tpaine posted:i believe in the necessary good of the fundamental human being - a fundamentally broken human being
Post of the year
TheIneff posted:I feel like y'all should've played more team sports or something growing up because solidarity is a part of day to day living whether you choose to recognize it or not
actually this is a very good example of what i was going to reply to you with: yes, people DO cooperate.....to smear the other group of cooperating people across the field under their cleats. Its called Tribalism, and its caused by inherent human chemical physiology. Which is why i support government mandated autism and oxytocin eradication through massive global WHO vaccination campaigns. Your Welcome
Four billion wordwide population, all living, have a Computer God Containment Policy brain bank brain, a real brain in the brain bank cities on the far side of the moon we never see. Primarily, based on your lifelong Frankenstein Radio Controls, especially your Eyesight TV, sight and sound recorded by your brain, your moon brain of the Computer God activates your Frankenstein threshold brainwash radio lifelong, inculcating conformist propaganda, even frightening you and mixing you up and the usual, "Don't worry about it." For your setbacks, mistakes, even when you receive deadly injuries. This is the Worldwide Computer God Secret Containment Policy.
babyhueypnewton posted:blogs, twitter/facebook, reddit are all naval gazing or lazy echo chambers and old school LF effortposts always sucked
i think we can praise the rhizz for having good content w/o shitting on everything else indiscriminately.
...and why exactly did LF effortpost suck?
"ISIS Is a Disgrace to True Fundamentalism
It may appear that the split between the permissive First World and the fundamentalist reaction to it runs more and more along the lines of the opposition between leading a long satisfying life full of material and cultural wealth and dedicating one’s life to some transcendent cause. Is this antagonism not the one between what Nietzsche called “passive” and “active” nihilism? We in the West are the Nietzschean Last Men, immersed in stupid daily pleasures, while the Muslim radicals are ready to risk everything, engaged in the struggle up to their self-destruction. William Butler Yeats’ “Second Coming” seems perfectly to render our present predicament: “The best lack all conviction, while the worst are full of passionate intensity.” This is an excellent description of the current split between anemic liberals and impassioned fundamentalists. “The best” are no longer able fully to engage, while “the worst” engage in racist, religious, sexist fanaticism.
c_man posted:Gangster Computer God Worldwide Secret Containment policy made possible solely by Worldwide Computer God Frankenstein Controls. Especially lifelong constant threshold brainwash radio. Quiet and motionless, I can slightly hear it. Repeatedly this has saved my life on the streets.
Four billion wordwide population, all living, have a Computer God Containment Policy brain bank brain, a real brain in the brain bank cities on the far side of the moon we never see. Primarily, based on your lifelong Frankenstein Radio Controls, especially your Eyesight TV, sight and sound recorded by your brain, your moon brain of the Computer God activates your Frankenstein threshold brainwash radio lifelong, inculcating conformist propaganda, even frightening you and mixing you up and the usual, "Don't worry about it." For your setbacks, mistakes, even when you receive deadly injuries. This is the Worldwide Computer God Secret Containment Policy.
someone put up a youtube of francis e dec w/ dubstep added in the background and it's the worst example of the internet ruining something pure and beautiful that I can think of
littlegreenpills posted:thanks for posting lobster Petrol it looks good. altho wikispooks seems to be into entertain holocaust denial but still
Yeah there is def some wack stuff there but its a wiki, what ya gonna do. It veers wildly between intriguing and straight up funny imo
HenryKrinkle posted:i've recently obtained the 1st 12 issues of covert action information bulletin from an inter-library loan but i have a really shitty scanner. not sure what to do.
take it back to the liberry and use their scanner
Petrol posted:Thank for the kind words yall.
fuck you
palafox posted:hey Petrol, you said that peter dale scott was "hit-and-miss," what were the flawed books/articles that you were thinking of here? I've only read 2 things by him but they were great (and I think some of his poetry rules)
His stuff is mostly very good, I just find he is prone to relying on questionable sources at times and linking certain events on tenuous grounds. He always seems to want to draw a straight line between JFK, 9/11 and (insert current event here). For the most part I try to avoid reading stuff directly concerning JFK or 9/11 because there's too much crap out there and anyway, who cares what happened as long as americans died. God bless Peter Dale Scott tho.
HenryKrinkle please please find a scanner tia


Nemmouche is currently in Belgium, having been extradited from France in July. He awaits prosecution in the fatal shooting of four people at the Jewish Museum in Brussels in May.
Henin's accusation against Nemmouche first surfaced in a piece published Saturday in Le Point.
Obama calls for anti-ISIS NATO coalition
Violence in the name of Allah?
Anti-Semitic violence increases globally
Le Point, Henin's employer, said it had not planned to go public with Henin's information because they worried that doing so could jeopardize the safety of about 20 Western hostages still held by ISIS in Syria. But a report Saturday by French newspaper Le Monde that made public Nemmouche's alleged involvement in hostage-taking forced its hand.
French Interior Minister Bernard Cazeneuve told reporters in Montpellier on Saturday that French officials believe Nemmouche "could have been the jailer of hostages, including our hostages."
CNN has not been able independently to verify the allegations.

daddyholes posted:
Edited by Flying_horse_in_saudi_arabia ()
Guyana - The Faces Behind the Masks (1980)
really interesting piece about US involvement in a country you never hear about. involves the Jonestown cult and the Walter Rodney assassination.
HenryKrinkle posted:saddam hussein was demonized, sanctioned & overthrown for spending his country's oil wealth on actual development and economic progress. i've held that belief for a long time and i don't care what anyone says.
A lot of it stems from pure chauvinism more than anything, imo. There's a reason why, for example, Israel is the only country that can use foreign aid to invest & improve it's own nation's capital, rather than be confined to a passive client state role and Host:dependent binary other countries are forced to accept.
Likewise, why neo-nazis in sweeden get police protection and anti-fascist protesters who show up get literally trampled by police cavalry.
There is a non-stated or perhaps, subconscious, ideological superstructure underpinning the motives and actions of those in power, namely, the implicit view of who they perceive as possessing the ideals of reproducing capitalist institutions—regardless if their actions are favorable to the West, in the case of Israel. Even though Qaddafi was becoming one of the "good ones" towards the end of his regime, he still had to go for a couple of reasons 1.) capital needs new markets, needs to constantly expand, as well as destroy current existing forms of capital to be rebuilt/consolidated 2.) pure ideological chauvinism in that we didn't like him when we drew up the plans to re-contour the entire M.E. in some post-enlightenment western centric ideal of a proper neo-liberal colony
w/r/t saddam, the first Iraq war, and when we turned on him in the late 80s, I think the aforementioned #2 had a lot to do with it just as much as western capital desiring to consolidate foreign capital. White supremacy is real and people often overlook it's influence in politics, & focus on the operations of the ruling class through the lens of what would be most rational, efficient and lucrative for capital. It's not always the case.

ORIGINAL & ONLY Authorized Patch for the FDN, Frente Democratico Nicaraguense. AKA THE CONTRAS. Anti Communist Fighters supported by the US Govt, Remember IRAN/CONTRA? I received two bundles of 25 patches in 1986 at a Fund raiser in Los Angeles by Adolfo Calero. After over 20 years I Finally Found them! Patch measures approx 3" x 4", New Old Stock. ASK away any Questions. I have been selling items from the Civil War in El Salvador & Central America since 1998. BID with Confidence.
Petrol posted:
Here's a piece of Anti Communist history you can take home and cherish forever
ASK away any Questions.
I have been selling items from the Civil War in El Salvador & Central America since 1998.
BID with Confidence.

this but with "my god!", "ideology at it's purest", "i am already eating out of the trash can all the time" etc
daddyholes posted:
Richard Metzger posted:Noam Chomsky, the father of modern linguistics, doesn’t have much respect for the sesquipedalian bad boy of postmodernist philosophers, Slavoj Žižek, and he doesn’t mince words expressing his disdain, either.
In an excerpt from an interview with Veterans Unplugged in December of 2012, Chomsky was asked about Žižek, Jacques Lacan and Jacques Derrida. Here’s what he said:
What you’re referring to is what’s called “theory.” And when I said I’m not interested in theory, what I meant is, I’m not interested in posturing–using fancy terms like polysyllables and pretending you have a theory when you have no theory whatsoever. So there’s no theory in any of this stuff, not in the sense of theory that anyone is familiar with in the sciences or any other serious field. Try to find in all of the work you mentioned some principles from which you can deduce conclusions, empirically testable propositions where it all goes beyond the level of something you can explain in five minutes to a twelve-year-old. See if you can find that when the fancy words are decoded. I can’t. So I’m not interested in that kind of posturing. Žižek is an extreme example of it. I don’t see anything to what he’s saying. Jacques Lacan I actually knew. I kind of liked him. We had meetings every once in awhile. But quite frankly I thought he was a total charlatan. He was just posturing for the television cameras in the way many Paris intellectuals do. Why this is influential, I haven’t the slightest idea. I don’t see anything there that should be influential.
reminds me of that woody allen movie where there are a bunch of people in line for a movie and some toolbag quotes a famous author and then the author shows up and lays down the pwnbags. so im curious why zizek is shitty exactly beyond his excessive theorycraft, i certainly don't defend him i just wanna know
otoh zizek is an extremely lazy intellectual, has a lot of problematic views that either border or fall right into flat out racism or chauvinism, and often favors style over substance. if you eliminated everything in his oeuvre that's been repeated & copy/pasted you could probably condense it all into one or two volumes. and then if you further edited it and saved only the worthwhile and very interesting ideas, it'd make for a fairly tidy book. that small chunk is definitely worth paying attention to, but only to lead you to better thinkers really.
and zizek is baby's first pseudo-marxist theorist
anyway you should just read exactly what chomsky literally just said: there's nothing to what he's saying except posturing. it's just endless semantic games and self-depecrepting self-aggrandisement or whatever the fuck. and in the end his idea is always like, oh nature isnt getting destroyed because we are nature