
damn. guess i know whats up now
That settles that, then
well at least they are right about their politics being incorrect
wait a minute, its bad for the environmant??? *spits half-chewed Socialism up all over Baby Needs To EAT bib*
Thanks voting straight ticket republican from here on out, thanks op
[account deactivated]
[account deactivated]

libelous_slander posted:

Thanks voting straight ticket republican from here on out, thanks op

op....?... um. my name is piss

hi piss
Got you a lil somethin

i would tell op to kill himself but it seems he's already headed down that path. i just wonder which page will be the last one.
you could probably write a pretty decent book (or at least chapter in the Black Book of Capitalism) called 'liberal fascism' tracing the linkages between the two, but that fucker Jonah Goldberg went and took it first

goats_ebooks posted:

you could probably write a pretty decent book (or at least chapter in the Black Book of Capitalism) called 'liberal fascism' tracing the linkages between the two, but that fucker Jonah Goldberg went and took it first

i think that's what this book does http://www.amazon.com/The-Apprentices-Sorcerer-Tradition-Critical/dp/1608462021/


getfiscal posted:

goats_ebooks posted:

you could probably write a pretty decent book (or at least chapter in the Black Book of Capitalism) called 'liberal fascism' tracing the linkages between the two, but that fucker Jonah Goldberg went and took it first

i think that's what this book does http://www.amazon.com/The-Apprentices-Sorcerer-Tradition-Critical/dp/1608462021/

ooh, thanks for reminding me of that - I keep seeing this come up in people's reading lists, I'll have to get it.

Hitler, meanwhile, assured his industrialist backers that good, constructive, Teutonic industrial capital would have its profits and power guaranteed through autarchy and German market monopolies as Germany's armed might increased. This famous and false distinction between "destructive" and "constructive" capitalism enabled the Nazis to channel the anticapitalism of the lower-middle class into ultranationalism, militarism, and anti-Semitism. Nothing shows Hitler's intellectual and political sensitivity better than this ideological gambit. By it he assured his important backers in industry that Nazi anticapitalism was really anti-Semitism; and he diverted the lower-middle class from seeking redress for their grievances in left radicalism and concrete economic reform.

John Weiss, The Fascist Tradition
[account deactivated]

goats_ebooks posted:

getfiscal posted:

goats_ebooks posted:

you could probably write a pretty decent book (or at least chapter in the Black Book of Capitalism) called 'liberal fascism' tracing the linkages between the two, but that fucker Jonah Goldberg went and took it first

i think that's what this book does http://www.amazon.com/The-Apprentices-Sorcerer-Tradition-Critical/dp/1608462021/

ooh, thanks for reminding me of that - I keep seeing this come up in people's reading lists, I'll have to get it.


http://amzn.com/0823232360 this less immediately relevant but v good (another book of his, http://amzn.com/0804727783 , is also good and more pertinent but i like the first more)