The principle of the trompe is quite simple. Water is taken into the cone and it runs along the walls going across holes on the wall of the shaft that are actually pipes that lead above the water level or to some chamber where they suck in air. This aerates the water as it falls and creates lots of bubbles, which can’t escape from the trompe because of the falling water. (Air can’t go up a waterfall, air pressure and stuff. someone else reading this can probably explain it better.) The heavily aerated water flows into a chamber which expands to accommodate the air bubbles, which rise into the air reservoir.
That is how the air is passively compressed in the first place. A pipe leading into the compressed air chamber siphons it off for human use. Compressed air is extremely convenient stuff btw. It’s one of the most efficient ways of transporting energy and other things, when you open a valve of compressed air in a room it gets cold because compressed air particles can’t move around that much on their own so they’re super cold.
On that note, if you heat up pipes of compressed air, (say by running them through compost piles) the air pressure shoots up and you basically exchange the heat energy your compressed air is receiving with extremely high efficiency.
Here’s a PVC trompe:
So these can be made at home, you don't have to dig 30 meter shafts.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-9NqqDL6bkk Here’s a really great lecture about trompes by Bill Mollison
If you’re wondering why trompes aren't all the fuck over the place it's because of the oil companies and capitalism as always.
That's called a trompay luh oyl
ilmdge posted:ok, i made a trompe, now what?
use your compressed air to power an electric generator and use the exhaust air to cool your fridge/house and say good bye to your electric bill. (please pay it though)
gyrofry posted:
That's called a trompay luh oyl
when i was a wee childe my parents took me to a trompe l'oeil exhibition and i got separated from them and i asked a nearby security guard where they were and then i realized i had been talking to an exhibit for 2-3 minutes
tsinava posted:On that note, if you heat up pipes of compressed air, (say by running them through compost piles) the air pressure shoots up and you basically exchange the heat energy your compressed air is receiving with extremely high efficiency.
throw compressed O2 tanks into my fireplace to save money on electric bills. got it.
Superabound posted:tsinava posted:On that note, if you heat up pipes of compressed air, (say by running them through compost piles) the air pressure shoots up and you basically exchange the heat energy your compressed air is receiving with extremely high efficiency.
throw compressed O2 tanks into my fireplace to save money on electric bills. got it.
offset the costs of your mom's two pack a day Newport habit.
stegosaurus posted:this shit is cool but, uh, 100 meters?
You don't need them to be nearly that big. There are PVC tromps that people use today that get no bigger than 40 ft tall. Ofc bigger tromps allow for more efficiency.
You just need to have the water fall hard enough so that the waterfall effect at the bottom of the tromp is enough to keep the air pressure locked in.
Superabound posted:tsinava posted:On that note, if you heat up pipes of compressed air, (say by running them through compost piles) the air pressure shoots up and you basically exchange the heat energy your compressed air is receiving with extremely high efficiency.
throw compressed O2 tanks into my fireplace to save money on electric bills. got it.
compressed air collected from the earth's atmosphere isn't compressed O2, it's like 20%-30% O2 and 78%-68% nitrogen and 2% other shit. i'm sure there are ways to distill pure O2 from trompe systems though.
tsinava posted:Superabound posted:tsinava posted:On that note, if you heat up pipes of compressed air, (say by running them through compost piles) the air pressure shoots up and you basically exchange the heat energy your compressed air is receiving with extremely high efficiency.
throw compressed O2 tanks into my fireplace to save money on electric bills. got it.
compressed air collected from the earth's atmosphere isn't compressed O2, it's like 20%-30% O2 and 78%-68% nitrogen and 2% other shit. i'm sure there are ways to distill pure O2 from trompe systems though.
and a fireplace is at least, 3 times as hot as a compost pile. thats too much heat.
wasted posted:offset the costs of your mom's two pack a day Newport habit.
actually she smokes Kools you racist
The trompe is scalable, it's similar to other pieces of technology called the pulse pump, and ram pump.