doug stanhope is one of my favourite comedians. it's become popular among 20-something cretins and tryhards to criticize mainstream white male comedy as out of touch with the pepsi generation. and maybe that's true, hell, how would i know? there's probably palestinian youth telling great jokes in gaza and i'm ignoring it and watching reruns of cocaine-addled self-destroyer robin williams.
doug stanhope is a "natural". he understands how to craft a funny thought from top to bottom. he's rude, he's crude, he's got an attiude. his particular material is almost all garbage. it's like if he were doing improv and everyone in the audience that was shouting out stuff were ron paul fans. but that's not the point, he's got great rhythm. he dissects our modern society and leaves us all a little richer.
go buy all his albums on iTunes, the apple media portal.
doug stanhope is a "natural". he understands how to craft a funny thought from top to bottom. he's rude, he's crude, he's got an attiude. his particular material is almost all garbage. it's like if he were doing improv and everyone in the audience that was shouting out stuff were ron paul fans. but that's not the point, he's got great rhythm. he dissects our modern society and leaves us all a little richer.
go buy all his albums on iTunes, the apple media portal.
yeah u could do that or just watch the new eddie pepitone special on netflix, in ruins, a much better choice
doug stanhope and tpaine are very similar personalities imo
does he look like louis c.k. because no face is coming to mind here, not even looking at that frame on that youtube
edit-changed it cause that stanhope vid was actually kinda gross
Edited by Prospero ()
I saw Doug Stanhope IRL. Ama.
did he scratched his voice in a boorish/cynical/tired demeanor?
[account deactivated]
he has some good segments on Charlie Brooker's show, and some stinkers
something to take the edge off is his magnum opus
comedy is interesting to me at least because it is one of the cruellest jobs in the world and yet the thinnest skinned introvert people compose its primary citizenry. masochism is a part of comedy, i am convinced
stand up comics are pretty cool in my experience. they like to drink a lot, pretend they aren't trying to be funny with everything they say in any conversation with anyone, and backstab each other but not you because they want you to follow them on twitter. remember that Keven was one of the best posters here until i hurt his feelings and he moved to New York in response.
what did you do to hurt him
[account deactivated]