Its about attractive people who are gainfully employed?
yo stein, let it go already. let it go, friend.
im not banned from wddp
[account deactivated]
Banned for being known to associate with goatstein
I have in my hand a list of 30 goatstein sympathizers

AmericanNazbro posted:
yo stein, let it go already. let it go, friend.

I quake with rage every day irl

i got banned for trying to form an understanding of rape as a social phenomenon with material causes, ie for being a marxist lol. but mostly i think its because im a male heterosexhaver, and wddp would rather all men actually did that lowly abject turd thing from the scum manifesto
actually i think the actual thing was i posted "MY WOUNDED PRIDE" at slashie when she got really weird and wouldnt accept the apology i made for inadvertently causing her a shitload of offence by being a marxist, and people interpreted it as having something to do with the genitals of trans people??? wtf m8
almost every time you posted it turned into a 800 post dramabomb thread with about 10 people scrambling to make things right. it was pretty intense.
yeah it was weird/awesome
I find it difficult to believe that a tranny would get irrationality upset
but that was at basically the peak of Wddp Crazy, like just after i got banned maggotmaster and aidoru got teh hammer too and every day brought another handwringing Let's Work Out Our Issues Regarding Privilege And Discourse Like The Adults We're Not thread
DRUXXX cant post in his own IFAP thread and also he is a literary fucking maven os read this and unIFAP him'

“All you have to do is write one true sentence. Write the truest sentence that you know.” - Earnest Hërmingvay

I've never been an earnest individual, but my fear of earnestness and my earnest attempt to avoid being earnest and speaking and writing earnestly has proven that I in fact am. However, it is important that one recognize that fear of honest expression disguised as wit is not an appropriate trait for a revolutionary or ally of the revolution. For this reason, it is important that we struggle not to be, as Mao once said, swollen in head, weak in legs, sharp in tongue but empty in belly. We must be astute and attentive in our struggle to express earnestly and honestly not only the revolutionary program but in our relationships with our brothers and sisters in humanity so that we might make more beautiful lives for ourselves. I thank Herr Swampman for my time in the Gulag as an opportunity to learn this truth, and though I am far from perfect I will struggle to improve myself in this regard at all times.

Goethestein posted:
I find it difficult to believe that a tranny would get irrationality upset

slashie isnt trans she just gets angry all the time JUST LIKE ALL WOMEN AMIRITE HURR HURR HURR

i cant unfap a dude unless he post in the thread lol
Didn't you get in big trouble for posting a thing about how the Holocaust didn't happen and they got wienery because That Kind of Talk Gives Cover to Real Racists like any racist ever has been affected by what was posted on a Marxist/mental illness support forums with 40 readers
i dont want to be seen to be talking about this too much but slashie once flipped out on me because i posted a paragraph from that red medicine book that said that women were treated kind of okay in the ussr

deadken posted:
i cant unfap a dude unless he post in the thread lol

he can't post in his own thread lol. Wow. True Oppression in This Forum. Reminds me of 1984 a Little Bit


Goethestein posted:
Didn't you get in big trouble for posting a thing about how the Holocaust didn't happen and they got wienery because That Kind of Talk Gives Cover to Real Racists like any racist ever has been affected by what was posted on a Marxist/mental illness support forums with 40 readers

lol yeah. it maggotmaster who got all offended about it iirc, b/c despite being a white gentile cis male he considers it his duty to be offended on behalf of subaltern groups lol. although i was posting my jew conspiracy exists/holocaust didnt happen schtick basically everywhere

for a while basically any thread i posted in would go aesthetics -> fascism -> jew conspiracy lol even when i tried to stop it
It was cool how mm posted that one thread denouncing people for ironic antisemitism and somebody posted links to a dozen posts on SA where he was all "kill all the jews "
slashie recently got mad as shit at me because i questioned her decision to vote for obama
that is, her decision to vote for obama in 2012
i'm voting for obama in 2012. what of it homie?
Im gonna vote for nobody cuz its exactly the same as voting third party but easier
i'm writing in "japanesse"
if you vote against obama you ar ebasically a racist who hates black people

deadken posted:

Goethestein posted:
Didn't you get in big trouble for posting a thing about how the Holocaust didn't happen and they got wienery because That Kind of Talk Gives Cover to Real Racists like any racist ever has been affected by what was posted on a Marxist/mental illness support forums with 40 readers

lol yeah. it maggotmaster who got all offended about it iirc, b/c despite being a white gentile cis male he considers it his duty to be offended on behalf of subaltern groups lol. although i was posting my jew conspiracy exists/holocaust didnt happen schtick basically everywhere

as i understand it lil pepe does grad work on the history of trans civil rights or something like that

[account deactivated]

Goethestein posted:
It was cool how mm posted that one thread denouncing people for ironic antisemitism and somebody posted links to a dozen posts on SA where he was all "kill all the jews "

yes i never qutie understood how he reconciled himself shrieking the worst epithets and then flipping into white knight whenever other people do the same, as if hes the only person who could possibly find it amusing to do the former or whatever

[account deactivated]
iirc mm recently admitted to having a Thing for crossdressing. so when he got really angry after people accused him of being a trans chaser? welp. he doesnt really care about their rights, he just wants to fuck them, and Thats Fine Really

deadken posted:
iirc mm recently admitted to having a Thing for crossdressing. so when he got really angry after people accused him of being a trans chaser? welp. he doesnt really care about their rights, he just wants to fuck them, and Thats Fine Really

hahaha thats so White Male Privilege

hahahha its WDDPsburg


discipline posted:
The best thing about John's book is how he quotes a MaggotMAster post to wrap it all up

uhh spoiler that shit jesus christ


discipline posted:
The best thing about John's book is how he quotes a MaggotMAster post to wrap it all up

hahah, i hope this is true !

[account deactivated]
[account deactivated]
lmao whats the post