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just pledged $14.88 on behalf of t. lessons
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discipline posted:yah we considered this name similarity in our editorial meeting but what can I say, we figgered no one ever heard of australia anyway
good call
the pcr-rcp's thing is also The Red Flag aka The Droopy Rogue
I posted a call to action on the facebook for you.
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you have my sword
discipline posted:Thanks. It would be real nice if u all gave something.
I'm not American or a Trotskyist but I wish your project well.
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i'm a gold-level sponsor
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damn for 200 bux i can be an ultimate revolutionary too? sick
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if i donate 200 do i have a guarantee that the printed message with my name i submit will not be censored?
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so wait it says "against" empire but i actually enjoyed age of empires so im not sure where to direct my cash flow
im not gonna give u any money but will def say something really cool and funny and ironic in this thread
littlegreenpills posted:im not gonna give u any money but will def say something really cool and funny and ironic in this thread
please don't make meta jokes on tHE rHizzonE
littlegreenpills posted:im not gonna give u any money but will def say something really cool and funny and ironic in this thread
wat do you think the advantages of a magazine are over a newspaper?
theyre gonna nail you like they nailed socrates, for corrupting the minds of the youth
Please print the following message from Comrade Bart Cord in your magainze:
"LF for life! www.rhizzone.net, Red Salute"
"LF for life! www.rhizzone.net, Red Salute"
[account deactivated]
that donation tier has the option to incluide a comment to appear nex to name in the mag but i wasnt prompted to include my comment. i suppose they will get in touchb unless they are frauds
just patreoned 200 doll hairs under the name Hitler "Stalin" Failaidio
operation gladfailaidsdio
Just remember every dollar you give is a dollar you aren't giving to LLCO
Does Red Flag have its own liberated zone in Bangladesh with locals holding up inspirational cardboard signs? Yeah, didn't think so...