What I said under 3 should say all that needs to be said about my opinions about using the kkk's media or the like as a platform.
i dont think partisangirl is "as bad as" david duke but i certainly dont think talking to people like him does anything constructive.
[account deactivated]

c_man posted:

i dont think partisangirl is "as bad as" david duke but i certainly dont think talking to people like him does anything constructive.

do you extend this to the overwhelming examples of bourgeois media outlets that are directly implicated in forwarding narratives directed towards the justification and support of imperialist intervention?

The conservative isolationism in America is directly related to fascism, in that they think currency manipulation directly subverts the natural order of White Supremacy.
[account deactivated]

blinkandwheeze posted:

do you extend this to the overwhelming examples of bourgeois media outlets that are directly implicated in forwarding narratives directed towards the justification and support of imperialist intervention?

sure. i think the important thing about a broadcasted meeting/event like that is what you expect to achieve with it. if all you want is to tell someone, anyone your story, i mean, that's understandable but the potential effect beyond the personal realm depends pretty much entirely on your audience. in the land of my imagination, the point of going and giving an interview about something you think is important is that it will inform some action on the part of the people receiving it. i dont think the people who are going to be receiving anything broadcast by david duke are ideologically in any position to do much good about the situation, like i said, best case is that it becomes a canard about tax dollars imo. frankly i agree that there's no way she would be able to get onto any major news outlet so it barely matters what would happen if they put her on. maybe something more realistic would be something like NPR. in like 90% of the scenarios i can image the response would be something like "they put this crazy person on the air saying that ISIS was a cia plot" like so many bropairs. depending on how it goes it might be possible to convince a few random people that isis being in effect a US contra force is not beyond the realm of possibility but idk. on the other hand i see a lot of good anti-nato/eu stuff about ukraine and even stuff about the oil glut being used as economic pressure on russia/iran/venezuela on places like nakedcapitalism. there are a lot of old ex-democrats and though they're a lot less marxist that groups like jacobin and tend to erase class more (or maybe not lol) but groups like that seem to be a lot more receptive than the jacobins to that sort of message. they're not socialist and certainly not principled anti-imperialists but they're a pretty wide audience and it seems like at least some of the audience is receptive to that sort of criticism of the US without it essentially being about keeping the white man down.

edit: obviously i think the best place for something like that would be like the real news or something, or like RT but i felt like that was sort of implied?

Edited by c_woman ()


glomper_stomper posted:

blinkandwheeze posted:

do you extend this to the overwhelming examples of bourgeois media outlets that are directly implicated in forwarding narratives directed towards the justification and support of imperialist intervention?

i was just about to mention that this at first glance has significant parallels to the mainstream liberal media pirouetting over malala. consequently, if you think partisangirl being treated in virtually the same fashion by those operating at the rightist end of the liberal status quo would ever do anything more than that then lol

i was thinking about this but i think that at the very least what partisangirl has to say is less "inspirational" and perhaps more specific


c_man posted:

Superabound posted:

why are you so afraid of people you consider your political enemies being successfully convinced to agree with you on certain issues? some subconscious need for eternal opposition? how can you sit back and watch liberals all over the country being increasingly pulled under the pro-imperialist tent and not understand why conservatives being truthed into anti-imperialism is an objectively good thing? who cares what other bullshit they already believe? 99% wrong is still better than 100% wrong

im pretty sure this is exactly where fascism comes from.

actually im pretty sure that fascism comes from getting buttmad when other people criticize your country's imperialism because they "didnt do it the right way"


tpaine posted:

c_man posted:

"look, they may be a little confused about this whole 'jewish problem' business, but at least they're mad about liberalism and banks!"

they support welfare because niggers are too stupid and lazy to help themselves, but at least they support it!

youre literally describing like 80% of American liberals


Superabound posted:

actually im pretty sure that fascism comes from getting buttmad when other people criticize your country's imperialism because they "didnt do it the right way"

you got me. david duke has been the real anti-imperialist, and me the real fascist! im better go burn some crosses on some black people's yards to show my solidarity!


glomper_stomper posted:

making concessions for fascists is like a type of liberalism mao would've omitted from combat liberalism for insulting everyone's intelligence. maybe it's in the director's cut

Partisan Girl is the only one im making "concessions" for and she isnt a fascist. And by promoting anti-imperialism to fascists, she is attempting to make them less fascist. But again, shes obviously not on David Duke's show because shes some backwoods ninja-hating redneck, but because it was one of the few outlets that would allow her on. So the real question here isnt "why are racist conservatives letting her speak", its "why ARENT liberals letting her speak". Remove the beam from your eye


c_man posted:

yeah. the kkk wouldn't care about bombing syria if it weren't for the gay muslim "urban" president taking orders from the zog to misuse their tax dollar

who cares why they care? WHO CARES why they care?? As long as they DO care. hell half the people on this forum only started caring about Communism because it was a funny way to troll people


glomper_stomper posted:

making concessions for fascists is like a type of liberalism mao would've omitted from combat liberalism for insulting everyone's intelligence. maybe it's in the director's cut

who do you think the kuomintang were?


walkinginonit posted:

The conservative isolationism in America is directly related to fascism, in that they think currency manipulation directly subverts the natural order of White Supremacy.

"Thank you for getting your government to stop bombing our country. However, we feel that this might not have been accomplished totally on the up and up and with the purest intentions, intellectual honesty, or dialectical rigor. So, if you wouldnt mind, please resume murdering our families by the truckload until we can figure out how to put a stop to this the CORRECT way."

[account deactivated]
*big Skinhead jock sits down next to skinny Liberal Nerd, birdishly and half-heartedly picking over a full plate of Anti-Imperialism*

"Hey bro, u gonna eat that??"

Superabound posted:

who cares why they care? WHO CARES why they care?? As long as they DO care. hell half the people on this forum only started caring about Communism because it was a funny way to troll people

but what comes after they hear it? they're not going to stop being nazis, and as redmaistre has pointed out their ideological commitment is to unconstrained capitalism, which is the exact thing that caused the ravaging of syria

[account deactivated]

glomper_stomper posted:

blinkandwheeze posted:

do you extend this to the overwhelming examples of bourgeois media outlets that are directly implicated in forwarding narratives directed towards the justification and support of imperialist intervention?

i was just about to mention that this at first glance has significant parallels to the mainstream liberal media pirouetting over malala. consequently, if you think partisangirl being treated in virtually the same fashion by those operating at the rightist end of the liberal status quo would ever do anything more than that then lol

the difference is that the narrative being opportunistically built around Malala is a) objectively imperialist, and b) being spouted in a million different voices and ways 24/7 through almost every mainstream media outlet in America, whereas Partisan Girl being opportunistically used to confirm David Duke's claims that Neoliberals and Zionists run the world and start all the wars is a) objectively anti-imperialist, b) secondary in importance and impact to her actually being able to get her message out, c) one of very, very few options she has available to do so, and d) oh yeah, this happens to also be the one thing David Duke is actually 100% objectively correct about

[account deactivated]

c_man posted:

but what comes after they hear it? they're not going to stop being liberals, and as redmaistre has pointed out their ideological commitment is to unconstrained capitalism, which is the exact thing that caused the ravaging of syria


c_man posted:

Superabound posted:

actually im pretty sure that fascism comes from getting buttmad when other people criticize your country's imperialism because they "didnt do it the right way"

you got me. david duke has been the real anti-imperialist, and me the real fascist! im better go burn some crosses on some black people's yards to show my solidarity!

Responding with overly defensive and disingenuous sarcasm when confronted with painful truths. This is a 1488th type of Liberalism.


Superabound posted:

c_man posted:

but what comes after they hear it? they're not going to stop being liberals, and as redmaistre has pointed out their ideological commitment is to unconstrained capitalism, which is the exact thing that caused the ravaging of syria

yeah, and? i agree that the mainstream liberal centrist media wouldn't do anything. but to say that the KKK is the only other outlet is pure fantasy.

America has a unique experience with fascism. Charles Lindbergh voiced his Nazi sympathies under the banner of isolationism. Much of the American Far Right has been anti-intervention while being White supremacist. The entire rationale of the Confederacy is that the North should not have "intervened." Non-interventionism does not necessarily mean an egalitarian worldview.
Feeding into David Duke's show only lends credence towards America's White Supremacists. Just because the liberal media won't hear from you doesn't mean you should seek out the KKK's audience.
its not hard, there are plenty of actually leftist news orgs that are sympathetic. for example
[account deactivated]

conec posted:

tpaine posted:

what does he say about me, conec


walkinginonit posted:

Just because the liberal media won't hear from you doesn't mean you should seek out the KKK's audience.

"And he said unto them, Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature." Mark 16:15


c_man posted:

its not hard, there are plenty of actually leftist news orgs that are sympathetic. for example

cool. why dont you email them and ask them to let Partisan Girl write a few front page articles (pictures of dead kids optional)

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conec posted:

are you actually thankful that I "terrorized" you or nah

i love it when people terrorize me because it helps justify my lavish defense spending and totally non-sexual voyeurism


discipline posted:

no, I was being sarcastic. this is something maybe best to approach me with in private. seems you also rated my book poorly on goodreads. do we need to have a talk or something? I'm feeling some bad vibes