
postposting posted:

France ordered prosecutors around the country Wednesday to crack down on hate speech, anti-Semitism and glorifying terrorism, announcing that 54 people had been arrested for those offenses since the Paris terror attaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

courtesy snipe

"French Jews flock to Israel amid rising anti-Semitic attacks" ...lol

it's 7,000 people last year according to that estimate. this is considered majorly newsworthy obviously, even though like... it's a tiny fraction of total migrants into or out of france.
if i think it was ok that people in the USSR were "forced" to participate in socialized industry, or "forced" to give up their landholdings, then i would be ok with people's "posting freedoM" to be temporarily limited as well

i mean, this entire forum is under like wartime restricted registration right now, im pretty sure we understand what historical contingency, context, and other such words mean
free speech isn't free
I would rather not send anyone to Siberia, if it can be helped. But a declaration by a People's Committee-to the effect that anyone who crowns the author of the below fascist rant with a dunce cap shall be counted esteemed friends of the Revolution-would not be an excessively harsh measure of public safety.

"Weeds! I don’t recognize any of these flowers
other than my ears.
I could be hallucinating right now but
I’m being pelted with bibles
and Emily Dickinson’s out there dickering with a lily.
Flowers whose organs are obscene, like the stigma.
What’s delicate about any of this?
Animal life screeching at night.
Crickets threatening my extinction continuously.
And we act as if ‘culture’ is unrelated to the destruction
of animals, plants and ‘primitives,’ as if poetry
had nothing to do with killing something.
Poetry is murder.
Culture is mass murder.
There lies the unassimilated –
you notice I keep writing –
what we call aesthetics is the process of truncating it.
The bestial existence repulses and impels us,
evokes terror like that caused Crusoe by the footprint.
This terror causes Art.
This is hard to swallow for those who think they love ‘nature.’
What a romantic lot in the domain of peoples!
What they consider the most delicate aspects of their beings
are the most attributable to domination.
Of course this inversion has been inculcated for thousands of
years. How delicate and refined are the rich! They have such
nice mannerisms, such measured movements!"
[account deactivated]
wrong thread.

"The sitting opened with a report by Dserzhinsky, that strange ascetic who, when in prison in Warsaw, insisted on doing the dirty work of emptying the slops and cleaning other people's cells besides his own, on a theory that one man should where possible take upon himself the evil which would otherwise have to be shared by all; and in the dangerous beginning of the revolution had taken upon himself the most unpopular of all posts, that of President of the Extraordinary Commission. His personal uprightness is the complement of an absolute personal courage, shown again and again during the last eighteen months. At the time of the Left Social Revolutionary mutiny he went without a guard to the headquarters of the mutineers, believing that he could bring them to reason, and when arrested by them dared them to shoot him and showed so bold a front that in the end the soldiers set to watch him set him free and returned to their allegiance. This thin, tallish man, with a fanatic face not unlike some of the traditional portraits of St. Francis, the terror of counter-revolutionaries and criminals alike, is a very bad speaker. He looks into the air over the heads of his audience and talks as if he were not addressing them at all but some one else unseen. He talks even of a subject which he knows perfectly with curious inability to form his sentences; stops, changes words, and often, recognizing that he cannot finish his sentence, ends where he is, in the middle of it, with a little odd, deprecating emphasis, as if to say: "At this point there is a full stop. At least so it seems."

more like spergzhinsky

postposting posted:

France ordered prosecutors around the country Wednesday to crack down on hate speech, anti-Semitism and glorifying terrorism, attaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

yes, let us march for this freedom of speech, the freedom to not offend the jews

A young McCaine receiving gifts from Zwarte Piet on Christmas morn