edit: also link good getfiscal tweets thanks.
Edited by cars ()
TG posted:just imagine that i know how to post a link to gf's entire posting history and that i did so and it was this post
find some good posts and link those.
getfiscal posted:the money will go to daddyholes and my niece because i find this embarrassing but i'm also willing to commodify my brand because why not really. i mean if i can get an HBO comedy special out of it or something it won't have been a waste. thanks daddyholes.
do you think of yourself as the white bruce bruce or the bald ralphie may
littlegreenpills posted:donald dig out that thing you posted on fb about how you convinced a welfare mom and her 50 children to get jobs stacking pants at the mall and an eagle started crying and stuff, i was looking for it the other day and didn't manage to find it before realizing i might have to end up explaining why i was obsessively stalking your profile and not, say, an ex girlfriend or something
i can't remember what you mean but "stacking pants at the mall" is a reference to doug stanhope so that was me.
swampman posted:Maybe you should just order them in order of length because i think the longer ones have the most words in them, and when your justifying incrementalism all the time, quantity of argument is wayy more important
like the quran
gyrofry posted:does ne1 have the post about turning SA into a revolutionary cell
someone copy-pasted it in the OP of this thread:
probably not hard to find the original thread from that.
EmanuelaOrlandi posted:well buy me an sa acct then archives
if you will seriously help me do this i will do that, or you can punk me for it, whichever.
karphead posted:i support this project 100% and by support i mean will contribute nothing to it
i also support this project 100% and by support i also mean i will not actively sabotage it with my mere but inevitably disastrous participation, also
Panopticon posted:getfiscal please migrate from eregeime to ejunta posthaste ----> http://z13.invisionfree.com/ejunta/index.php?showtopic=252&view=findpost&p=22106351
i don't play games on either i just talk to ismail online. i don't want to get involved in internet stuff.
everyone knows Khrushchev fucked up. He was unanimously ejected from power. He probably had Stalin poisoned, too. Denouncing unreliable communist leaders from 60 years ago is not going to help you organize in an era of darkest reaction, on the other side of the world
Crow posted:the stuff about falling over yourself to denounce historical, faraway revisionism is like the modern impulse to fall over yourself to denounce foreign, faraway Dictators. Who gives a shit. Are we currently holding political power over a bloc of middle-income, industrializing nations? No? We dont even have a broad, mass movement to seize power in the first place. Then why concern yourself with moralistic historical denunciations, and instead investigate and discredit the loaded anticommunist received wisdom that only grows stronger by the day?
everyone knows Khrushchev fucked up. He was unanimously ejected from power. He probably had Stalin poisoned, too. Denouncing unreliable communist leaders from 60 years ago is not going to help you organize in an era of darkest reaction, on the other side of the world
khlevniuk is a senior researcher of the state archive of the Russian Federation, which, lets be real, is at once the best and the worst source to rely on for the Soviet period. Like, yes, they have a wealth of information, but you got to realize the Russian Federation basis its tenuous legitimacy on anticommunism, and there has been some Russian-language writers and researchers who have built some powerful cases pointing out sloppy (and not-so-sloppy) fabrications which were 'released from the archives' to maximize anti-Sovietism during the Glasnost period, the seizure of power by Yeltsin, and later Putin's administration. Much of that stuff is of course centered around the 'Stalin' and early Soviet period, though, but it's Khlevniuk's area of expertise. Dmitri Volkogonov (former head of the Soviet military's psychological warfare department and one of Yeltsin's righthand men after the collapse) is the most egregious example of this weaponized historical propaganda, and he basically had free reign to spread anticommunist propaganda from Glasnost on. Anyway, khlevniuk is no opportunist head of military psyops, but the general form of 'archivist researcher' is certainly weaponized anticommunism. That said, his research is rather meticulous and relies very heavily on concrete evidence, so beside these caveats, he's the best 'Soviet archives' historian you'll likely find published in the english language.
likewise, grover furr relies on much of the same 'revisionist' historical school anchored in archival evidence. dealing with a heavy, extremely pervasive anticommunist hysteria in the West, he himself sometimes takes a huge partisan tone. supposedly this is unbecoming of a bourgeois historian. i couldnt give less of a shit, i've had enough contact with 'respectable' racist and orientalist attitudes from academics to see the use of some red, rabblerousing polemics. otherwise, the biggest and most substantive complaint about furr seems to be that he reads his evidence 'too generously' or 'inserts his own conclusions inbetween the lines', which is exactly what these 'revisionist' historians do in the first place, although furr drops the annoying, liberal faux-objective voice. anyway hes better than most
more general-overview type stuff you could find that straddle the line between this 'revisionist' (bourgeois) school and more substantive analysis would be things like Martin/Hirsch on questions of Soviet ethnic policy, Slaveski on the aftermath of World War 2 in Soviet Occupied Germany, Allen on Soviet industrialization, Szymanski on Soviet political/economic structure and human rights, and Grey/Roberts on Stalin. Szymanski in particular I've found useful in dispelling a chauvinist anticommunism geared towards the USSR, both of his books are available for free online (I've linked it).
ultimately the best thing you can do is to read primary sources, yourself (preferably in Russian lol). you can get a shitload of some Good shit memoirs to paint a really vivid, infinitely better picture of life in the USSR. red army memoirs are some Insanely good Content and go far in dispelling racist myths about the USSR, i like Obryn'ba and Abdulin for that. High level communists also write some good memoirs, i recommend Shepilov and Molotov. Hmm lets see lets see. Oh also Sloan's book on soviet democracy, and uh you should also let the bolsheviks speak for themselves: History of the All-Union Communist Party (Bolsheviks) Short Course.
e: the Webbs' Soviet Communism: A New Civilization has a hole sh*tload of information.
Sorry i kinda ran out of steam at the end there because this post took me forever to make. anyhow heres the list:
Soviet Communism: A New Civilization?
by Sidney Webb, Beatrice Webb
Soviet Democracy
by Pat Sloan
Farm to Factory: A Reinterpretation of the Soviet Industrial Revolution (Princeton Economic History of the Western World)
by Robert C. Allen
Stalin, Man of History
by Ian Grey
The Soviet Occupation of Germany: Hunger, Mass Violence and the Struggle for Peace, 1945-1947
by Filip Slaveski
Stalin's Wars: From World War to Cold War, 1939-1953
by Geoffrey Roberts
Master of the House: Stalin and His Inner Circle (The Yale-Hoover Series on Stalin, Stalinism, and the Cold War)
by Oleg V. Khlevniuk, Nora Seligman Favorov
The History of the Gulag: From Collectivization to the Great Terror (Annals of Communism Series)
by Oleg V. Khlevniuk, Vadim A. Staklo
Cold Peace: Stalin and the Soviet Ruling Circle, 1945-1953
by Yoram Gorlizki, Oleg Khlevniuk
Everyday Stalinism: Ordinary Life in Extraordinary Times: Soviet Russia in the 1930s
by Sheila Fitzpatrick
The Affirmative Action Empire: Nations and Nationalism in the Soviet Union, 1923-1939 (The Wilder House Series in
Politics, History and Culture)
by Terry Martin
Empire of Nations: Ethnographic Knowledge and the Making of the Soviet Union (Culture and Society after Socialism)
by Francine Hirsch
Socialism Betrayed: Behind the Collapse of the Soviet Union
by Roger Keeran, Thomas Kenny
Is the Red Flag Flying?: The Political Economy of the Soviet Union (Imperialism series)
by Albert Szymanski
Human Rights in the Soviet Union
by Albert Szymanski
The Murder of Sergei Kirov: History, Scholarship and the Anti-Stalin Paradigm
by Grover Furr
Red Partisan: Memoirs of a Soviet Resistance Fighter on the Eastern Front
by Nikolai I. Obryn'ba
Red Road From Stalingrad: Recollections Of A Soviet Infantryman
by Mansur Abdulin
The Kremlin's Scholar: A Memoir of Soviet Politics Under Stalin and Khrushchev
by Dmitrii Shepilov
Molotov Remembers
By V. M. Molotov,Feliz Chuev
Edited by Crow ()