im permabanned poster niggerstomper58. i first started reading fyad when i was about 12. by 14 i got really obsessed with the concept of “irony” and tried to channel it constantly, until my thought process got really bizarre and i would repeat things like “friend of the family balls” and “i love making GBS threads inside friend of the family assholes” in my head for hours, and i would get really paranoid, start seeing things in the corners of my eyes etc, basically prodromal schizophrenia. im now on antipsychotics. i always wondered what the kind of “ironic” style of fyad humor was all about; i think it’s the unconscious leaking in to the conscious, what jungian theory considered to be the cause of schizophrenic and schizotypal syptoms. i would advise all people who “get” fyad to be careful because that likely means you have a predisposition to a mental illness. peace.
“Academia has been and remains a key target of foreign intelligence services, including the ,” the report concludes.
One recruitment method used by the Cubans is to appeal to American leftists’ ideology. “For instance, someone who is allied with communist or leftist ideology may assist the because of his/her personal beliefs,” the FBI report, dated Sept. 2, said.
The Cubans do not limit recruitments to “clandestine agents,” the report said. Other people who do not have access to secrets are co-opted as spies because of their political position or political views that can be exploited for supporting Cuban goals, either as open supporters or unwitting dupes.
The targeting of American spies takes place at schools, colleges, universities, and research institutes. “Cuban intelligence services are known to actively target the U.S. academic world for the purposes of recruiting agents, in order to both obtain useful information and conduct influence activities,” the FBI said.
cuba PM me
daddyholes posted:They expect the snake flag people not us. Yw
That's half correct but the implications are wrong. Those tea party people can threaten violence all day and capital won't care because it's understood that reactionary violence is aimed at the technocratic bourgeoisie whom the reactionaries feel are impeding and corrupting the operations of "Real American Capitalism" or whatever. The aims of the bundy protesters were not to abolish capital, no, what they were protesting was a perceived parasitic organism inserting itself into capitalism proper—the 'federal' govt has become this empty signifier, similar to Jews in nazi ideology. I've spoken with one of them, the black guy from bundy ranch who was the "bundy bodyguard" and I asked him his thoughts on ferguson protests. Aside from the standard racist rhetoric against lower class black people, he explained to me that yes, he agrees with notion of "struggle against the govt" in the abstract but he doesn't agree with their ideological aims, that is to say he stands in stark opposition to determinalism of the oppressed. The capitalist class has enough forethought in seeing value in these reactionary ideologues and ideologies to appropriate and utilize as a stick to threaten and discipline the bourgeoisie as well as the underclass. So while, yes, the govt. does monitor the reactionary elements of society, it's never done with the intentions of stamping it out, but rather to coopt it and redirect it like a missile towards targets that threaten capitalism while simultaneously attempting to keep capital isolated from the fallout—the latter is what the CIA coined "blowback", disposing of reactionaries after they've served a purpose.
Point being: White petty bourgeoisie kamakazes his commuter plane into an IRS building, kills 5 people, UGG and media go out of their way to proclaim how it's not "terrorism". Muslim 16 year old teenager has dual citizenship, fbi puts tracking devices on his car and multiple agents are involved in monitoring him; or muslim guy googles for "pressure cooker" gets his door kicked him by SWAT and dragged out of his house in his underwear. Or the dichotomy between USG reaction to bundy ranch, armed and belligerent protesters, compared with ferguson protesters.
Reactionaries can't be terrorists if their actions are aiding or reproducing hegemony, and that's precisely why the govt doesn't give a shit about their calls to violence, provided it can still direct that violence towards the correct targets (i.e. USA + GCC funding wahabists to go on a rampage through the Levant).