
tpaine posted:

maybe they're like...the electro...the like, remnants of our brainwaves? I mean it's possible

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Prospero posted:


its really weird how impossible it is to find a gif or even just the actual footage of Dr. Scott kicking his legs during the RHPS floor show scene. i honestly figured tumblr would have already turned every single second of that movie into a gif by now, kinda seems like their thing
oh wait thats right, theyre only allowed to transgress gender boundaries in the most whiny, pedantic, nitpicking, uncool, least rock & roll ways possible. my bad
so does all this mean Facebook is going to start including "War Criminal" in their list of 71 possible Genders?

Prospero posted:

I don't understand why you posted a picture of some completely normal women


Superabound posted:

so does all this mean Facebook is going to start including "War Criminal" in their list of 71 possible Genders?

gender: half "1/4 of four horsewomen of the sandniggersrapists' apocalypse" and half "john cleese"

i mean yeah, they probably have struggles. discipline and determination that is lacking in the usual pussypass-chasing psycho-troon... but christ look at that ginger version of the bald robocop villain (and lol the forced perspective making her look like she's visiting hobbits)

what voice do they choose when they yell at soldiers for minor grooming infractions - while worried if they're showing enough of those gaaaaams
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Prospero posted:

no yes no no yes


Prospero posted:


i'm sad that there's nobody on rhizzone who has weird opinions about medicine and "toxins"
aids is caused by autism vaccines and cured by water memory
its cool how all the dudes who were way into rhizomatic pomo gibberish turned out to have major schizophrenia within 2 years
yeah whats the deal with that btw? its like that shit is the necronomicon for people slightly too clever for their own good
I couldn't make heads or tails of any of that fuckin shit. i don't think it made them crazy, i think their nascent crazy latched onto it
let's see: dm, domn... who else?
that guy with the green stickman av
even when i was high it was "ok this must be losing something from the original, i should mind the gap in this dumb 'becoming-wolf' baby blabber, fuck it this is silly"
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if im ever a dad i'll forbid my sons to go near those authors (and vaccines) and i'll describe them as "nutty fruitcake books" because its the best old timey way to describe some crazy gay ass wrongthink

HenryKrinkle posted:

let's see: dm, domn... who else?

anime reality dude

... but he could burn scrubs like nobody's business.
thats one thing i miss about lf, the huffpo lifestylists who said shit like joan of arc had magic lesbo powers or old timey womens' medical knowledge outstripped our own or "phenotypic plastiticity disproves natural selection and the only ones still clinging to it are the white establishment"
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le_nelson_mandela_face posted:

thats one thing i miss about lf, the huffpo lifestylists who said shit like joan of arc had magic lesbo powers or old timey womens' medical knowledge outstripped our own or "phenotypic plastiticity disproves natural selection and the only ones still clinging to it are the white establishment"

get bhpn to post here

hey i found him
was hans that dude who like legit freaked out over i think people spamming the political comics thread
Those dudes were totes smug and pompous about their pomo gibberish and how I was dumb because I couldn't Get It and now they're writing alien code on the walls in feces and my only mental illness is pathological misanthropy. #winning
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i was immediately repulsed by the D&G stuff, but, trying to stay open-minded and hoping to understand their secret language, went to the book store looking to pick up a copy of anti-oedipus (we had book stores back then).

i took a copy off the shelf and tried reading the first page and parsing it as hard as i could but it was pure meaningless gibberish. i flipped through it and it was more of the same. compared to actual philosophy such as plato (which is rather clear to understand), i became convinced that it was a total charade. a bunch of highly interpretable, half-baked ideas of no importance obscured to make them look smart or dangerous. you hook some prodromal types and get them obsessed with your work. i mean, the book is literally titled 'capitalism & schizophrenia'; that's revealing. think of the sort of audience that appeals to.

i had more or less the same experience when i bought a zizek book hoping to learn more. i thought he would be relatively clear like he is in online videos of him (which is saying something) but it was unreadable.

i do find it interesting that another major nexus point of schizophrenia is trying to fully process neon genesis evangelion.
as a follow-up thought, a lot of nerd hobbies seem to involve elaborate fantasy worlds to escape into and try to comprehend (and then predict). we have often associated this with 'autism', which highlights its anti-social elements, but i think it can also be characterized as schizophrenia. and i think it's something pretty much everyone does to some degree or another as a means of escape. arguably any consumption of art such as reading a book or watching a film falls into this category. the more intelligent a person is, the more elaborate a fantasy they can get lost into. the more anti-social a person is, the more taboo a fantasy they will allow themselves to get lost into. a proper schizophrenic is someone who simply goes too far and loses their anchor to the real world and has to crawl back and try to maintain sanity. (i'm reminded of the monomyth again)

arguably, all interests which aren't dedicated to the pragmatic betterment of the actual world, personally or collectively, (whether physically, socially, ideologically, or some other realistic manner) qualify as schizophrenic. and i think this fear of wasting my time unproductively is why it's rare i am able to get lost into fiction anymore, unless i am in a period of severe emotional distress. i look back on my past obsessions with wistful embarrassment. there is also the very real risk of being morally or otherwise psychologically manipulated by the author who has you in his grasp. i think religion can sublimate this need, and be a constructive influence.

see also: ninjastomper58's warning