[account deactivated]
free diapers? let's go to norkor
i'm reading a book by pope ben about the eucharist and he includes a story about prayer related by martin buber. there's a rabbi traveling and he meets into some other rabbis at a small village. and they only have one phylactery (prayer thing) that they can use to pray. so one of them starts praying, and then the next, but because it's taking so long because they only have one phylactery or whatever, they are rushing through their prayers. after a while the visiting rabbi blurts out "wa wa wa, ba ba ba". and they look at him and say wtf. and he says "wa wa wa, ba ba ba". and they are like dude speak american, this is america. so he says "you people are praying so fast that you sound like little babies, wa wa wa, ba ba ba". immediately one of the other rabbis says "to a person passing on the street, a baby's speech is incomprehensible. but to their mother, she understands every word."
[account deactivated]
I am reading khamsek's book!
SPOOKS http://www.amazon.com/dp/B00QL15GH4
[account deactivated]
i have not gotten the chance to start SPOOKS yet

discipline posted:

Well, what do you think?

it gives me the same feeling of dread as good vapourwave


c_man posted:

i cant tell by the glare, but is one called the slenderman invasion?

it looks more like B_nderman or E_derman to me
its Enderman now.

getfiscal posted:

wtf why is there another movie called mission to moscow....

youre close just replace every letter in "wtf" with another letter

pee pee doo doo he is a bad pundit
what the fuck
didnt know tpaine got a job at the nyt
did Georges Lefebvre write the best books about the French Revolution

Neon_Night_Rider posted:

did Georges Lefebvre write the best books about the French Revolution


[account deactivated]

discipline posted:

I'm chilling in bed under thick blankets with my cat drinking tea, smoking argila and reading open veins of latin america

nice. i'm up reading "the joy of being a priest" by cardinal schoenborn.

[account deactivated]

Neon_Night_Rider posted:

did Georges Lefebvre write the best books about the French Revolution

his book The French Revolution slays, would highly recommend.

Have been Reading Effie Briest by Theodor Fontane recently . Differences and similarities between other 19th century novels about adultery keep crossing my mind. In addition, the various ideological antinomies between Effie and her husband/family reminds me of Arno Mayer's The Persistence of the Old Regime.

Combination of compactness and a quiet, unobtrusive poetry of situation and setting reminds me of Stendahl more than any other german author....which makes a sort of sense, considering Fontane's French Huguenot background, though of course such atavistic explanations should hardly be taken seriously.
[account deactivated]
Have also been skimming through Hazan's People's History of the French Revolution, which seems to benefit, and suffer, from the melodramatic tropes that characterize most self proclaimed People's histories.

But more importantly, I think it suffers above all by ending with the Fall of Robespierre. Doing that is like writing a history of the Russian Revolution and choosing to end with the Death of Lenin. For one thing, it ends up with story which is very narrowly centered in France (and in turn very narrowly focused in Paris). For instance, nb: Italy is only mentioned once throughout the entire text, and it is as a word in a title for a book by Laurence Sterne.

Edited by RedMaistre ()

Re: Discipline: Short Answer: I appreciate very much that a book was written that portrayed the nexus between disavowed post-patriarchal masculine authority, prostitution, the maintenance of an official radical opposition, and permanent covert imperialist war, which together represent a form of social domination that is often undetected while people spin fantasies of totalitarian evil.
[account deactivated]

discipline posted:

I saw there was some discussion on twitter about it but since I deactivated I can't see most of it.

The main criticism that I have seen is that the objects of attack were considered too obviously personal--which, to me,seems an odd point to make about a work of satire. in which authorial spleen and bile should be considered a given.

A second allegation was that the presentation of the sale of sex within the story reproduced the tropes of the journalists that the work was criticizing. Not sure exactly what meant, to be honest.

The third criticism I heard kicked around was that it was too short. But that is better than being attacked for being too long, imo.

Hope everything is going well with you, by the way.


HenryKrinkle posted:


I can't even wrap my head around that letter

they're going galt from twitter i think
backgrounder: doug williams is the dude who was accused of sending rape threats by sarah kendzior because he wrote articles refuting her "outside agitators in ferguson" narrative.

he's since deleted his twitter account and seems to be doing well.
wtf.. SK is still tweeting, she's got the market all to herself now, that's some game theory shit

edit: but seriously Henry do you know the story behind that letter or what they're even asking for?
I tried to follow some of the links and read the tumblrs and read the tweetrs, and as best as i can tell, a group of people think that academics have been stealing ideas from their tweets in order to write Important Papers and stuff without giving them proper credit. for example one person mentioned that they were the one who came up with the idea of settler colonialism.

in order to protest this, they decided to 'go galt' and stop tweeting to deny the parasites of this world the fruits of their genius.

while this tactic would have likely ground the entire engine of ivory tower knowledge production to a halt, it appears that they realized the enormity of what they were doing and relented to the anguished cries of phd students because all the twitter accounts at the end of the letter have made posts within the last hour