God Bless and Godspeed.

AmericanNazbro posted:Ah, I'm sorry to hear goon love has driven a wedge into your posting experience. I wish you the best, and pray the hordes of women cease their harassment. Perhaps it is the axe body spray and not the content of your posts? We can never be certain.
God Bless and Godspeed.
le_nelson_mandela_face posted:its cool how the thing that killed amerikkas innocence forever was the scandal that some negligible fraction of the people nixon was illegally spying on were politically relevant
pretty sure we lost our innocence after we successfully seceded from the English Empire only to retain slavery for nearly a century afterwards

90 minutes of intense exercise to burn 130 calories? Sounds plausible. I have never set foot on a treadmill in my life. Thanks Cracked
le_nelson_mandela_face posted:
90 minutes of intense exercise to burn 130 calories? Sounds plausible. I have never set foot on a treadmill in my life. Thanks Cracked
rather weak troll, 4/10. the jig was up as soon as they wrote "sugar AND carbohydrates" like dude, that's like writing "squares AND quadrangles" get it together cracked, your nerd-cred is unraveling by the minute
Prospero posted:cracked really went full on tumblr. they used to fail at humor instead of just not trying
6 Reasons Fatness Is Impossible to Cure You Won't Believe (Because They Are Fraudulent)
after the pump, sit still and ask your spotter to inject whey into your veins
le_nelson_mandela_face posted:....if you don't have tons of down votes from pissing off assmad redditors
*clears throat, repeats more loudly this time* how the hell am i supposed to Build Communism with that??
on that subject reddit has like hideously outrageously ignorant high school junior arguments against socialism which i attribute mostly to cultural ideology and also the fact that they are high school juniors, but also to the fact that commies are blithering shitbirds who manage to make "you get more money and control of your workplace" insanely complicated and unattractive