sure, stay away from Deleuze and Guattari, if you hate having telekinesis
stay far, far away from Agamben if your greatest nightmare is to develop a sixth "sonar" sense when submerged in liquid
reject all offers of Levinas paperbacks if you don't have the stomach for cosmic force vision and perfect long-distance targeting vision at the same time
Power of spaceflight? Not for everyone. Leave that Lyotard where the one-eyed librarian dropped it.

Edited by dipshit420 ()

problem w/ "privilege" discourse is it sounds too mild to describe the benefits 500 years of imperialism, slavery and genocide have given white people.
i knwo what poc stands for but it's funny that term is so internalized now that an 'introductory' comic liek that just rolls with "poc" from the get-go without ever defining it. also it looks like "poc" is a word the way this is written



HenryKrinkle posted:

problem w/ "privilege" discourse is it sounds too mild to describe the benefits 500 years of imperialism, slavery and genocide have given white people.

Interesting, but on the other hand, my family never owned slaves, and did you know that some white people were indentured servants


ilmdge posted:

i knwo what poc stands for but it's funny that term is so internalized now that an 'introductory' comic liek that just rolls with "poc" from the get-go without ever defining it. also it looks like "poc" is a word the way this is written


Michael Jackson was X-Poc.

I love following serious journalists on Twitter and imagining them having to type out shit like "@trill_pikachu"

Prospero posted:

the obsession these people have with those that aren't white seems really fetishistic and kind of insane. just my 2¢.

btw i just wanted to come here to say that you should all stop drinking too much. i had an "experiment" with alcohol for many weekends over the past few of months and i have come to see the truth about this boring, depressing substance. if you want to get intoxicated eat weed before you sleep and the next day you will be much happier than if you were to have spent the night drinking. as in you will literally feel happy the whole day during the "afterglow."

hth. it wont, but i hope it does.

gwarp posted:

just my 2¢

they only ever interact with other white ppl and use race as a stick - it's no hassle to cheerlead ppl to throw stones up when you're too high up to be reached

on the one hand, i'm sure that most of these people have very limited interactions with nonwhite people, especially poor nonwhite people, are merely using them as a rhetorical cudgel, and would probably have an anxiety attack if they had a poor black lady screaming in their face. on the other hand, white people are subhuman trash who should be exterminated by force
if anyone is screaming in your face it's okay to be anxious. i mean it's a pretty big signal of danger. people don't scream in anger and then hand over a nice slice of pie for you or whatever.
triggerwarning: butts


getfiscal posted:

if anyone is screaming in your face it's okay to be anxious. i mean it's a pretty big signal of danger. people don't scream in anger and then hand over a nice slice of pie for you or whatever.

fucking racist


le_nelson_mandela_face posted:

and would probably have a internet-wide freakout if they had a poor black person saying good morning to them

kim kardashian is a porn star with an agent
[account deactivated]

getfiscal posted:

people don't scream in anger and then hand over a nice slice of pie for you or whatever.

"do you want this weiner to go or would you like to shove it up your ass right here?"

anti-choice fat-shaming doctor said i was TOO BIG to be aborted at 387 months - babykin
now who's peddling soviet propaganda

daddyholes posted:

now who's peddling soviet propaganda


lol i've been out in the ether of leftist weirdos for way too long and i'd kinda forgotten that rank-and-file american conservatives are barking mad

Left-Wing Journalism Ripped from Today’s Headlines

Genre: Documentary

Audience: Older children to adults

Rating: R

Runtime: 114 minutes

Distributor: RADiUS-TWC/The Weinstein Company

Director: Laura Poitras

Executive Producer: Steven Soderbergh, Jeff Skoll, Diane Weyermann, David Menschel, Tom Quinn, Sheila Nevins

Producer: Laura Poitras, Mathilde Bonnefoy, Dirk Wilutzky

(HHH, SoSoSo, AC, APAPAP, AcapAcapAcap, HoHo, LL, V, S, MM) Very strong humanist and socialist, but subtle, worldview that takes an argument for smaller government and turns it into an Anti-American, anti-capitalist diatribe that ultimately undermines the country that’s actually the biggest defender of liberty on the planet, plus leftist journalist uses his homosexual partner to assist him in his battles against the United States, and the partner is detained for several hours at an airport; eight “f” words, one GD and one Oh My God; brief newsreel footage of war; no sex scenes but real-life unmarried man lives with his girlfriend, and another man has a homosexual lover, and there are one or two brief shots of them together; no nudity; no alcohol; no smoking or drugs; and, man violates his oath of secrecy by not just revealing the extent of some major surveillance programs but also by releasing top-secret documents and files, movie seems to take a very one-sided view of a controversial issue with little or no self-examination, and protagonists take a positive attitude about the release of secret information that all of the USA’s drone attacks stem from a well-known air force base in Germany, a release that seems really and truly treasonous to MOVIEGUIDE® but the movie and its two “heroes” seem to applaud it totally and unconditionally.

CITIZENFOUR is a political documentary taking viewers inside the room where reporter Glenn Greenwald interviews with NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden in a Hong Kong hotel in June 2013. CITIZENFOUR is structured well and makes some good points about the dangers of big government, but it also is a one-sided documentary with an apparent Anti-American, socialist, anti-capitalist agenda that seems to benefit the violent Muslim terrorists and America’s other potential enemies, such as Russia, China, Iran, and North Korea.
Ferguson Cop Supporters Crowdfunded a "Pants Up, Don't Loot" Billboard
cold warrior movie reviewers are probably some of my favorite reactionaries next to frankfurt youtube deconstruction detectives
i've got this tumblrina person on my facebook friends and i posted a picture of a vibrator they sell at the pharmacy asking since when do they sell vibrators at the pharmacy and she said "since they realized sexual health isn't just about condoms and birth control??" like, oh shut up
attention: i have a medical need to masturbate. but only with an electronic phallus that i require access to the purchase of while getting cheetos. i'm super pompous about this, BTW
i don't think a fleshlight being available would be viewed with the same level of tolerance and may, in fact, be a microaggression.
lol cheetos in pharmacies

"when you get smokes at the pharmacy can you get a DP sybian too? I broke yours nom nom nom dont ask me how nom nom its not my job to educate you"
more tumblr
"friendly reminder snowflakes: you just want to be oppressed. oh so i guess my opinion doest matter anymore! lol fuck trigger warnings, im a potato" - amazing atheist