swampman posted:I cast half a vote for roseweird and I am keeping the other half for the next election.
There ain't gonna be no next election brotha!!!
discipline posted:how are your cooking classes going?
I left them for various reasons. I started group therapy though. I was going to tell them about how I talked myself down from a panic attack at the doctors office and another woman went first and was like yesterday I found out my son stole $20,000 from me, I was like damn I'm a little bitch.
discipline posted:Steg can't be elected because AFAIK he is an admin
damn. LGP then
littlegreenpills posted:you should vote for me because my life is utterly empty and devoid of any meaning even by local standards and it would make me feel really good aboutmy self
Compromise... I vote for Little Groin Pulls on the condition he try to break the forum with his moderator powers. Chaos reigns!
- meanness and hostility to each other is utterly banned. rhizzone is a place for friends.
- infantile nihilism will be confined to a special faily planet thread, violators will be banned
- every thread that erupts in an argument will have a "winner" declared before being closed, though fallacies against the system of bourgeois logic are strongly encouraged. a list of Official Rhizzone Positions on things will be thus compiled and amended and anyone who attempts to bring up an existing issue again will be banned. democratic centralism
- none of these rules will apply to those who post legit self-introduction videos on their profile pages