
Edited by conec ()

my grandma just died in her sleep. i wonder how many of these old people who "die in their sleep" are actually just horking down massive quantities of the galaxy of pill bottles they have in their house and everybody is lying to themselves.
"they say norm, your dad died in his sleep, he didn't feel a thing. really? when his heart attacked and killed him? i don't think my dad was that deep a sleeper. i wake up when my cat walks across my belly" - norm macdonald
i get not wanting to erase the possibility of his dad's pain bc it seems potentially cold, childish, selfish, cowardly and almost like leaving him alone with that (potential) pain. But there's no way of knowing and it feels like getting stuck on scratching a morbid itch (disguised as comedy) in a misguided way to relate/ honor/ care
like seriously, comedians have serious problems. last episodes of louie was him with that horrible woman and it wasnt shown as tragedy made by david lynch

Prospero posted:

like seriously, comedians have serious problems.


RIP goatstein grandma
Anyone seen Cycloneboy lately?
i will help every single member of my family commit pharmaceutical suicide before i allow them to enter the hellish nightmarescape of writhing inhuman masses of piss-soaked, bedsore-riddled flesh that is the United States Nursing Home Industry
We identified 38 relevant papers (30 case reports, seven case series, and one prospective study). The reports were split into two groups—before and after the introduction of the Wii (www nintendo co uk). Before the Wii, Nintendo’s consoles had a traditional wired controller with buttons or a joystick. Wii games, however, are controlled by a motion sensitive remote, which requires players to swing their arms, resulting in more traumatic injuries.

Superabound posted:

i will help every single member of my family commit pharmaceutical suicide before i allow them to enter the hellish nightmarescape of writhing inhuman masses of piss-soaked, bedsore-riddled flesh that is the United States Nursing Home Industry

same, many of the affordable ones are not only horrible wastelands of neglect (deliberately understaffed to save $$, patient care techs sleep through night shifts regularly, bedsores macerating in soggy piss sheets, shitty food etc), if residents complain about it they're often just plied with benzos and antidepressants until they shut up

havign seen how those things are run from the inside i'd rather be in jail than in an average nursing home, no lie
this is why when i get old and feeble i'ma just stage savage, brutal armed bank robberies to pay for my in-home nursing care, so what if the pigs gun me down in cold blood i've only got a few shitty years left anyhow
the most consistent pharmaceutical connects in the world are the dying elderly
my grandma and grandpa weren't atheists but they also never to went to church once in my life or talked about god in anything other than the most rare, utterly rote fashion on a special occasion, but as soon as they're dead it's all religion this and jesus that from the preacher. combat revisionism
it seems like the people who've really got this life figured out don't spout off about atheism or attend church, and invoke god only when presented with insurmountable encounters

seems a lot better than stoning rape victims though

libelous_slander posted:

it seems like the people who've really got this life figured out don't spout off about atheism or attend church, and invoke god only when presented with insurmountable encounters

seems a lot better than stoning rape victims though

Apparently you've never been to Saudi Arabia.


wasted posted:

Apparently you've never been to Saudi Arabia.

accurate; though my parents lived there for several years AMA

who's your handler

daddyholes posted:

who's your handler

jimmy parsons. Bazinga!


daddyholes posted:

We identified 38 relevant papers (30 case reports, seven case series, and one prospective study). The reports were split into two groups—before and after the introduction of the Wii (www nintendo co uk). Before the Wii, Nintendo’s consoles had a traditional wired controller with buttons or a joystick. Wii games, however, are controlled by a motion sensitive remote, which requires players to swing their arms, resulting in more traumatic injuries.


academia must own when you are rich or work at / attend one of those wealthy jewniversities. to write a grant proposal requesting money for quite literally anything and get it approved 100% of the time is probably a really hilarious experience. like i can imagine writing a proposal requesting funding for nintendo game controller research and then laughing hysterically when i open an approval letter after a two day review.

Before Zizek began shuttling between Paris and Ljubljana, his professional prospects had already taken a turn for the better. He was still unable to hold a university position, but in 1979 some friends intervened and got him a job as a researcher at the Institute for Sociology. Given its social science orientation, Zizek was not allowed to do philosophy; instead, he announced that he would do research on the formation of Slovenian national identity. "I did the transcendental trick and said that although the long-term project is on Slovene nationalism, I must first sketch the conceptual structure of nationalism," he says. "Unfortunately, this 'clarification' has now gone on for two decades."

The job was a blessing in disguise. Once Zizek made his peace with the social scientists, he discovered that he was free to write, with none of the bureaucratic and pedagogical burdens of a Western academic. In essence, he is on permanent sabbatical. " Every three years I write a research proposal. Then I subdivide it into three one-sentence paragraphs, which I call my yearly projects. At the end of each year I change the research proposal's future-tense verbs into the past tense and then call it my fin al report," he explains. Because the institute's budget depends on how much its members publish, Zizek - who publishes more work in international publications than everyone else combined - is left completely alone. "With total freedom, I am a total workaholic," he says.
it's pretty awesome that all human intellectual progress is propagated by bullshit

found this on my harddrive recently.
thanks, i was fortunate enough to not be allowed to enjoy wddp outside the groverhaus thread. not sure if it was an access issue or if the forum moved an order of magnitude slower than the rhizzone
is there some corner of the internet that the slashie, lyesh etc group went to when wddp split?
weird tumblr
i was reading a study today about tablets versus paper books. what they did is got a group of children to read for four hours a day before bed. and for the first four days they read paper books and then went to sleep. then the next four days they read tablet ebooks and then went to sleep. and the researchers compared time to sleep and sleep quality. and they said that the average child fell asleep ten minutes later when reading an ereader. so they said you should read a paper book before sleep instead of an ereader. who has four hours to read but sweats over the extra ten minutes to get to sleep.

getfiscal posted:

who has four hours to read but sweats over the extra ten minutes to get to sleep.

*raises paw*

lol "impper said hitler was secretly gay"

either maggotmaster is making up crazy shit or impper was trolling but either way that's hilarious
the best part is everyone tripping over themselves piling on future widow for being the first to comprehensively point out how absurd slashie was.
do we really need to explain ableism to you again, krink? because it's not our job to educate you
check appendix C:
krink you got more epic 'dp screenies?