Sentinel Tribune posted:11 people arrested in BG prostitution sting
By Sentinel-Tribune Staff | Posted 3 hours ago
Eleven people were arrested for prostitution-related offenses during a Human Trafficking Enforcement Operation conducted in Bowling Green Friday.
The Wood County Sheriff's Office conducted the sting, along with the assistance of the Hancock and Ottawa County Sheriff's Offices, the Bowling Green Police Division, and the Bureau of Criminal Identification and Investigation.
The operation occurred at the Days Inn, located at 1740 E. Wooster St.
Arrested for solicitation prostitution, a third-degree misdemeanor, were:
• Alicia Cortez, 22, Toledo.
• Robert Curry, 64, Ontario, Canada.
• Detra Harris, 30, Toledo.
• Sarmad Hermez, 23, Toledo.
• Lori Marks, 44, Toledo.
• Anthony Romaker, 57, Bowling Green.
• Cassandra Sullivan, 22, Toledo.
Arrested for procuring prostitution, a first-degree misdemeanor, were:
• Tracy Hustick, 35, Lincoln Park, Michigan.
• Bryan Rose, 28, Flat Rock, Michigan.
Arrested for solicitation prostitution and child endangering, a misdemeanor of the first degree, were:
• Devin Nichols, 24, Toledo.
• Heather Zellers, 37, Toledo.
All charges are pending through Bowling Green Municipal Court.
The Wood County Sheriff's Office's efforts are funded by the Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grant.
Toledo has become hub of human and drug trafficking spanning from Chicago to Cleveland, as well as stretching north to Detroit and Southern Canada. Many of the victims are usually runaways from poor backgrounds, often rural. Occasionally there are abductions from highway rest areas, though these are usually tied to the victims hitchhiking. The trafficking mirrors legitimate shipping routes, making investigations difficult. It has been a decades-long problem for the region.
libelous_slander posted:Toledo has become hub of human and drug trafficking spanning from Chicago to Cleveland, as well as stretching north to Detroit and Southern Canada. Many of the victims are usually runaways from poor backgrounds, often rural. Occasionally there are abductions from highway rest areas, though these are usually tied to the victims hitchhiking. The trafficking mirrors legitimate shipping routes, making investigations difficult. It has been a decades-long problem for the region.
did you read that red pill truth bomb thing about this that that guy posted on that website? sorry this post is so vague. my memory is real bad
roseweird posted:thanks please let me know if you hear of any positions in the field of burning down suburbs
unfortunately these jobs are few and far between given the resource intensive nature of such an endeavor when compared to the burning of textile mills and self-contained slums, which contain much more flammable material in much closer proximity.

roseweird posted:im still waiting to hear from 3 other libraries that i guess i am planning to lie to but that was depressing they interviewed me like corporate robots instead of like normal library people. they read questions robotically from a list and more than half of them were repeats of questions from my application, which they didn't have a copy of with them. there were three of them, three oatmeal textured old women, sitting way too close to me so i couldn't even look from one to the other without turning my head.

Panopticon posted:words are meaningless and forgettable
and yet, theyre all we have. here, at tHE rHizzonE