that's not cool because it's wrong, liberal, and needlessly depressing
tpaine posted:toy posted:
yeah, maybe i missed the joke but like a decade of post data makes me think tpaine actually believes humans are, have been, and always will be terrible, selfish, warlike
that's not cool because it's wrong, liberal, and needlessly depressing
have you ever met a human
"humans" are determined in nearly every way that matters for our purposes here by society. there's centuries of anthropology that detail the communal, essentially decent nature of actually existing humans in society. marx called the earliest forms primitive communism.
from a purely genetic/biological angle, humans "fitness" is based on their high levels of cooperation, not being inherently terrible, at each others's throats all the time etc.
toy posted:"the nature of man is conflict, in a word: war" (or w/e) was a catchphrase not just because dumb people posted it but because it is absolutely historically wrong shit. it's also at the base of liberalism, so,
It was a catchphrase because they say it at the beginning of every Fallout game.
tpaine, i'm not trying to like make some intellectual score on you or tell you to read anything in particular. i'm just expending a little effort to try to convince you, someone who i don't know at all but feel a small level of camaraderie with due to this absurd internet forum that humanity is not inherently, necessarily, forever shit, despite all the terrible things going on, because i think that's wrong...

littlegreenpills posted:we're headed on a road toward the production of more stuff than anyone can possibly want
i can want it

It shouldn't need saying, but, as with anything you read, keep your wits and a grain of salt about you. I think all of these works contain useful information and research, and most are flawed only to the extent of mild issues of style or bias. Still, verification of facts, interpretation, and forming opinions are ultimately your responsibility.
Starting points: The Classics
I am working on creating my own library of optimised PDFs which I'll share "when it's done". These copies are either from OpenLibrary or Scribd so filesizes may be large etc
"Blowback", Christopher Simpson, 1988
Subtitle: "America's recruitment of Nazis and its effects on the Cold War". One of the first books to explore this subject.
"Unholy Trinity", Mark Aarons & John Loftus, 1992
This book focuses on the Vatican role in the west's recruitment of Nazi spies and their networks. Some of the claims about the extent of Soviet involvement are dubious imo. Still, vital reading.
"Old Nazis, New Right and the Republican Party", Russ Bellant, 1988
The SS emigre networks, particularly those from eastern europe, gained particular political influence in the Reagan Whitehouse. There is a good recent interview with Bellant where he discusses the relevance to the current situation in Ukraine.
"Inside The League", Scott & Jon Lee Anderson, 1986
The premier book about the World Anti-Communist League, tying US intelligence and the nazi emigre networks to the death squads they formed & trained across the world.
Going deeper: "deep state"/"parapolitics"
"NATO's Secret Armies: Operation GLADIO and Terrorism in Western Europe", Daniele Ganser, 2005
As mentioned in an earlier post. NATO's "stay behind" networks, often referred to as Gladio after the Italian network, employed local fascist & right wing groups as a defense against the spread of communism. In fact, they have been responsible for terrorism (frequently disguised as the work of leftists), assassinations & coups in their home countries. Most evidence that has emerged has come from western europe, where their activities have drawn more attention; evidence suggests that all NATO countries have "stay behind" forces of some kind as part of the conditions of membership.
"Government of the Shadows: Parapolitics and Criminal Sovereignty", Eric Wilson & Tim Lindsey (eds), 2009
"The Dual State: Parapolitics, Carl Schmitt and the National Security Complex", Eric Wilson (ed), 2012
These collections of essays include both more theoretical, academic discussion of "parapolitics" as a field of study, and examinations of specific examples. Both volumes include essays by Ganser and the first volume includes a particularly good piece by the hit-and-miss Peter Dale Scott about Mexico. Quality across the chapters is variable but if you want a survey of recent research in this field you could do a lot worse.
Lobster Magazine
Legendary UK parapolitics mag, marred in later years by a split in the editorial team. Full archive is available here in PDF. Some articles more credulous than others but some fantastic stuff here nonetheless.
The Outer Limits~
A conspiracy theorist wiki for the connoisseur. There is a lot of wacky stuff in here but also some worthy novel research. A personal favorite is the page on the Lockerbie bombing, curated by former British diplomat and self-described "Emeritus Professor of Lockerbie Studies" Patrick Haseldine.
Institute for the Study of Globalization and Global Politics
ISGP is unique. Currently hosted at WikiSpooks, but it's a separate site. Mostly the work of one person, Joël van der Reijden.
Obsessive to the point of madness.

He's at his best investigating the Dutroux scandal aka The Illuminati Paedophile Conspiracy!!1! WARNING - NSFW - NMS. (A gentler, but still horrifying, introduction to Dutroux I can recommend is this BBC documentary from 2002.)
"Rogue Agents: Habsburg, Pinay and the Private Cold War 1951-1991", David Teacher, 2011 (3rd edition)
Full version including pictures and documents - 40mb
Text only version - 1.3mb
Le Cercle Pinay, or simply Le Cercle, is a transatlantic right wing network. Here's how ISGP describes it: posted:To get right to the point, Le Cercle is a secretive, privately-funded and transnational discussion group which regularly meets in different parts of the world. It is attended by a mixture of politicians, ambassadors, bankers, shady businessmen, oil experts, editors, publishers, military officers and intelligence agents, who may or may not have retired from their official functions. The participants come from western or western-oriented countries. Many important members tend to be affiliated with the aristocratic circles in London or obscure elements within the Vatican, and accusations of links to fascism and Synarchism are anything but uncommon in this milieu. The greatest enemy of the Cercle has been the Soviet Union and members have been crusading against communist subversion for many decades. During this process, Cercle members unfortunately have accused almost every nationalist and socialist government, every labour union, every terrorist, and every serious investigator of western intelligence of being in bed with the KGB.
In addition, the Cercle is also strongly focused on European integration, going back to the efforts of its early members to bring about Franco-German rapprochement. The significant presence of Paneuropa-affiliated Opus Dei members and Knights of Malta, together with statements of the Vatican and Otto von Habsburg, clearly indicate there's an agenda in the background to some day bring about a new Holy Roman Empire with its borders stretching from the Atlantic to the Black Sea and from the Baltic Sea to North Africa. Interestingly, the latest generation of British Cercle members, whose predecessors were keen on joining the European Union, now do everything in their power to keep Britain out of the emerging European superstate, having lost faith they can become a significant force within Europe. Their American associates, however, would like for them to continue the effort of breaking into the Franco-German alliance and possibly to establish a new Anglo-German alliance.
It seems like a cold war is raging in Europe. One that doesn't directly involve the Soviets.
Questions? Comments? Concerns??? BLOW IT OUT YOURE ASS
Edited by Flying_horse_in_saudi_arabia ()
conec posted:yea uh do u ever post nefing of substance sh`dneff or do you just putz around trying to make sense of your superiors here.. u are but a flavorless speck in corner of the fridge. ha. i will make u the laundry boy when the revolution comes. make sure to polish my pins properly.. u shall not wear any. u are just a scrub. poor u. "u guys shud have played team sports, where everyone gets a trophy at the end of the season even if u lose every game. a ceremonious loser breeding ritual. it is awesome. it is where i learned to lick ranch dressing off my plate with fourteen other oblivious dullard boys." lol u liberal pansy.. i am ex gymnast. i can jump higher than you. i have better upper body strength. i can kick your head off. in fact i will on day one of the revolution so u learn your place. moran
nah sports in other countries don't work out like the dream-republic of bill burristan, population: jus ur mind