"oh hey internet its me, fatlord. can i please buy four pounds of weed so i never have to go outside. i will fling the money out the window at 4:06 pm. please heave the weed at me. i’ll be the one in the window thinking gay shit about stupid crap."
tpaine posted:this place is like school in the summertime
sorry your stuck with me for now, athiest nerd.
tpaine posted:who would hack goatstein and do it in such a boring way? oh wait, i forgot, it could be any the fuck other poster here
c_man posted:goat: it's very important to examine positions like atheism in cultural contexts? it can lead to supporting some very problematic positions vis a vis islam. also trans people are insane nutjobs who need to be medicated into submission lmao
tpaine & goat
roseweird posted:gay
tpaine posted:but no i just really hate arabs and want them to die and my years-long gimmick of being an atheist and wishing death on us Soldiers is a weird psyop cover for this fact
i always read stuff on here and try to incorporate it into my own thought process because i don't like reading "books" (i went into the sciences) and i assume everyone here delves into leftist theory in their own lives enough that i can have a sufficient idea of what it really means to be progressive.
certainly to say that there is a god is an unscientific and simply illogical statement, but the same hold trues for the disbelief in a god. you reach a barrier here if you merely ignore the problem and say there may or may not be a god: what do you do about others who retain their belief?
letting people hold on to their faith is not logical and may breed irrational thought within the populace. but, afaik, socialism is about the ultimate expression of the diversity of humanity through their freedom from capitalism. for many, religion is an inextricable part of their culture and identity. i can certainly find solidarity with my socialist comrades when we meet to discuss theory (i don't do this lol), but say i was arab (im not); how do i find camaraderie with my arab brethren if not through the rituals which we mutually perform, what makes us arab? yes we may speak the same language, have the same dances / songs, eat the same type of cuisine, but no central, communal meeting point exists for us past the masjid and few fundamentally shared cultural behaviors exist between us past our prayers.
what is the purpose of the revolution? is it to interpret these customs in a non-theistic way, to find a new "centrality" for innumerable, yet distinct, populations, or to forbid people to behave in any way that even allows a little unscientific though to creep in?
idk :p
(edit: im pretty low on the tier of personal revolutionary progress, so any explanation is welcome.)
Edited by Peelzebub ()
gwarp posted:also, are all of you really alcoholics?
if only
gwarp posted:also, are all of you really alcoholics?
modern drunkards perhaps. I don't see any indication of alcoholism on this forum