babyhueypnewton posted:yes, I come to the 'zzone to have arguments I could have on facebook about whether something is racist if it isn't literally a blackface-esque image. with lose
add me on Facebook and Stormfront
conec posted:getfiscal posted:babyhueypnewton posted:yes, I come to the 'zzone to have arguments I could have on facebook about whether something is racist if it isn't literally a blackface-esque image. with lose
add me on Facebook and Stormfront
unfortunately i have met the son of stormfront`s founder 1nce. he has a radio show where he n his dad spew white power talk. neway he looked like a total dweebazoid. by the way don`t go 2 stormfront cos what if u`re trying 2 get a jorb one day nd take ur laptop 2 look thru it.. then they`re like ok this guy is totally fricken racist~!
I appreciate your concern. I do not have a Stormfront account. I think most jobs would be more concerned with the fact I consider Stalin "more right than wrong" and my paucity of work experience though.
Edited by wasted ()
then they said even though those cartoons got killed, tehy were racist and that's bad. so i was like yeah great, get away. don't touch me
discipline posted:le_nelson_mandela_face posted:let's be fair here and say that thinking the depiction of mohammed is inherently offensive is arbitrary and morally incoherent
these are your values. there is nothing universal about what is and is not inherently offensive.
yeah, morality isn't real, I strongly agree, but that also means I get to ignore what Muslims find offensive, unless like it causes one of the more aggro ones to hurt me.
discipline posted:muslims worldwide believe it's beyond offensive to depict the prophet and state it clearly along with protestations of being slaughtered on several theatres of imperial war. but empire says no, our right to say what we want and disrespect you and your religion as we butcher and conquer you is paramount here. and empire wants many millions of muslims to now clearly state they are ok with depicting the prophet of god as a faggot or a child rapist or even as a normal dude chilling on the beach - no it doesn't really matter how he is depicted, just that empire gets to redraw your culture, your religion and heap endless humiliations on you, and you better not protest, and if you raise your hand to complain then you are with the terrorists and not these cartoonists just trying to make art man.
Of course, except those people don't post on the websites I post on and instead I have to deal with Westerners grasping at straws trying to find racist things that have nothing to do with depicting Mohammad/trying to contort liberal values into saying that drawing Mohammad is vile but Jew jokes are a-okay because Jews have insufficient Oppression Points since the Holocausts was, like, 100 years ago or something? Idk? And all of that is funny.
le_nelson_mandela_face posted:let's be fair here and say that thinking the depiction of mohammed is inherently offensive is arbitrary and morally incoherent
arbitrariness and moral incoherence are the literal cornerstones of French art. so those fuckers should have Had Respect
getfiscal posted:yeah, morality isn't real, I strongly agree, but that also means I get to ignore what Muslims find offensive, unless like it causes one of the more aggro ones to hurt me.
yeah but it also means you should ignore it when Muslims kill a dozen gay french dweebs too
Lessons posted:Of course, except those people don't post on the websites I post on and instead I have to deal with Westerners grasping at straws trying to find racist things that have nothing to do with depicting Mohammad/trying to contort liberal values into saying that drawing Mohammad is vile but Jew jokes are a-okay because Jews have insufficient Oppression Points since the Holocausts was, like, 100 years ago or something? Idk? And all of that is funny.
lol if you really think mainstream liberals are more openly outraged by Islamophobia than Anti-Semitism
Petrol posted:france has now deployed almost 5000 troops to protect jewish schools and 0 to protect mosques and islamic schools *cartoon depiction of mohammed shrugging, captioned WHAT, ME WORRY?*
also 0 to protect Christian schools. relaly makes you think
but no lol liberals are my punching bag, they do all the bad thing
libelous_slander posted:has anyone noticed that liberals are actually incredibly divided on the issue of islamophobia with many vehemently opposed to it while plenty are unwaveringly supportive of it?
but no lol liberals are my punching bag, they do all the bad thing
those differences are only in their speech. the defining quality of the liberal is inaction in the face of oppression of the other
libelous_slander posted:no one does anything and everyone does everything
Superabound posted:yeah but it also means you should ignore it when Muslims kill a dozen gay french dweebs too
well yeah
libelous_slander posted:has anyone noticed that liberals are actually incredibly divided on the issue of islamophobia with many vehemently opposed to it while plenty are unwaveringly supportive of it?
but no lol liberals are my punching bag, they do all the bad thing
incoherence is an 88th type of liberalism
littlegreenpills posted:whats the big deal about humiliation. as an (internally) white neuroatypical male i am insulted and humiliated every day I dont bomb amyone