oh hey its the guy who gets buttmad about "russian imperialism" and thinks the crimea referendum was rigged
[account deactivated]

littlegreenpills posted:

oh hey its the guy who gets buttmad about "russian imperialism" and thinks the crimea referendum was rigged

i dont think so?


Ronnski posted:

Russia Today employs a lot of complete unqualified german nobodies as "experts".

a news outlet employing unqualified nobodies as experts?? those scoundrels!


Superabound posted:

HenryKrinkle posted:

this guy is a virulent Islamophobe fyi. probably one of those right-wing critics of the US who thinks multiculturalism is a CIA plot.

eh, still prefer right-wing critics of Empire to left-wing supporters of it

actual catchphrase *posts on social media so that X cousin can argue about the goodness of America cause of liberalism*

i whipped up some zero-day thoughtware for people to share on facebook or twit longer and maybe change some minds out there. feel free to use with proper attribution


Superabound posted:

eh, still prefer right-wing critics of Empire to left-wing supporters of it

i suppose this is the type of logic that leads Syrian Partisan Girl to appear on David Duke's show.

til david duke has a show

Date: 09-25-14

Dr. David Duke today has an incredible discussion with the courageous Syrian young lady, "Syrian Partisan Girl" exposing the truth about the Zionist created Syrian conflict and the role Zionist controlled U.S. Policy in the rise of ISIS. In the first news segment Dr. Duke reports that Jewish extremist blackmail has failed against the Medical Journal Lancet, and that new barriers are being broken worldwide in the exposure of Zionist power over media, banking and politics in the West. Jewish extremists are hysterical that some of the leading medical doctors and researchers in the world are now linking to and sharing David Duke videos. Then... Syrian Girl comes on she explains the vidious campaign against her in Australia that was launched because she dared to expose the Jewish Zionist role in the Syrian crisis and the rise of ISIS, how the true interests of the world coincide with the legal government of Syria, but that governments have supported these insane rebels for one reason and one reason only, because Israel and the Zionists hate Syria because it is one of the few nations that have stood up to Israel and would not become Israel's puppet. She talks about how Syria protects the Christians and how most Muslims support the government there and how by supporting the rebels because of the Zio control over America and Europe they have facilitated the rise of ISIS. Finally it is pointed out that American involvement is not needed in Syria, it will only require being fair to the Syrian government and people... if that happens, Syrians will free their nation from the ISIS threat. But if the Government falls, the whole Middle East is likely to fall to the fanatics. Incredible show today! Spread it far and wide!


til david duke is right
i dont like fat white first world socialists playing patty cake with the far right but i have a hard time faulting nationalists from arab countries who come here and try to reach the widest possible audience through the tiny splinters of the media prism in the united states that allow criticism of israel. she is also right about the syrian government and christians in syria. my 2 p guvnor.
so you dont care about what audience is being reached? you could make the same claims about people like clarence thomas imo. maybe you dont fault him either, idk
[account deactivated]

c_man posted:

so you dont care about what audience is being reached? you could make the same claims about people like clarence thomas imo. maybe you dont fault him either, idk

youre right, and shame on her for not going to one of the many mainstream media outlets that allow open criticism of Israel instead, such as....uhhh....ummm....

fuck you, Partisan Girl, for attempting to express truths about imperialism so toxic to the existing power structure that youre only allowed to do it through extremist shards of the fringe online media. how DARE you not conform to ruling class ideology through self-censorship like the rest of us!
hold on a second....you mean you want to get your MESSAGE out to people known to be RACIST RIGHT WINGERS??? Are you fucking stupid???? LOL like those people have any power or influence! What you want to do instead is quietly disseminate your message through a small number of far-left marxist blogs that nobody reads and which are considered even more vile and extremist by 100% of Middle Americans than David Duke himself. THATS where the real levers of society lie!
[account deactivated]
Fun Fact: The US government's complete willingness and non-hesitation to opportunistically utilize even its worst enemies to spread its ideology is a big part of why it is in power and you are not
lol so what's the message you are trying to get to the nazis? "the US government has been corrupted by liberal ideology"? you're knocking on an open door, they're already doing their best to overthrow liberal ideology.
imperialism will end by the hands of fascists when money is taken out of politics by the hands of liberals

c_man posted:

lol so what's the message you are trying to get to the nazis? "the US government has been corrupted by liberal ideology"? you're knocking on an open door, they're already doing their best to overthrow liberal ideology.

fascism is born of the liberal tradition and functions as a militarised expression of liberal ideology, it is not its obverse. Hope this helps

yeah. the kkk is all about destroying communism and freeing up the markets from the zog socialist corruption and allowing the white man to take his natural place at its helm

c_man posted:

lol so what's the message you are trying to get to the nazis?

wait a minute, how did you know i was Mimi Al-Laham irl? god dammit tom. now ive got to burn this account and start all over

damb, its almost as if she cares more about her own country currently being bombed to dust than she does the reputations of pathetic old Civil War reenactors and the icky vestiges of 300 years of Americas fucked up race relations, what a bitch
*warns pretend Nazis about even worse real-life Nazis while hand-wringing Liberals yell at pretend Nazis for not supporting even worse real-life Nazis*

Superabound posted:

damb, its almost as if she cares more about her own country currently being bombed to dust than she does the reputations of pathetic old Civil War reenactors and the icky vestiges of 300 years of Americas fucked up race relations, what a bitch

david duke will not stop her country from being bombed


c_man posted:

david duke will not stop her country from being bombed

and neither will you

if only she had chosen Noam Chomsky instead of David Duke....Damascus might have been spared...
you know whats worse than playing footsie with david duke

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glomper_stomper posted:

anyway, i was more alarmed by the fact that the initial reaction was less in defense of an argument for anti-imperialist forces and instead some sort of sheepish apology for the white nationalist platform it was delivered through. the criticisms should be levied against the first world left, and only the first world left, if it is willing to accept table scraps of publicity from the klan or any other kind of fascist scum. it's a failure among many that need to be corrected

yeah but le_syrian_partisan_girl isnt exactly a member of the first world left. but after hearing her unironically use the phrase "Cultural Marxism", i disavow all previous defenses of her actions

the klan is still an active force in my state (and superabound's, actually) and still finds an outlet for racial cleansing through their group and the police; saying they are just some civil war enthusiasts evokes the profound gravity of cynicism that bourgeois liberalism thrives on. they aren't some fucking wacky sketch comedy stereotype, they're the jackboots of a reactionary society and the most ardent beneficiaries of white supremacy. any triumph for them is a setback for the people

i dont know how it is in your state, but here in the 'Sip they (and by "they", i mean the ones who hold actual public rallies) really are just a bunch of laughable civil war enthusiasts and no one who isnt one of them takes them seriously. And other than the fact that probably 99% of all white policemen are honorary if not actual members of the KKK, the influence of the KKK is literally a drop in the bucket compared to the inherent racism of the vast swaths of everyday white Mississippians, or even a single hour of Fox News. The KKK was made obsolete by the Tea Party


Superabound posted:

i dont know how it is in your state, but here in the 'Sip they (and by "they", i mean the ones who hold actual public rallies) really are just a bunch of laughable civil war enthusiasts and no one who isnt one of them takes them seriously. And other than the fact that probably 99% of all white policemen are honorary if not actual members of the KKK, the influence of the KKK is literally a drop in the bucket compared to the inherent racism of the vast swaths of everyday white Mississippians, or even a single hour of Fox News. The KKK was made obsolete by the Tea Party

1) the modern visible kkk serves state ideology by displacing the popular understanding of racism onto a bunch of obvious clowns such that everyone can disavow personal/systemic racism, because it doesn't resemble the primary racist signifier of their imaginations

2) if you think that the publicly tolerated pageantry of a bunch of vocally militant racists isn't a threatening source of dread and continuous painful reminder to people of colour of systematic state sanctioned oppression and the hate that seethes under the surface of random white people all around them in their daily lives then you must be living on the fucking moon

3) your local public kkk serves as a grooming/recruiting ground for the more radical covert groups perpetrating violent and destructive direct actions and campaigns of intimidation and terror, many of them directly financed or otherwise supported by supposedly harmless goofy racist grandpas


shriekingviolet posted:

3) your local public kkk serves as a grooming/recruiting ground for the more radical covert groups perpetrating violent and destructive direct actions and campaigns of intimidation and terror, many of them directly financed or otherwise supported by supposedly harmless goofy racist grandpas

for example, congress


Petrol posted:

you know whats worse than playing footsie with david duke


this is one of my favorite thumbnails of all time. couldn't tell you about teh video


c_man posted:

so you dont care about what audience is being reached? you could make the same claims about people like clarence thomas imo. maybe you dont fault him either, idk

yeah i love David duke and my post about reaching an audience was about not an audience. Just so we are clear.

if we want to pretend that marginal white supremacist dough muffins have less influence over Arab death than community radio or the llco powerpod, idk. smh. tfw smdh. i guess i could frown at someone outside america who wont entertain that fantasy. it is a nice one.