cesspool and gained his fame by mixing LF memes with liberalism and unadulterated british ponce.
Naked Capitalists - Readers of Yves Smith blog, including the reknowned Lord Koos among their number, who have not yet realized violence is an important part of strategy, but have realized the corrupt and deformed nature of teh beourguiouse state.
Earth First - these ecoterrorists have decided that solving global warming is only possible by smashing the industrial equipment of capitalism. sometiems they eat tofu which makes them not manly enough to believe in the necessity of violence against people too.
Less Wrong - these guys are a Singularitarian cult allied with Google thru funding by Peter Thiel and other technolibertarians and who think Rationalism will save us all, by us meaning white IT guys who have no academic degrees in AI or published papers. Cult of personality aroudn one of the aforementioned known as Eliezer Yudkowsky, whose a dirty Jew rat (big nose).
Bilderberg Group - according to a recently released book these guys control the Deep State and are in league with Nazis whom they fund to infiltrate Ukraine and Australia. Hitler's still alive in Argentina so they probably drop by and have Bratwursts and 0.0 with him once a year. ex-Royal Jews, they now live in a walled compound inside the Tower of London where they bathe in gold ducats.
Republicans - these guys want to accelerate the death of humanity, which is why tpaine votes for them and you should too.
lmao. why was he in ifap..
stegosaurus posted:lwhy was he in ifap..
because you touch yourself at night
stegosaurus posted:lmao. why was he in ifap..
stegosaurus posted:let me once again note that getfiscal is getting these upvotes when they belong to nofreewill...
Good point. I'm donating every upvote I receive for that post to the Grameen Bank for microloans to poor Bangladeshi women.
Hitler Mag: hah. nice stuff. lots of jokes, probably some articles, really enjoying the section where they show pics of dead animals. potential is high here.
Golden Dawn: the greek mein kampf will be the must read of 2016
Slavoj Zizek: said something about ethnic cleansing. tentative nomination for future hitler
Russia: For a bunch of slavs who almost single handedly crushed european fascism, these guys sure do love fascism!
Hitler Again: being possessed by hiltler is a rite of passage in most western societies. but did you know many people have never even heard of hitler
The United States of America:only made the list because they killed some black people . otherwise not facist AT ALL
Canada: some really pathetic shootout happened and youre all nazis now. jump on the bandwagon much?
ukip: lead by a human creature. vote for human creature for rulership. you will reward with 58746 mummify human bodies which belong to this human creature.
discipline posted:The Bhaskar Sunkara left is just threatened by comparison
A question of respect (or lack thereof)… – the Greek veto over Russia that never was
Posted on January 29, 2015 by yanisv
On the first day in our ministries, the power of the media to distort hit me again. The world’s press was full of reports on how the SYRIZA government’s first foreign policy ‘move’ was to veto fresh sanctions on Russia. Now, I am not qualified to speak on foreign affairs but, nonetheless, I must share this with you at a personal level. Our Foreign Minister, Nikos Kotzias, briefed us that on his first day at the job he heard in the news bulletins that the EU had approved new sanctions on Russia unanimously. The problem was that he, and the new Greek government, were never asked! So, clearly, the issue was not whether our new government agrees or not with fresh sanctions on Russia. The issue is whether our view can be taken for granted without even being told of what it is! From my perspective, even though (let me state it again) I am certainly not qualified to speak on foreign affairs, this is all about a question of respect for our national sovereignty. Could journalists the world over try to draw this important distinction between protesting our being neglected from protesting the sanctions themselves? Or is this too complicated?
but no by all means let's publish racist articles about how this One Thing proves theyre just russian sycophants and not real lefties
getfiscal posted:here's some trash from the fake left http://www.independent.co.uk/voices/comment/syrizas-victory-in-greece-might-not-be-the-radical-revolution-you-were-hoping-for-10014456.html
this is fucking pathetic lmao