stegosaurus posted:riding in cars with marxists
babyfinland posted:do u really think ppl arent assholes about politics bc they are cowardly? generally no one gives a shit about any given persons politics unless they unless of course they are a pervert or al oser
Maybe it's good to be a pervert and loser?
There is an old Jewish joke, loved by Derrida . . .
It's about a group of Jews in a synagogue publicly admitting their nullity in the eyes of God. First, a rabbi stands up and says: “O God, I know I am worthless. I am nothing!” After he has finished, a rich businessman stands up and says, beating himself on the chest: “O God, I am also worthless, obsessed with material wealth. I am nothing!” After this spectacle, a poor ordinary Jew also stands up and also proclaims: “O God, I am nothing.” The rich businessman kicks the rabbi and whispers in his ear with scorn: “What insolence! Who is that guy who dares to claim that he is nothing too!”
Edited by ArisVelouchiotis ()
drwhat posted:TG posted:The other day I was in a car with two girls and one asked me about my communist politics and the other one jumped in and started talking about Hegel and dialectics and the subject got changed pretty quickly after that
I don't get why it matters that they're girls or what the actual information content of this post actually is other than I guess you had a conversation once, almost
tis a fool who looks for logic in the contents of a rhizzone post
littlegreenpills posted:my wife unironically said "Marxism is so destructive and Manichean, do you know about Chesterton's Distributism? it'd be much more humane" then i snuggled her anyway
chickeon posted:seriously though your wife needs reeducation she soudns liek a real jabroni spoutin that crap
ppls attitudes are formed by their material circumstances. as such the general acceptance of communism requires a world of poor depressed incel losers
littlegreenpills posted:chickeon posted:seriously though your wife needs reeducation she soudns liek a real jabroni spoutin that crap
ppls attitudes are formed by their material circumstances. as such the general acceptance of communism requires a world of poor depressed incel losers
Some body needs a hug. Maybe a job while their at it.
Crow posted:littlegreenpills posted:my wife unironically said "Marxism is so destructive and Manichean, do you know about Chesterton's Distributism? it'd be much more humane" then i snuggled her anyway
nationalism is so cool
c_man posted:so if we gas threads for misogyny why is this thread still here?

Superabound posted:wait so are we back to pretending that lgp's wife is a real person and not just a character gimmick he made up, like all of my mustang accounts?
i'm not entirely convinced anyone here is real....
Waylondo posted:Superabound posted:
wait so are we back to pretending that lgp's wife is a real person and not just a character gimmick he made up, like all of my mustang accounts?
i'm not entirely convinced anyone here is real....
*takes a continuous 53-second hit on a blunt the size of a baby's forearm* whats reality anyway man
Waylondo posted:Superabound posted:wait so are we back to pretending that lgp's wife is a real person and not just a character gimmick he made up, like all of my mustang accounts?
i'm not entirely convinced anyone here is real....
this forum is 80% FBI if thats what you mean
Edited by dank_xiaopeng ()
dank_xiaopeng posted:im a nsa-developed ai backdoor into ibm's supercomputer labs covertly working for the cia as a mole in the fbi internet cointelpro program but my monte carlo logic banks got corrupted by prodromal schizoid irony here on the p'zone and am now working against my masters...and im lgps waifu irl
"Our attempts to infiltrate this group have been...less than successful." *presses button on remote to raise screen showing padded room where man sits in corner in straight jacket* "I love shitting inside n word assholes...Fail AIDS...Hitler ftw..."
Edited by ilmdge ()
ArisVelouchiotis posted:There is an old Jewish joke, loved by Derrida . . .
It's about a group of Jews in a synagogue publicly admitting their nullity in the eyes of God. First, a rabbi stands up and says: “O God, I know I am worthless. I am nothing!” After he has finished, a rich businessman stands up and says, beating himself on the chest: “O God, I am also worthless, obsessed with material wealth. I am nothing!” After this spectacle, a poor ordinary Jew also stands up and also proclaims: “O God, I am nothing.” The rich businessman kicks the rabbi and whispers in his ear with scorn: “What insolence! Who is that guy who dares to claim that he is nothing too!”
ilmdge posted:i have a wife of twenty years who stays at home, three children in private school, and a degree in business administration. i currently work as a project manager for a medium sized business. i love communism
is this true?