my cat's cat farts were so bad they kept waking me up. not from the sound, from the smell. a deep sleep in the trenches of Verdun when the Krauts release the gas. then i locked her out of my room and she started crying and farting, which was worse. this story is disgusting and has no point except that i wanted to type the phrase "crying and farting"
[account deactivated]
peep this cat

cats who eat dogfood have the worst farts.
[account deactivated]

gwarp posted:

being fat is ok too. people go to school, go to work, have friends, have romantic partnerships, and live their lives all while fat. most everyone is fat nowadays anyway, so it's normal. we're all gonna die anyway.

Fat is the new norm, and being skinny is socially crippling. so eat up, kids

did you ever notice that all these fat-is-beautiful tumblr larditas, unless they are fetishists, tend to be far more attracted to cut and/or twinkish men? why is there more jizz by fangirls to the dude from Arrow than there is to Patton Oswalt? When they draw their hot elf dudes with the huge cocks how come they always look like an olympic swimmer with a heroin hobby
but goatstein, you dont understand! its different! those are Male Power Fantasies!
sometimes i wonder how strange it would be for other people to publically see me, a giant, in a romantic capacity with a normal person significantly smaller than myself (they all are)

then i finish wondering and get back to the nicotine
SHIT, almost out of juice and i told myself i would stop when i ran out, SHIT!!
Goat you seem to spend a lot of time looking at Olympic swimmers with huge cocks on fat tumblr girls websites. No judgement
whenever a woman says she doesnt like guys with "big muscles" i believe her exactly as much as when a guy says he doesnt like girls with big tits
people can say they like a lot of things, but in the end they just settle with whatever circumstances they are given, so it doesn't really matter.

btw my thing is just that im extremely tall
im only into 2d girls myself

getfiscal posted:

Goat you seem to spend a lot of time looking at Olympic swimmers with huge cocks on fat tumblr girls websites. No judgement

no homo.

i wonder if there's dumb bisexual guys out there who say "some homo"
[account deactivated]
what kind of dudes you like roseweird. half-angel half-vampires with 10 abs or like bearded leather slaves with adonis belts
[account deactivated]
[account deactivated]

roseweird posted:

i actually only date the ghosts of gangsters from the 1920s

Apropos of nothing, I look somewhat like Al Capone.

its those lips

le_nelson_mandela_face posted:

did you ever notice that all these fat-is-beautiful tumblr larditas, unless they are fetishists, tend to be far more attracted to cut and/or twinkish men? why is there more jizz by fangirls to the dude from Arrow than there is to Patton Oswalt? When they draw their hot elf dudes with the huge cocks how come they always look like an olympic swimmer with a heroin hobby

The ideal:

The reality:


gwarp posted:

sometimes i wonder how strange it would be for other people to publically see me, a giant, in a romantic capacity with a normal person significantly smaller than myself (they all are)

then i finish wondering and get back to the nicotine

Whenever I see a tall lanklet with faggy no-effort anime hair with a very short, cute gf I feel something close to racism.

same but only with very short girls, like maybe 2-3 cm.
[account deactivated]

le_nelson_mandela_face posted:

i wonder if there's dumb bisexual guys out there who say "some homo"

yes, but only when theyre referring to some jerk whose name they dont know


Themselves posted:

same but only with very short girls, like maybe 2-3 cm.


[account deactivated]
i'm 5'7" or so.... a short boy.

getfiscal posted:

roseweird posted:

i actually only date the ghosts of gangsters from the 1920s

Apropos of nothing, I look somewhat like Al Capone.

i like that you look like a tough character and he looks rather personable

[account deactivated]
i think that's the first and probably last time i will ever be called tough, barring being eaten by a displeased cannibal.
is there anything more horrifying than old motherfuckers you see at restaurants who sit across from each other not saying anything? i've had sex with one person my whole life and i've lived in the same house since 1978, what the fuck do i have to talk about? television? oh now it's a screaming match with subtitles about our mutual resentment. just stare at the table and pick at the food and just run out the clock on my life.
you don't get it it's actually really cool and our modern obsession with contentment and satisfaction saps the true quality of this life. it's like, you wouldn't watch a movie where there are no problems. why live that way?