whenever people say people should be attracted to every race i don't understand what sort of process they imagine would be involved. like are men who don't find chinese women attractive supposed to look for asian porn and then beat off for a few hours until they finally cum. and like somehow pavlovian conditioning will bring this masturbation down to a normal fifteen seconds after a while. then they can go have sex with various races until their pie chart of sexual encounters reflects the true diversity of our world.

or like if some woman isn't into black guys is she supposed to be like "well, i'm not sexually attracted to you, but you're a nice person, and i enjoy hanging out with you, so i'll let you rail me while i finish my biology homework." i guess a third option is that you could just watch enough episodes of the cosby show on netflix until you're somehow not racist anymore and then your mojo will kick in.

if you can change your sexual preferences with conditioning does that extend to homosexuality. i mean i guess i'm wrong here because obviously 'prison gay' exists, which is really just another way of saying that everyone's gay.
[account deactivated]

getfiscal posted:

everyone's gay.

[account deactivated]
is this the atheist thread

getfiscal posted:

men who don't find chinese women attractive supposed to look for asian porn and then beat off for a few hours until they finally cum. and like somehow pavlovian conditioning will bring this masturbation down to a normal fifteen seconds after a while. then they can go have sex with various races until their pie chart of sexual encounters reflects the true diversity of our world.

for the last time, agreed

Assassin’s Creed: Unity, the newest release from video game giant Ubisoft, has some Frenchmen up in arms. The company says its game allows players to “experience the open world of 18th-century Paris.... Sabotage an execution. Protect an emperor. Assassinate a Templar agent.” The game has over 5,000 characters, but just one has France irked: Maximilien de Robespierre.

French politician Jean-Luc Mélenchon expressed his distaste for the portrayal of Robespierre to The Independent, saying, “This is propaganda against the people. The people are barbarians, as bloody savages. A man who was our liberator at one stage of the Revolution is portrayed as a monster.”

Mélenchon also says Ubisoft has insulted his fellow countrymen: “They are insulting us to destroy what keeps us together as French people. This is a rewriting of history to glorify those who lost and to discredit the Republic, one and indivisible.”

Newsweek Magazine is Back In Print

Alexis Corbière, secretary general of France’s La Partie de la Gauche, agrees the game is problematic. “ alleges wrongly that there were hundreds of thousands of deaths and that whole streets were filled with blood.”

The game is set during the French Revolution, and by the makers’ own admission it exaggerates the course of history: The modern French flag is waved, and the modern national anthem is on the soundtrack (neither was adopted until after the revolution). Over 200 years after his death by guillotine, Robespierre is portrayed as one of the villains in the game.

Assassin’s Creed: Unity shows Robespierre as “more of a mass murderer and less of a hero of the oppressed,” notes videogame reporter Tim Colwill. He was a radical leader in the revolution, and his reign involved thousands of death sentences during the Terror. At one point in the game, Robespierre says “I detest this filthy world which is nothing but a carcass on which mankind feeds like worms.… I want to kill as many people as possible.… My genocidal crusade begins here and now.”

libelous_slander posted:

triggerwarning: butts

now THAT'S paper!


ilmdge posted:

i knwo what poc stands for but it's funny that term is so internalized now that an 'introductory' comic liek that just rolls with "poc" from the get-go without ever defining it. also it looks like "poc" is a word the way this is written


mods change name to "POC Marx"

if there's one thing that I require from fantasy it's realism
*tips fedora*

Prospero posted:

"friendly reminder snowflakes: you just want to be oppressed. oh so i guess my opinion doest matter anymore! lol fuck trigger warnings, im a potato" - amazing atheist

actually, the Amazing Atheist is cool now.


getfiscal posted:

whenever people say people should be attracted to every race i don't understand what sort of process they imagine would be involved. like are men who don't find chinese women attractive supposed to look for asian porn and then beat off for a few hours until they finally cum. and like somehow pavlovian conditioning will bring this masturbation down to a normal fifteen seconds after a while. then they can go have sex with various races until their pie chart of sexual encounters reflects the true diversity of our world.

or like if some woman isn't into black guys is she supposed to be like "well, i'm not sexually attracted to you, but you're a nice person, and i enjoy hanging out with you, so i'll let you rail me while i finish my biology homework." i guess a third option is that you could just watch enough episodes of the cosby show on netflix until you're somehow not racist anymore and then your mojo will kick in.

if you can change your sexual preferences with conditioning does that extend to homosexuality. i mean i guess i'm wrong here because obviously 'prison gay' exists, which is really just another way of saying that everyone's gay.


gyrofry posted:

if there's one thing that I require from fantasy it's realism

if theres one thing that I require from fantasy, its an escape from a life filled with endless social retardation and public ostracism, Type II diabetes, and my stepdad, Tim


hahahaha the cop's undercover is as deep as this goon's denial
[account deactivated]
(dave chapelle's white cop voice) you did good johnson, our plan almost made him turn
I got so distracted at that rally that a cop snuck up behind me and nicked me mobile. He fancied me mobile so he nicked it.
white people who can't wait in line at the airport for 20 minutes twice a year without screaming smash the state presume to judge black people for rioting over legalized murder

Edited by le_nelson_mandela_face ()

reminder that soldiers irl are like cops from the caricatures of a spastic teen anarchist
Cops are morally worse than soldiers because fewer of them commit suicide
soldiers also dont write me tickets for going 73 on the interstate last monday
they also hate browns, not just blacks?
you can publicly tell a Troop to go fuck himself or suck your dick and not be immediately assaulted or executed because of it
[account deactivated]
yeah tumblr is right on that one, that ‘empathy’ shit is missing the mark by a million miles

getfiscal posted:

sorry jewishjoestars, but i am unable to abide by your request, due to suffering from loads of mental illness that cause a lack of empathy and caring

[account deactivated]
all of the people saying that shit are obvious Concern Trolls because the last thing an actual Sociopath would ever do is care that someone was being 'ableist' towards them
Sociopathic Justice Warrior
theyre right for a different reason tho, to say wilson is 'sociopathic' is to turn a systemic problem into an individual sin, "a few bad apples" (and most amerikkkans wont even believe that one anyhow). wilson could be the most empathetic guy in the world and it wouldnt really make a difference.

Edited by Chthonic_Goat_666 ()