
getfiscal posted:

canada is sending 12 soldiers to ukraine. harper is so gay.

i hope they vote Not Guilty

Let's hope for the best. Also as usual: gently caress Russia.

Petrol posted:

fake edit: estonian president telling russia a ceasefire isnt good enough during live joint address with obama rn. oy vey

the west is getting a real White power Blitzkrieg of this bridge-and-tunnel Jersey bowtie fuck'r Columbia/upenn psych grad right now and his american accent. more than weve gotten since georgia tried to knock over the governments of Abkhazia & Ossetia, so i want everyone to recognize his face and keep on eye on him out there okay? be safe and get home by midnight or no Internet. i mean it aerith galactica. you be home by 12.



Dear Prime Minister Harper,

On Thursday Aug. 21,2014, your government unveiled the six designs being considered for the Memorial to the Victims of Communism to be located adjacent to Canada’s Supreme Court building in Ottawa.

At a recent open house held at the National Capital Commission, the public was invited to meet the six design teams and admire the drawings and models submitted as part of a national design competition. The six competing teams are now anxiously awaiting the selection of a winner by a jury of eminent Canadians. In early September 2014, the winning design for the $4 million to $6 million taxpayer funded memorial is expected to announced by one of your ministers. I am certain that you look forward to participating in the unveiling scheduled for the late summer of 2015.

rhizzone project let's all put in a couple hundred bux and build a very large and junky monument to victims of capitalism

though, on the other hand~

When the Canadian government recently announced the plan to build a monument to victims of communism, Elizabeth May, the Green Party leader (and the party’s sole MP) tweeted: “no mention of monument to victims of capitalism.” While the government should not build any monuments—it is spending our money without our consent—Ms. May’s tweet warrants comment. It reflects widespread ignorance of capitalism, and not just among politicians. As the system consistent with requirements of human survival and flourishing, understanding capitalism is in our self-interest.

Many people confuse our current mixed economy with capitalism. However, there is no capitalist system anywhere in the world (the closest to it was 19th century America but even there capitalism was not pure but entailed government involvement in the economy), so there hardly could be any “victims” of capitalism. But more fundamentally, there cannot be victims of capitalism because the whole concept is a contradiction. To see why, we must be clear what ‘victim’ and ‘capitalism’ mean.

‘Victim’ is a “person destroyed, sacrificed, or injured by another, or by some condition or agency; one who is cheated or duped” (The Living Webster Encyclopedic Dictionary of the English Language). In another words, a person is victimized by physical force—whether initiated by another or caused by a natural phenomenon (such as earthquake or flood)—or by fraud committed by another. ‘Capitalism’ is “a social system based on the recognition of individual rights, including property rights, in which all property is privately owned” (Ayn Rand: Capitalism: The Unknown Ideal). In other words, capitalism is a system in which the initiation of physical force and fraud is banned. Under capitalism, only the government can use force—but only in retaliation against its initiators, such as terrorists and other criminals.

Because initiation of physical force and fraud are banned in a capitalist system and the government’s only role is to protect the individual rights of its citizens, there are no victims. Quite the contrary: capitalism is the only victimless social system. People are free to pursue their interests but they cannot violate the rights of others by initiating—or threatening to initiate—physical force against them. The government—via independent courts and objective law—is there to deter and punish them in case they do. Under capitalism, violations against others’ life, liberty, and property are deterred and punished, including crimes such as polluting someone else’s property, or otherwise damaging or stealing it. Under capitalism, the government protects individual rights and cannot itself initiate force, for example by confiscating citizens’ property to build monuments.

In every statist system, including the mixed economies prevalent in most countries of the world, there are victims because the individual rights are not fully protected and governments themselves initiate physical force in varying degrees, from taxation and confiscation of property for the sake of alleged “public interest” to imprisoning and executing dissidents. If we want more freedom and recognition of individual rights—necessities for human survival and flourishing—the first step is to understand what capitalism means and then promote it, by educating all those willing to listen. Elizabeth May might not be among them but many others will be.

Lol bablu thanks for taking me back to undergrad

In other words, capitalism is a system in which the initiation of physical force and fraud is banned.

"However, there is no capitalist system anywhere in the world (the closest to it was 19th century America but even there capitalism was not pure but entailed government involvement in the economy)"

‘Victim’ is a “person destroyed, sacrificed, or injured by another, or by some condition or agency; one who is cheated or duped” (The Living Webster Encyclopedic Dictionary of the English Language).




ilmdge posted:


thanks for reminding me why an sa account isnt worth 10 dollars

that would be unbelievably stupid if such a thing were still possible

littlegreenpills posted:

If anything, im starting to believe hitler did nothing wrong.
they did a great job there presenting crimea as independent and analogous to austria
Vladimir Putin Annexed My Balls
to the people who wont go out and tell other people they support russias resistance to nato, it might be nice if you went around telling people that you think "the people in crimea and donbas should be allowed to decide for themselves" and pretend like it didnt already happen

you can show them that map and be like, we need to preserve crimeas democratic autonomy because we didnt do it for austria. look they are the same color. fuckin look.

littlegreenpills posted:

Danzig and Crimea should be the same colour and so should Belarus and Austria...fucking stupid map!!

Um. Everyone knows that Democracy does not grow from the barrel of a gun. This is especially true in Ukraine, where Democracy can only flourish under the watchful eyes of CIAUSAID/NED funded NGOs staffed almost exclusively by Banderites, and journalists also trained by CIAUSAID.

For more information please refer to this USAID funded 2006 report written by Stepan Bandera's grandson, Stephen Bandera. He is a Canadian journalist who has been on the steering committee of the Organization for the Defense of the Four Freedoms, press secretary for Ukrainian Canadian Congress, and accepted the posthumous award for his grandfather given by Yuschenko. So he probably knows what he's talking about.
Malaysia Airlines Flight 17 Likely Downed by 'High-Energy Objects'

Why does MH17 crash report avoid the word 'missile'?


daddyholes posted:

i am literally becoming bored with how every news source now confirms all my Postés

this. . . . this is too much power for one Goon to have...... ....f-forbiddenforum.... ..guide my hand.....


littlegreenpills posted:

he must have grabbed finland while no one was watching


daddyholes posted:

daddyholes posted:

i am literally becoming bored with how every news source now confirms all my Postés


this. . . . this is too much power for one Goon to have...... ....f-forbiddenforum.... ..guide my hand.....

the state department clearly has some
one here at the rhizzone
monitoring posts for new foreign policy
seems like something
a mod should look into before our beloved forums are permanently
compromised and made an unwitting think tank for the production of cutting-edge neoimperialist



Ed, the answer to the question . . . . Estonia.

What does an Italian Muslim do when you spill affogato on his keffiyeh?

A couple points:

-Like most people in the Eastern Europe thread, I think that Putin has acted extremely underhandedly, aggressively, and illegally in wrenching Crimea away from Ukraine and invading the Donbas. He and his government are the bad guys in this situation, no question.

-The Ukrainian people are completely innocent of any wrongdoing. Viktor Yanukovych was an incredibly corrupt Russian puppet, and they had every right to overthrow him. They shouldn't have to suffer because of Putin's aggression and mendacity.
I'm still very slowly working my way through that thread. It's hard to read at length, but I want to get to the end and go, I just read the whole thread, and I just want to make sure everyone knows that there was an armed coup that overthrow old Yanuk. I mean, snipers that were specifically taking out armed neo-nazis in a crowd is pretty terrible, but they were beating and killing policemen and burning down government offices. This is also kind of the problem I have, which I will admit I may have misunderstood, about the whole Libyan thing. The timeline between people shooting at crowds and crowds burning down government buildings and beating officials. I mean, my government supported both of those uprisings, but I'm pretty sure that if I and a large group of my friends started burning down buildings in support of a more fair electoral system...I'd get shot. So what's the difference?
Sorry that was my cat's input. My Cat -Borat

I'm still very slowly working my way through that thread. It's hard to read at length, but I want to get to the end and go, I just read the whole thread, and I just want to make sure everyone knows that there was an armed coup that overthrow old Yanuk. I mean, snipers that were specifically taking out armed neo-nazis in a crowd is pretty terrible, but they were beating and killing policemen and burning down government offices. This is also kind of the problem I have, which I will admit I may have misunderstood, about the whole Libyan thing. The timeline between people shooting at crowds and crowds burning down government buildings and beating officials. I mean, my government supported both of those uprisings, but I'm pretty sure that if I and a large group of my friends started burning down buildings in support of a more fair electoral system...I'd get shot. So what's the difference?

so the whole snipers thing well... it's basically acknowledged at this point by everyone (after the successful coup of course) that the snipers, who fired on *both the crowd and the riot police*, were a mysterious provocateur group. Now, of course, there may be some insanely stupid and totally unreasonable reason that Yanukovych would deploy those snipers as the compromise he was signaling towards for months was finally reached, but it's unlikely. it is extremely likely that the snipers were actually part of the eastern European 'Gladio network' thats been developed for decades, from the cradle (in the form of 'Plast' scouts) to their current deployment (culminating in some 55 year old "Ukrainian"-American banker/death squad shit cowardly stalking Ukrainians with his Nazi acolytes)

what's more interesting, is the predictable deployment of 'mysterious snipers' in hot spots sensitive to NATO operations. Most famously, of course, is the case of the mysterious snipers used in the 2002 CIA coup of Hugo Chavez, but they've also been used to spectacular effect during the 1993 Black October in Moscow to consolidate Yeltsin's severely weakened position. spooky shit

of course armed police were only brought in after ten unarmed police were shot dead in one night on February 18th. a pattern reminiscent to the systemic targeting and provocation of Syrian security services in the early days of the 'uprising' in 2011: http://rt.com/op-edge/157412-syria-hidden-massacre-2011/
can't remember if i posted this but the ukrainian groups in canada are trying to get RT banned.
it's cool how people need to invent the intervention of russian tank divisions in novorossia in order to explain how a bunch of shithouse peasant Ukrainian government soldiers could've been fucked and driven screaming across the land by the rebels
lmao I knew libcom was bad but this is a new low https://twitter.com/Akrateron/status/517060491655778304
good luck stego-chan, in shaming libcom
i deleted my twitter a few months back. every now and then i remember all the troll's, the leftist flamewars, the raw immediacy of amateur news. i realise everything im missing. and its like a weight off my shoulders. soon i will be able to smile again