Did You Know that less than 2% of all crystal methamphetamine users ever serve time in prison? This message brought to you by The War on Drugs. D.A.R.E. to be drug free
i don't like the tautology of why certain people are "allowed" to be speakers in the public eye. for example, you can say that zizek is allowed to be popular because he looks and talks like a homeless clown and can thus be easily dismissed and presents no threat to capitalism. on the other hand, you can say that glenn greenwald is "allowed" to because he is "the most sober white man" in a grey suit. well, which is it? and who would not be allowed to be a popular figure? a coked out, gibbering iconoclast who looks and dresses like a german insurance adjuster?
i don't really see the dichotomy. neither of them pose a threat to capitalism/imperalism, theres your answer bam
You know they went after King, when he spoke out on Vietnam

le_nelson_mandela_face posted:

i don't like the tautology of why certain people are "allowed" to be speakers in the public eye. for example, you can say that zizek is allowed to be popular because he looks and talks like a homeless clown and can thus be easily dismissed and presents no threat to capitalism. on the other hand, you can say that glenn greenwald is "allowed" to because he is "the most sober white man" in a grey suit. well, which is it? and who would not be allowed to be a popular figure? a coked out, gibbering iconoclast who looks and dresses like a german insurance adjuster?

*Average Middle American witnesses notoriously homosexual Troop Hater and his Brazillian bunga bunga boy being harassed and assaulted by the TSA*

"Now THATS what i call a sober white man!"

it was weird seeing greenwald on the main tv channel here (it's a private reactionary mouthpiece that functions like a cartoonish banana republic's lone channel in how it holds sway over what will be discussed - and it loves the us)

it was like different worlds colliding. Like if Chomsky had Lisa Ann and Shaq on his lap while Oprah interviewed him, then tpaine calls in playing youtubes over the phone
so you live in america
is it america
it's america
i lost two facebook friends today when one of my dumber friends posted a stdh.txt of some old lady Pwning some made-up liberal protestors with "my father died in WW2, my husband died in korea and my son died in vietnam to protect your freedom to say this anti-american nonsense so shut up or i'll beat you up" and i didn't even get all Troop Hate on them i just asked in what conceivable way did Korea and Vietnam protect my free speech and they posted some flailing bullshit and then unfriended me
someone chlorine gassed a furry convention in chicago

several members of my family died in aggressive wars launched over several decades, a claim that probably nobody in any other currently-existing industrialized country can make. USA #1
from what i understand somebody just blew up a fire extinguisher at the furry con
my favorite jingoist stdh was some guy comes up to a pacifist protesting the nascent war in afghanistan and the guy punches the protestor in the face repeatedly as hard as he can to demonstrate that sometimes you gotta use violence. that protestor was jesus christ

le_nelson_mandela_face posted:

so you live in america

yeah pretty similar. except (for some reason nobody really understands) folks somehow still vote for Dilma regardless of what the media tells them to do or how much they demonize her


HenryKrinkle posted:

someone chlorine gassed a furry convention in chicago

the new face of the oppressed

I have noticed spambots quoting Noam Chomsky in the comments sections of blog articles. I'm not sure what it means when the dick pill robots have more intelligent contributions to make than humanity

Prospero posted:

le_nelson_mandela_face posted:

so you live in america

yeah pretty similar. except (for some reason nobody really understands) folks somehow still vote for regardless of what the media tells them to do or how much they demonize her

*fat patriarch impotently banging on the door to the halls of power" DILMAAAA!

i cant believe that post didnt get more upvotes. that was a tier 1 post.
i try not to upvote your posts, even when they are hilarious, because i feel it sends you the wrong message, cleaving you from your wife and child, encouraging you to post among failtards and fucknuts instead of #winning at life
don't forget chucklefucks, donald
that could be any country you antisemite
has anyone posted the excerpt where they put hummus inside a detainee's asshole?
propaganda has always been about saturation and framing, not necessarily outright censorship

a ratio of one "anti-capitalist" for thirty to three hundred clips on false consciousness plus don't forget we have to break for commercials and tune in tonight for our documentary on how torturing people is a Bad Idea for Our Nation's Finest

edit: at least they pureed it

He changed his name to Brianna because he had a crush on a fellow journalist student named "Bryan."

He lived in the building behind mine and would blast Madonna constantly and would leave all of his windows and balcony completely open while he danced. I remember he had some sort of girlie looking dog that always had a "someone please rescue me from this freak" look on its face. We called the dog Precious because of its similarity to the dog in Silence of the Lambs and Flynt's similarity to Buffalo Bill.

Turns out, a year prior, he'd come in wanting the dm to run a comic strip that he was doing. When he was told they weren't interested, he flipped out. He called one of the workers a fat dyke, and when Dr. Husni came to her defense, he called him a "raghead" and a "sand n****r." They got a restraining order to keep him away from Farley, but when they moved to Bishop, it no longer applied, and he was actually able to weasel back in to working for the SMC.

mutant freak privilege

if dancing in your apartment to madonna is wrong, i don't want to be right
do if women having their grammar belittle from Spell Check? no ironey
that's a good chart
i was reading a thing about college rape and it said that 44% of US college students meet the definition of binge drinkers. i would suggest that maybe college rape has less to do with the invisible force field known as patriarchy and more to do with people being drunk out of their minds all the time. of course you can't have a serious conversation about prohibition anymore because right-wing propaganda has completely convinced the left that prohibition failed.

getfiscal posted:

i was reading a thing about college rape and it said that 44% of US college students meet the definition of binge drinkers. i would suggest that maybe college rape has less to do with the invisible force field known as patriarchy and more to do with people being drunk out of their minds all the time. of course you can't have a serious conversation about prohibition anymore because right-wing propaganda has completely convinced the left that prohibition failed.

maybe both definitions are bullshit

oh for sure, it's more a "where there's smoke there's fire" thing, lots of people are clearly drinking to get drunk, which is immoral, and we should do something about it instead of letting the rape train continue.
the U.S. higher education system requires ubermenschen straight edge peers to oversee gatherings and prevent undesirable couplings

Prospero posted:

i googled this and it was interesting because it looks like for days the "movement" was arguing crazily over whether they should focus on attacking this person to "advance" their "cause" or whether it was some sort of trap laid for them to ruin their reputation with the press, and of course the answer is that the people worrying over it have no hope of being seen by the press as anything but a gang of enraged stalkers, it's over for them and has been for months and it was always about feeling important and never about achieving anything, so there is no reason to have a debate about this, it's like a Louisiana KKK meeting about the proper language to use to endorse slavery on CNN when they finally land the Blitzer interview


i see white supremacists effectively endorsing slavery on CNN almost every day

Superabound posted:


i see white supremacists effectively endorsing slavery on CNN almost every day