
le_nelson_mandela_face posted:

is there anything more horrifying than old motherfuckers you see at restaurants who sit across from each other not saying anything? i've had sex with one person my whole life and i've lived in the same house since 1978, what the fuck do i have to talk about? television? oh now it's a screaming match with subtitles about our mutual resentment. just stare at the table and pick at the food and just run out the clock on my life.

That sounds pretty good. From what I've seen half of all people will get anxious and upset if there are even short pauses or moments of silence in conversation between two people. It's like they're being tortured and have to blurt out anything no matter how stupid to get a reaction out of the other person and make it stop. It's that, or share something ugly about someone they know behind their back, two people are brought closer together by being cruel to a third.

This is related to why I can't date and feel like I've heard every conversation before,always following the same pattern, and internally cringe when I listen to other people my own age talking.

the one example of a decent Troop i know just Trooped Out yesterday when he was complaining about how obama didnt go to france for that PR photoshoot and i was like dude why do you even care about these fake scandals they make up to make you mad at nothing and he launches into a rant about how I AM A YOO NITED STATES MARINE and he is the COMMANDER IN CHIEF so he needs to be an AMBASSADER
did he go? then he needs to shut the fuck up
[account deactivated]
that gif destroyed my computer, holy shit
gf have you considered taking up cigar smoking and/or the wearing of large gaudy hand jewelry

le_nelson_mandela_face posted:

is there anything more horrifying than old motherfuckers you see at restaurants who sit across from each other not saying anything? i've had sex with one person my whole life and i've lived in the same house since 1978, what the fuck do i have to talk about? television? oh now it's a screaming match with subtitles about our mutual resentment. just stare at the table and pick at the food and just run out the clock on my life.

when youre deeply in love (or friendship) with somebody its actually very, very easy to simply and silently enjoy their company while sharing your daily routine together. Love is measured in actions, not words

a single look between two people who have shared their lives together can convey more emotional depth and information than every play or poem ever put to parchment combined. Get off the computer and go stare longingly into your wifes eyes until she knows you love her
lol if you think old people are still in love
Most people under 50 aren't even capable of love.

le_nelson_mandela_face posted:

lol if you think old people are still in love

old people who have been together for decades are the only people who are still in love

im in love with the co co
what is love?
baby don't hurt me
me tom jools

(State's GDP when compared with the world stage)
[account deactivated]
hey millenials. go back to gbs and lurk. more.
hey millenniiaallss. its saturday morning. time for cartoons
[account deactivated]
birds rule
hi i'm hideously obese but i work out 20 hours a week *doctor has the audacity to look at me like i'm a liar*
Sure, that must be a lie, but if any of the rest is true, the author of this story seems to have a valid complaint.
As an anemic, I work out 3 hours a day 7 days a week and my doctor still thinks I could stand to lose 50 lbs.

let's guess 300 pounds for this beast. 14 calories a minute for moderately strenuous exercise at that weight is a low-end estimate. 20 hours of that is 17000 calories a week, or a little less than 5 pounds burned. it also requires approximately 3000 calories a day just to maintain its Horror Form. so if it is not decreasing in mass it must be Consuming over 5400 calories a day. incredible

ilmdge posted:

Sure, that must be a lie, but if any of the rest is true, the author of this story seems to have a valid complaint.

except you can't die from anemia

unless i guess you're super fucking fat, then all bets are off. you can die from falling asleep

Advances in Troll Science: I have developed a single sentence that has the potential to anger anyone regardless of age, political affiliation, gender, or race. Behold the majesty of "Doctors are smart and generally know what they are talking about so if you disagree with their diagnoses it's most likely because you are misinformed and/or delusional."
personally i always found anti-science trolling to be more rewarding, as it attracts those who like to argue, but to each xher own
anti-science trolling only works on nerds though, it doesnt make hippies mad

le_nelson_mandela_face posted:

Advances in Troll Science: I have developed a single sentence that has the potential to anger anyone regardless of age, political affiliation, gender, or race. Behold the majesty of "Doctors are smart and generally know what they are talking about so if you disagree with their diagnoses it's most likely because you are misinformed and/or delusional."

i dont think this would make very many people mad.