
ilmdge posted:

le_nelson_mandela_face posted:

Advances in Troll Science: I have developed a single sentence that has the potential to anger anyone regardless of age, political affiliation, gender, or race. Behold the majesty of "Doctors are smart and generally know what they are talking about so if you disagree with their diagnoses it's most likely because you are misinformed and/or delusional."

i dont think this would make very many people mad.

dont troll.

i agree with it. wouldnt most people agree with it
"and/or delusional" definitely punches it up a notch and people generally don't like to have their lived experiences fundamentally contradicted in plain words
[account deactivated]

Feminist Current is supposed to be the enlightened feminist blog that doesn't buy into tumblr tranny theory, so I was initially interested, but the comment section reveals how desperately irrational most radical feminists still are. Full of new age earth mother bullshit about how "Western medicine" is a patriarchal scam and how the pain of natural birth is edifying. They're just as bad as the tumblr teens in terms of quackery really.

And every post on the site inevitably contains a white radical feminist crying about how she is still oppressed like this:

OK, I’ll bite. Here’s the wonderful world of privilege white women live in: They get the bestest and mostest crumbs off their masters’ tables. They get the biggest targets on their backs to enable non-white men to stick it to the white man if they “score” one of their women. They get to be vilified by Middle Eastern fundamentalists for being sluts whose filthy influence “their” women need to be sheltered from, justifying their attacks on the decadent West. They get to be painted as uppity and ruined by feminism, forcing poor, widdle white Masters of the Universe to troll economically depressed, third world countries for women so downtrodden they’ll jump at the chance to marry assholes, and be good and obedient little wives. They get the honor of being the most highly prized by pimps because they bring in more money from the johns. They get to be discounted by non-white feminists and accused of the racism created by white men. They are cut no slack whatsoever if they fail to be the very best of mothers possible considering their privileged access to money and other resources. They get to be accused of possessing white, straight breeder privilege. I could go on, but I tire.

Please, do continue to call mothers breeders. I want you to.

Oh, and, by the way, I’m not white [she's an American Jew ]. Shove that. Sideways.

And how often the radfems are stealth Zionists --

The entire edifice of identity politics really is unsalvageable garbage and being a reductionist brocialist Marxist is the only way to be a decent leftist.


it's weird to see people independently rediscovering that the female sex is self-absorbed and congenitally deranged

le_nelson_mandela_face posted:

anti-science trolling only works on nerds though, it doesnt make hippies mad

I made this today:

[account deactivated]
That's fallacious, Get Fiscal.


And how often the radfems are stealth Zionists --

andrea dworkin was a huge zionist and advocated for separatist feminism on the basis that it worked so well for the jews

that doesn't stop her, or the lineage of radical feminism generally, being objectively correct much of the time
yesterday i was talking to some normie and they were lik e"the communist solution is blah blah" and suddenly i was lke, wait what??? and they were like, "i said the commonest solution is blah blah blah" and i was lke oh nm, thought i cared for a second there
i really wanted to know the communist solution for a failed hard drive

blinkandwheeze posted:

that doesn't stop her, or the lineage of radical feminism generally, being objectively correct much of the time

she was also a huge transphobe but maybe you count that as "objectively correct" idk

[account deactivated]

conec posted:

considering transwomen as distinct from female women isn`t transphobic. it`s true. and no she wasn`t a huge transphobe, where do you even get that from lol

why are you invalidating the existence of transwomen

[account deactivated]
I don't understand why people think you need to declare loyalty in front of Odin or whatever for all eternity to a theorist. If Dworkin was right about most things then just use the right things. We're in postmodernity now, get a mitt, get in the game, folks. Verdict: Blink and Wheeze is right.
i dont understand this bœuf
it's cool how in 2045 our children and nephews will be posting "slavoj zizek had a lot of good ideas but otoh he was a serious tulpaphobe"
hezbollah kileld a couple idf nazis, and israel fired back and killed a UN peacekeeper lol

conec posted:

i`m not. they exist. they identify as women and have the purchasing power to transition. but they aren`t female, they cannot give birth or menstruate, and they do not grow up as females. so, they aren`t the same. that is why we call them transwomen instead of women


le_nelson_mandela_face posted:

im a little late here, but if you were to work out 20 hours a week and not lose weight you would have to be eating so much that you would become extremely buff. if she is telling the truth then she is probably the strongest woman on earth.


getfiscal posted:

I don't understand why people think you need to declare loyalty in front of Odin or whatever for all eternity to a theorist. If Dworkin was right about most things then just use the right things. We're in postmodernity now, get a mitt, get in the game, folks. Verdict: Blink and Wheeze is right.

idk, if someone is a zionist of european descent they are probably delusively insane, extremely racist, propagators of colonial imperialism, white supremacy, and entirely embarrassing to associate with. it would be cool if someone else could just regurgitate everything dworkin said that was right and they could be the new reference point for the rest of feminism.

just my nerd opinion, i really dont like european colonialism...

edit: oh yeah, forgot to include: they are also fiends of the highest order, where only hatred can be the correct response to their existence. death to all colonists and their sympthizers, in israel and beyond.

Edited by Peelzebub ()

sorry if that came off as too strong, i just have a special place in my heart for colonialism

c_man posted:

she was also a huge transphobe but maybe you count that as "objectively correct" idk

do you actually have a source for this. it's a frequently repeated claim but it seems like an obvious lie

It is shamefully easy for us to enjoy our own fantasies of biological omnipotence while despising men for enjoying the reality of theirs. And it is dangerous—because genocide begins, however improbably, in the conviction that classes of biological distinction indisputably sanction social and political discrimination. We, who have been devastated by the concrete consequences of this idea, still want to put our faith in it. Nothing offers more proof—sad, irrefutable proof—that we are more like men than either they or we care to believe.

Transsexuality is currently considered a gender disorder, that is, a person learns a gender role which contradicts his/her visible sex. It is a "disease" with a cure: a sex-change operation will change the person's visible sex and make it consonant with the person's felt identity.

Since we know very little about sex identity, and since psychiatrists are committed to the propagation of the cultural structure as it is, it would be premature and not very intelligent to accept the psychiatric judgement that transsexuality is caused by a faulty socialization. More probably, transsexuality is caused by a faulty society. Transsexuality can be defined as one particular formation of our general multisexuality which is unable to achieve its natural development because of extremely adverse social conditions.

There is no doubt that in the culture of male-female discreteness, transsexuality is a disaster for the individual transsexual. Every transsexual, white, black, man, woman, rich, poor, is in a state of primary emergency as a transsexual. There are 3 crucial points here.

One, every transsexual has the right to survival on his/her own terms. That means every transsexual is entitled to a sex-change operation, and it should be provided by the community as one of its functions. This is an emergency measure for an emergency condition.

Two, by changing our premises about men and women, role-playing and polarity, the social situation of transsexuals will be transformed, and transsexuals will be integrated into community, no longer persecuted and despised.

Three, community built on androgynous identity will mean the end of transsexuality as we know it. Either the transsexual will be able to expand his/her sexuality into a fluid androgyny, or, as roles disppear, the phenomenon of transsexuality will disappear and that energy will be transformed into new modes of sexual identity and behavior.

and keep in mind this was in 1974, i don't think anyone else was saying anything even approaching that level besides trans activists themselves
everything you've posted from her is truly, objectively correct and shows amazing insight for a person of that time period, but I just can't find anything worthwhile coming out of the mouth of someone who is an agent of european colonialism. i mean, i have no place talking about anything relating to feminism and this may just be my immense personal bias, but i simply can't shake it. please correct me if im wrong.

if only you could reference a person's works without ever mentioning their name...
it probably is just my own personal bias; i guess i have a way of convoluting other colonial, imperialist movements with my own ancestral history.
the accusation of dworkin's transphobia seems to stem entirely from a single line in an introductory blurb of a chapter in janice raymond's transsexual empire, thanking dworkin for making a "helpful comment." never mind that providing commentary on unpublished manuscripts is something academics tend to do, especially in as niche a field as hers was, regardless of whether they actually agree with the contents or not - raymond had actually attacked dworkin's advocacy of trans concerns and dworkin never advocated raymond's thought or reproduced any of her arguments at all
i thought i had read a review of hers of transexual empire but i cant find it anymore, maybe i was wrong
no investigation, no right to speak

blinkandwheeze posted:

no investigation, no right to speak


blinkandwheeze posted:

no investigation, no right to speak


blinkandwheeze posted:

no investigation, no right to speak

2 tru. its definitely true that she formulated feminist separatism on the model of zionism, and was an avowed zionist herself, which to me confuses me when she says stuff like that quote you posted

It is shamefully easy for us to enjoy our own fantasies of biological omnipotence while despising men for enjoying the reality of theirs. And it is dangerous—because genocide begins, however improbably, in the conviction that classes of biological distinction indisputably sanction social and political discrimination. We, who have been devastated by the concrete consequences of this idea, still want to put our faith in it. Nothing offers more proof—sad, irrefutable proof—that we are more like men than either they or we care to believe.

which is fairly unobjectionable but seems inconsistent with the essentialism that seems implicit in calls for separatism.

to clarify, i dont have a particular bone to pick with dworkin. i agree that she's right about e.g. pornography and trans vs radfem issues are definitely far above my paygrade

c_man posted:

its definitely true that she formulated feminist separatism on the model of zionism, and was an avowed zionist herself

all of this come from writings close to three decades after she established the body of work she is remembered and valued for. for the most part she said very little about separatism, and on the occasions she mentioned it tended to do so with a skepticism owing precisely because of the essentialist character that tended to accompany the arguments made by separatist advocates - you can read here her directly identifying a certain lesbian separatist tenor as an example of "the most pernicious ideology on the face of the earth"

however it should be said that separatist arguments are not necessarily essentialist. while radical feminism disputes the essential nature of gender binaries it does not dispute their reality, they are "real" but not "true" - like j. sakai says, gender is a social construct, but so is a tank formation. it could be perfectly legitimate to argue that this particular tank formation is being weaponised to a degree that emancipatory organisation without autonomy would be impossible. cell 16 were notable proponents of a non-essentialist separatism

yeah ive seen that before. it's that sort of thing along with some of her opinions expressed here that present, to me at least, a fairly confused appreciation for israel. it reminds me of graebers weird fixation on the kurds (emancipatory academic/theorist attaches themselves to highly questionable political project) but much more self-conscious about the obvious deficiencies of her ideological support.