tpaine posted:i almost replied to that thread. but guess what? didn't
getfiscal posted:dipshit420 posted:PBWzusvJZjg
this carly rae jepsen song sucks
i am jealous of this cognitive connection, nice
libelous_slander posted:i am jealous of this cognitive connection, nice
thank you
getfiscal posted:there were a lot of nazis at my school. one of my friends spun out with it for a while. like full blast joining a nazi gang, chelsea cut, boots, all that. there were only a few punks other than that. one was a good friend of mine. the only piece of clothing i owned that was extra nerdy was this rifts RPG shirt. but sometimes people thought it was a punk shirt i guess which was funny to me.
apparently one of the guys who went to my high school rolled with the crips for a while. i didnt know until a couple years later but it did explain why he was wearing all that blue all the time. then he went to a liberal arts school and played rugby. i havent heard from him in years.
thank you for your advice getfiscal, i did take it under advisement, but i just couldnt help myself
getfiscal posted:this is my hot take on this news event:
i saw this on your facebook but i didn't get it then and i dont get it now. i dont get anything much lately
ilmdge posted:
Maurice Sinet, 80, who works under the pen name Sine, faces charges of "inciting racial hatred" for a column he wrote last July in the satirical weekly Charlie Hebdo. The piece sparked a summer slanging match among the Parisian intelligentsia and ended in his dismissal from the magazine.
"L'affaire Sine" followed the engagement of Mr Sarkozy, 22, to Jessica Sebaoun-Darty, the Jewish heiress of an electronic goods chain. Commenting on an unfounded rumour that the president's son planned to convert to Judaism, Sine quipped: "He'll go a long way in life, that little lad."
A high-profile political commentator slammed the column as linking prejudice about Jews and social success. Charlie Hebdo's editor, Philippe Val, asked Sinet to apologise but he refused, exclaiming: "I'd rather cut my balls off."
Mr Val's decision to fire Sine was backed by a group of eminent intellectuals, including the philosopher Bernard-Henry Lévy, but parts of the libertarian Left defended him, citing the right to free speech.
FAILAIDS posted:PN aren't white supremacist. Just national anarchist. The same milieu with other kool edgebros like Weev and Kouichi Toyama.
whatever that means. they're still on the right, regardless of that indria dude, who is the perfect example of "one of the goods ones" exempt because of "culture." "national" is just a slightly gussied up notion of race, a more practical version. peste noire is a great example of modern racism's transcendence of the whole "they aren't racist because one of them isn't white" narrative. reminds me a lot of south texas, where the racism is cunning/practical enough to allow for a lot of "good ones" because the white population doesn't have a majority in most places here
le_nelson_mandela_face posted:goons in platoons bringing the heat
Like it or not, we (Actual people, and Jews) are in an open war with Islam and any and all of its devout adherents, and in particular it's clerics, prophets, pilgrims, and their breeding stock.
Acknowledging this isn't what makes me a self righteous and racist as all fuck xenophobe. Thousands of years of my people's lessons learned and 2 wars and multiple tours squahing these bugs from 5k AGL for fun, money, rank, and upward(ish) socioeconomic mobility makes me this way.
This is a war that only ends with its replacement war. My best guess is the next group to take our places in this unending evolving conflict of humanities is when we are schwaking fourth and fifth wordless for population control and cO2 regulation. The Cis-trans wars will always be a feverish wet dream for the gipper in us all. ;-*
Has anyone seen anything vis a vis the Iran nuke talks?
i mean i could type this stuff on the internet and it would really be whatever, but this guy owns guns and kills people
Edited by swampman ()
gwarp posted:le_nelson_mandela_face posted:goons in platoons bringing the heat
Like it or not, we (Actual people, and Jews) are in an open war with Islam and any and all of its devout adherents, and in particular it's clerics, prophets, pilgrims, and their breeding stock.
Acknowledging this isn't what makes me a self righteous and racist as all fuck xenophobe. Thousands of years of my people's lessons learned and 2 wars and multiple tours squahing these bugs from 5k AGL for fun, money, rank, and upward(ish) socioeconomic mobility makes me this way.
This is a war that only ends with its replacement war. My best guess is the next group to take our places in this unending evolving conflict of humanities is when we are schwaking fourth and fifth wordless for population control and cO2 regulation. The Cis-trans wars will always be a feverish wet dream for the gipper in us all. ;-*
Has anyone seen anything vis a vis the Iran nuke talks?dam
i mean i could type this stuff on the internet and it would really be whatever, but this guy owns guns and kills people
the way Troops type is really interesting, it's full of standard Internet Ironic Racism (I doubt he really thinks Jews are not people) but the basic racist sentiment is sincere
Urbandale posted:someone said americans dont care about this but hoo boy ive heard about free speech so many times today
thank you for your advice getfiscal, i did take it under advisement, but i just couldnt help myself
"some" means "at least one". these are known as "weasel words" and are called that because they are cool as shit
"The Iranian government's official newspaper -- named Iran, and which reflects Iranian President Hassan Rohani's government policies -- offered the most visible coverage, dedicating most of its front page to a large photo of the event, with the headline: Bloody Show Of Terrorists In Paris.
Although the more independent and reformist-leaning newspapers such as Sharq and Etemad also carried the story on their front page, the space dedicated to the news was much less than that of the daily Iran or of Hamshahri, the official newspaper of Tehran's municipality.
Sharq's headline on the event, which was run at the bottom of its front page, read: Shooting At The Heart Of Europe.
Sharq slammed the French satirical magazine for publishing Muhammad cartoons. "It is not acceptable that the president of France defends the freedom of speech in his speech after the attacks," wrote Sharq. 'This popular journal had published an insulting illustration of the Prophet of Islam." The daily suggested that "revising relations with moderate Islamic countries such as Iran, which are pursuing confrontation with extremism under the name of Islam, can lead to mutual understanding and to the elimination of the atmosphere of violence.'
Reformist daily Etemad headlined with: Black Wednesday In Paris."
Another major pan-Arabic outlet, Asharq Alawsat, emphasized that Saudi Arabia, the Arab League, and Egypt's Al Azhar University were "at the forefront of international condemnation of the targeting of Charlie Hebdo." Asharq Alawsat noted that Riyadh issued a condemnation of the attack via Saudi Arabia's official press agency.
Egypt's Shorouk News cast the blame for the attack on Charlie Hebdo itself. The paper's headline read that the French satirical magazine had a History Of Insulting The Prophet, Ending In Fire.
Egyptian outlet Al Masry Al Youm reported comments by popular TV presenter Tamer Amin, who said that while some media reports have suggested that the IS group was behind the Paris shooting, "in my opinion, it was not IS that carried out this operation, but found an opportunity to say that it did in order to get a certain prestige." Amin said IS wanted to take advantage of the attack on Charlie Hebdo because the magazine had published caricatures of the Prophet Muhammad, so the attack would encourage some to say that IS had triumphed for Islam.
Egypt's Masr Alarabiya outlet pointed the finger of blame at IS, headlining with: IS Fulfills Its Threat And Attacks France. The headline is a reference to the November 2014 video released by the IS group that showed a group of French IS militants calling for French Muslims to carry out attacks on French soil."
gyrofry posted:
Pater Edmund
January 9, 2015 at 4:42 pm
Dang. This is so brilliant that it almost makes me want to be a leftist. You nail the hypocrisy of the neo-liberal order so well.
gyrofry posted:
If they were really ‘equal-opportunity offenders’ relentlessly satirising anyone and anything without any thought for taste or morality, their next issue will be of this type, a ruthless mockery of the victims. We never liked them anyway, or something like that. It wont happen.
Panopticon posted:If they were really ‘equal-opportunity offenders’ relentlessly satirising anyone and anything without any thought for taste or morality, their next issue will be of this type, a ruthless mockery of the victims. We never liked them anyway, or something like that. It wont happen.
thats juts a shittier version of the chop i did, thats not by those d00ds so it's not a response to ken