
le_nelson_mandela_face posted:

i dont recall if there were ever any tranz ppl who supported catcalls but the collapsible baton thing definitely at least allegedly happened

i don't know if there was anyone who specifically fit the profile of trans and catcall-positive but it was definitely the opposing argument.

[account deactivated]
theres a wddp?
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people are so resistant to change that you cant even get rid of daylight savings time, a pointless annoyance that benefits nobody, but let me tell you about how we're gonna topple the most powerful people on the planet with marxoposts
i love daylight savings time
i wish it was always daylight savings time
save as much daylight as possible imo. you never know when youll need it
gentrification owns
white people move out of the cities = ablooo
white people move into the cities = ablooo

white people move into the ocean = awinn!

which is why I support seasteading

le_nelson_mandela_face posted:

white people move out of the cities = ablooo
white people move into the cities = ablooo

good job missing the point.

the problem is that white people always segregate themselves whether moving into the suburbs to escape non-whites or displacing non-whites when moving into the city. the only thing short of socialism that could solve this problem is rent control and well-funded, well-managed public housing.

of course they're displacing nonwhites, since the nonwhites only hold the land by virtue of it being such a shithole that nobody with any option wants to live there. once that factor is removed, there's no particular reason for nonwhites to live there

how much violation though. like do they wince a little bit every time someone beats off to a picture of them. my own guess is that it doesn't affect them that much, because the science behind it is that there's virtually no connection between a instance of some 15 year old hunger games fan downloading images and the emotions of jennifer lawrence.
i feel like the first few hundred downloads probably ruined her day but after that there wasn't much marginal damage.
everytime you male glaze it's like lena dunham abusing her little sister for years. "I felt a great disturbance, as if millions of voices suddenly cried out in pleasure and were suddenly silenced. I fear something terrible has happened." - jlaw (not jude law)
someone on my facebook said it was reprehensible and indefensible that lena dunham outed her sister to her parents. this wasn't rural kansas where her dad was going to beat her with a belt until she died. her parents are experimental artists in new york. telling them she's gay is like telling them you're going to stop eating dairy for a while, the conversation probably lasted a few seconds and involved no raised eyebrows.
[account deactivated]
"oh im sorry sweetie, who did you say is a 'dykey little cunt'? Daddy was doing vaginas on PaintBrush again. its the 234th one but i feel like im getting there, its like something i can almost remember. just 100 more times... oh ok you werent talking to me because im like that vegetable mother in american beauty? oh ok"
lena dunham is not marxist and consistently erases class

getfiscal posted:

someone on my facebook said it was reprehensible and indefensible that lena dunham outed her sister to her parents. this wasn't rural kansas where her dad was going to beat her with a belt until she died. her parents are experimental artists in new york. telling them she's gay is like telling them you're going to stop eating dairy for a while, the conversation probably lasted a few seconds and involved no raised eyebrows.

actually, its more like telling them you just got accepted to Harvard. on a Gay Jew scholarship

"Mom, Dad.....i have some really bad news for you. Your daughter.....will never have a penis in her mouth, ass, or vagina. I know this is ve--Huh? Whats that? HahahaHAHAHAhahahAHAHAHA NO. Your OTHER daughter. Ahahahahahaha......" *walks out of room still laughing*

le_nelson_mandela_face posted:


10 hours of walking in silence as a misanthrope
one of my god damn friends just named their child "Khaleesi"
[account deactivated]

le_nelson_mandela_face posted:

one of my god damn friends just named their child "Khaleesi"

i try to avoid learning anything about any fantasy series that's not catholicism and even i know that's the title and not the name. like naming your kid queen and not being a latifah.

this is my son Big Pussy and my daughter Al Swearengen
i've never understood naming kids after fantasy novel characters but i met a Tylin once (wheel of time) and welp
Those things are really common because idiots aren't aware that restating common arguments in a smug tone of voice is not the same thing as rebutting them
a second friend's kid has hit the tower
*draws the circle* what makes these 21 year old skeleton males enter a doom quest to harass gay teens on twitter? like the aging leaders of these people i understand, the lumpy trash bag guys with ragged no chin goatees, everyone knows one of those guys, she left him, he has the second husband's facebook as his home page, theyre all out to get him but they havent accounted for his tumblr et cetera but for these college kids where are the wise misogynists of yesteryear? why isnt anyone telling them that the relationship between scragglechub and the people getting real revenge on women is the same as the one between a 50 year old libertarian and like, someone with a job?
[account deactivated]
have you ever met a woman in your life who didn't believe in either god or some kind of woo-woo
my wife is atheist and has a doctorate in biology but isn't sure there aren't ghosts. wtf
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