Bablu is a good trade publication
I also finally finished writing my paper on the algorithm for why you should dump the person you love. PM me if you wanna read it and tear it up or whatever.
let me just say though that i cant believe you went through with this lol. mad respect though.
guidoanselmi posted:So yall should read my pos blog:
I also finally finished writing my paper on the algorithm for why you should dump the person you love. PM me if you wanna read it and tear it up or whatever.
this is like aspergers the blog

c_man posted:also strogatz ftw
I really had mixed feelings about that book. It kinda went to shit once it started 3D systems so I wish there was another book that I could follow up with.
There's a free stat mech book that goes over some stuff that's related (the chapter on entropy & chapters on phase transitions. a lot of the problems are interesting if not poorly laid out despite his mountains of text that manage to obscure any meaningful premise) but it is honestly one of the shittiest text books I've ever read:
There's a lot of good stuff there but it's obscured by poorly he defines anything.
babyhueypnewton posted:guidoanselmi posted:
So yall should read my pos blog:
I also finally finished writing my paper on the algorithm for why you should dump the person you love. PM me if you wanna read it and tear it up or whatever.
this is like aspergers the blog
im actively seeking treatment. dont shame bro
For real, I do write on the main page that I think it's absurd. I'll thank my ex for her inspiring words that led me to this absurd, but scientific and remarkably self-consistent exercise in numerics.
Edited by guidoanselmi ()
i actually know of some good sources to follow up strogatz with if you're interested, depending on what you want out of it. if you want to get into the nitty gritty of analyzing and simulating highly nonlinear ODEs and looking for special kinds of bifurcations you should look at elements of applied bifurcation theory by kuznetsov. aligood has a decent into to chaos thats still undergrad level but more involved than strogatz and ed ott has a pretty great grad level chaos book. if you're interested in some of the topological/geometric aspects of dynamical system you should check out the books on geometric mechanics, i like bloch's book Nonholonomic Mechanics and Control, which is actually a geometric mechanics book with some controls and nonholonomic systems applications and is a good intro to the subject since it includes all of the differential geometry you'll need for the book, as well as most of the classical mechanics. once you have that stuff, Holm has a pair of books that are full of interesting example to mess around with. the Real Shit is of course Vladimir Arnold's book. you might also find some books on mathematical biology interesting because that's where a lot of the population models that you're talking about come from and there's a lot of development going on in that field.
guidoanselmi posted:I'll thank my ex for her inspiring words that led me to this absurd, but scientific and remarkably self-consistent exercise in numerics.
so just to clarify, you had a breakup conversation where she was trying to break up with you and you weren't accepting it and then she was like oh whatever why don't you do some fucking math about it, and then you did
discipline posted:Rashied let's get married
Formula Love: How Big Data Brought Together a Shia Man and a Sunni Woman, and Maybe Saved the World
drwhat posted:guidoanselmi posted:
I'll thank my ex for her inspiring words that led me to this absurd, but scientific and remarkably self-consistent exercise in numerics.
so just to clarify, you had a breakup conversation where she was trying to break up with you and you weren't accepting it and then she was like oh whatever why don't you do some fucking math about it, and then you did
sounds pretty damning when you put it that way...but yes.
Barbarossa posted:Heidegger but I gave up
me to.
so i'm writing my business plan atm. I cite deleuze & guattari (non-ironically) and express how relevant it is to user adoption. i'll see if anyone notices...
also cite this:
someone from rhizzone should just come kill me before this goes any further tia
how did this not get posted here 100x
Bablu posted:how did this not get posted here 100x
waiting for the eng translation of his book to see if he has any good stories/data/names to share
Bablu posted:how did this not get posted here 100x
this guy is a virulent Islamophobe fyi. probably one of those right-wing critics of the US who thinks multiculturalism is a CIA plot.
Edited by HenryKrinkle ()
HenryKrinkle posted:this guy is a virulent Islamophobe fyi. probably one of those right-wing critics of the US who thinks multiculturalism is a CIA plot.
huh. i wonder where he got all those fecal jihad stories from
guidoanselmi posted:someone from rhizzone should just come kill me before this goes any further tia
all you have to do is pick up the phone and order a pizza in san francisco
HenryKrinkle posted:this guy is a virulent Islamophobe fyi. probably one of those right-wing critics of the US who thinks multiculturalism is a CIA plot.
eh, still prefer right-wing critics of Empire to left-wing supporters of it
HenryKrinkle posted:Bablu posted:how did this not get posted here 100x
this guy is a virulent Islamophobe fyi. probably one of those right-wing critics of the US who thinks multiculturalism is a CIA plot.
Russia Today employs a lot of complete unqualified german nobodies as "experts". they even founded a german version of RT thats marginally better than the russian original but for the most part I wouldn't put any more faith in the shit they spin when they put the biggest idiots that rival the rest of the zionist, homophobic german media cadre of Matusseks and Henryk M. Broders on display. (warning!!!! CIA/BND joint venture link incoming!!!! )
Superabound posted:
IMO russian state telly paying a bigot to make some grand claims that are almost assuredly complete bullshit lies isn't really some "criticism of Empire" worth any time