
Makeshift_Swahili posted:

theyre right for a different reason tho, to say wilson is 'sociopathic' is to turn a systemic problem into an individual sin, "a few bad apples" (and most amerikkkans wont even believe that one anyhow). wilson could be the most empathetic guy in the world and it wouldnt really make a difference.

isnt that the point of "superstructure" or whatever? to reproduce an individualist/rational actor existential identity?


Superabound posted:

all of the people saying that shit are obvious Concern Trolls because the last thing an actual Sociopath would ever do is care that someone was being 'ableist' towards them

seems silly but the gist of it is revealing (he has such a real heartless condition but magically hate racists)

Most leftists are losers who treat non-whites as imaginary friends 2dComplex allies from hiphop/brown narnia that make it ok to be antisocial cowards to those who aren't those folks from faraway narratives (ie the people who are actually in the parts of their lives that are real, where shit counts and they're only weasels who can afford to be cunts)


Makeshift_Swahili posted:

theyre right for a different reason tho, to say wilson is 'sociopathic' is to turn a systemic problem into an individual sin, "a few bad apples" (and most amerikkkans wont even believe that one anyhow). wilson could be the most empathetic guy in the world and it wouldnt really make a difference.

actually it could make a very significant difference, since sociopathy turns out to have objectively determinable genetic and neurostructural markers, making it possible, via routine medical screening, to not only bar these soulless human husks from employment in law enforcement, but weed them out of the general population as a whole, in a purely beneficial scientific discipline i like to refer to as "Eugenics"


le_nelson_mandela_face posted:

People talk about how Americans support natsec policies because of fear but I doubt that it's a primary motivation. They support them -or do not oppose them- mostly out of apathy, racism and vengeance. They understand that homeland security policies do not really affect them in any tangible way, and that the people affected by them are Muslims and usually Muslim foreigners, who are seen as scum who deserve to die on any claimed pretext. If Americans were afraid they'd respond with understanding when they briefly brush up against the most trivial and irrelevant facet of the natsec state, airport security, rather than crying like their children are being stuffed into a cattle car in Poland
All humans instinctually recognize Fascism as a negative and undesirable state of affairs, but will support it to the death as long as they can be convinced that they possess certain immutable qualities that will leave them exempt from it
holy shit the joose thread in gbs

Benn lurking and following this thread since day1. Experience with compo stuff....holy shit where to begin. I tried just a little and it was great. Slept most of the day. Few weeks later monday, i try a little more. I wake up tuesday night with a broken arm from crashing my motorcycle in a parking lot,, walk 30 miles the wrong direction home, in the middle of the night, Cop pulls me aside and wis wondering where I'm going (home No ID No money, no cellphone, but keys thankfully), I fail a sobriety test as it as 30 or so out raining and I was cold shivering so i think i got some leniancy. Thankfully he gave me a lift. Wakup wednesday to an email that said if I wasn't in the hospital i was fired, and my fiances father called and said if I called her again he'd get a restraining order.

Now i find out that despite being in the hospital, I'm still fired. Learn from my lesson folks, you will loose the love of your life and despite being a week later have no idea why. Loose your job, and in a month or so your apartment. I have basically no where to go.
that feel.. when you destroy your life for a high that involves no memory of any events passing...
i opened the MMB and i did do some research, like this is the most powerful drug i've ever done and i was expecting it to be however, in my screwed up lil high mind i just put a bit less in than i had been doing prior and i gained consciousness in an ambulance outside my house, i think i was being violent ........ (against my nature) cause i got the feeling that the people in the ambulance with me were having a hard time, anyways i then threatened the guy to let me off the ambulance and i went back to bed only to wake up naked on the floor being handcuffed and taken to hospital. Interesting to note despite being incredibly drugged out of my face i managed to hide the MMB in my boxers the entire day.

I get home...... that was very stressful i said, i think i need a JOINT after that.............. regained consciousness in hospital in the same day LOL, i even made extra special care to like 1/3rd my dose honestly you could barely tell there was a substance in my cigarette. Got home, and .......... had another joint the ambulance was called again.

This is really not normal for me and i can't explain to you why i kept doing this to myself but understand i rarely ever touch drugs maybe once a year i'll get "drug urges" and order some RC'S that's all.

Anyways i order the same a week later after doing more research and i was hospitalised for the 3rd time after the 2 grams of thj, when i hot home.

I was putting in THREE specs of the finest powder at the end of a cigarette and finally managed to just relax and get high but you know what? I prefer the high THJ2201 has over this, because this stuff is more like "indica" and will put you to sleep, tjh2201 is much more mentally altering.

In conclusion even if you know your amounts and are measuring volumetrically - you don't know how this will effect you just leave it
im really diggin' paranoid randroids posts in that thread. did he used to post in lf? im not forums royalty so i cant see archives

Im Eating My Epileptic Roommate's Medicine So That My Brain Does Not Hard Lock, But Hey Addiction Is All In Your Mind When You Think About It Really


i love the internet because it has taught me that drug users are some of the stupidest and most delusional people in the world. you'd have to be one of those sweating pink fundies shrieking at a malfunctioning skeleton toy to outstrip a guy who thinks he doesn't have a heroin problem because he wanted to suck a drug dealer's dick anyway you squares
so i just bought a pound of heroin in bulk, it'll save money because i'll ration it out for the fiscal quarter which will really open up my budget *looks like a vampire that just spent 100 years starving in a collapsed platinum mine*
wait what drug are they talking about
phenazapam, some benzo opiate that has a half-life of 60 hours and is virtually impossible to accurately dose
wait, you DON'T buy your drugs in bulk from China?
actually i buy all my china from a guy NAMED Bulk
i just started a cutting phase and i forgot about the fireplug shits
since most of you have never dieted let me explain. when you cut your food intake down to very little, for a few days you have very small, loose poops. then your bowel realizes this is its chance to rebel against the eternal tyranny of food and you pay out like a progressive slot machine

le_nelson_mandela_face posted:

i just started a cutting phase

wow, im really sorry to hear that goat. my humble advice is to cry yourself to sleep listening to Siamese Dream on repeat every night and just try to hold it together until graduation. It Gets Better


le_nelson_mandela_face posted:


I HRT myself today
To see if I still feel


If you've never loosened up and allowed yourself the freedom to accidentally fly head first off of a stolen dirt bike after snorting a powder made out of the dried up foam that accumulates on the surfaces of bodies of water near Chinese factories, then I just literally don't know what to say to you *rolls away in Stephen Hawking robot chair*

Lol! "Stephen Hawking robot chair!!" My sides!!!!
[account deactivated]
i wonder if i suck up to boniface on twitter he can get me connections

sounds like pretty good odds

le_nelson_mandela_face posted:

i wonder if i suck up to boniface on twitter he can get me connections

i don't think casual writing assignments for the guardian rake in celebrity dollars really. just stick to doing what you do best: chasing down people who run insurance fraud schemes or whatever.

[account deactivated]
boniface is a pretty big name in internet commenting.
[account deactivated]

le_nelson_mandela_face posted:

sounds like pretty good odds

i guess men & women are the same except in how they might do bad things. i used to think male feminists were scared Nice Guys resenting "assholes fratbros jocks"/ "rapists" but actually they're the creepiest fuckers for believing this shit

"cmon guys, whats more likely/ easier - raping or telling a lie? Raping comes WAY more naturally!"

that's really not the headline you want to go with. you have a 99% chance of getting away with rape
fortunately that's utter horseshit
studies consistently show that 84% of statistics are completely made up
i checked out the footnotes on that and, well, to say the least,

le_nelson_mandela_face posted:

that's really not the headline you want to go with. you have a 99% chance of getting away with rape

ive always found this particular insistence to be strangely counterproductive: "Dear Rape Victims, its not even worth speaking up. Dear Rapists, you will almost never get caught"

i mean really, trendy mainstream "radical" ideology in reality reinforcing the very status quo it superficially seems to oppose? what are the odds!