I like to read this hope its good. Good luck every-one
Serious question, can someone - not the day-of-registration-shitpost-troll OP - explain exactly and clearly why it is that some people write it "G-d" instead of "God"?
I mean, I get the basic sense of "because respect and stuff and things of that sort" but I feel like that is just as much of a cop-out, if not moreso, than saying "the N-word."
Is it really any more respectful to say "G-d" than "God" and is it by that logic less offensive to say "N-gger" than the actual word in question?
Is there a Bible verse where he says "never call me God"? Is it a protestant thing? Is it a Catholic thing protestants abandoned? Is it a Jewish thing that some Christians co-opted?
deadken posted:chickeon posted:ken did you take down a thing from yer blog i swear there was somerthing else between the imperialism piece and the newest thing aobut ISIS
e: who are all these pieces of shit commenting on khamsek's thing and where do they come from. i hate themnah i wrote some stuff on medium in between tho
do you get good money to write nonsense for liberals, i could use another sideline after my cosmetics range, and my sea shanty band
daddyholes posted:yesterday i read the death race between infrateal and that other guy who was kind of like him. the other guy was pretty bad in that thread and so was infrateal. but infrateal broke tables so i miss him.
i enjoyed how they had different style posts with every new one.

jeffery posted:Thank you SuperaBound
good dog.
babyhueypnewton posted:thirdplace posted:Why some Iraqis would rather try their luck under ISIL
Refugees from Iraq's north are hearing good things from back home, where extremists have wrested control. There's water now. And no more checkpoints.this reporter has been putting out progressively more ownagey middle east reporting over the last year or two, on the ground work in syria, egypt, iraq. i knew her fairly well back in the day, she kept it real then and seems like she still doesLooks like a normal american propagandist, what's interesting here?
sorry i went to the caribbean with lazer jew and couldn't post
i probably exaggerated because i was high but i did think it was cool and good to see an english language story based on on-the-ground reporting that framed ISIS as "popularly supported insurgency against a corrupt american puppet state" instead of "skeletor just took over iraq." maybe not enough for a hard-line maoist like yourself but i'm a liberal now

dank_xiaopeng posted:that article was really bad but i mean come the hell on, how could you possibly construe it as an apologia for empire
red kahina seems to do this like its his job
babyfinland posted:"i feel he is doing this to hurt ppl he knows" lmao what a douche
Dude dont be rude you never even met sam
Self-proclaimed “Tech Blogger. Lifestyle Guru” Sam Kriss has taken it upon himself to “dialectically critique”(1) the theory within my last post
lmao it was all worth it
daddyholes posted:yesterday i read the death race between infrateal and that other guy who was kind of like him. the other guy was pretty bad in that thread and so was infrateal. but infrateal broke tables so i miss him.
ar eyou talking about me
infrateal posted:in world war I primitive tanks carried bundles of sticks on the front of their hulls which they dropped into trenches so they could cross them and the term for these objects is "fascines" but they could also be termed "enormous faggots" and basically if a wwI tank ever goes to mars and needs to cross the Valles Marineris it should strap heebie-gbs to the front of its hull
WildStalins posted:critique of crisis theoryis a good blog with really detailed and informative posts on economics or whatever. Also the real movement is p cool
updated da oh pee
WildStalins posted:critique of crisis theoryis a good blog with really detailed and informative posts on economics or whatever. Also the real movement is p cool
i listened to an interview with the guy from CoCT and he's really british. could barely understand him. cool guy and cool blog though. kthx
babyhueypnewton posted:WildStalins posted:critique of crisis theoryis a good blog with really detailed and informative posts on economics or whatever. Also the real movement is p cool
i listened to an interview with the guy from CoCT and he's really british. could barely understand him. cool guy and cool blog though. kthx
could you poast a link to the interview? its really hard to find any info on the guy. also not sure if anyone has mentioned it but Novara media is A Good Podcast that people ought to listen to unlike boring and lame doug hen wood.
WildStalins posted:babyhueypnewton posted:WildStalins posted:critique of crisis theoryis a good blog with really detailed and informative posts on economics or whatever. Also the real movement is p cool
i listened to an interview with the guy from CoCT and he's really british. could barely understand him. cool guy and cool blog though. kthx
could you poast a link to the interview? its really hard to find any info on the guy. also not sure if anyone has mentioned it but Novara media is A Good Podcast that people ought to listen to unlike boring and lame doug hen wood.
I remember this one cause the Irish interviewer and British Michael Roberts pushed it over the edge
WildStalins posted:the real movementis p cool
actually bothered to read this blog and it's horrible. no offense to you but this guy is 100% wrong about almost everything but the issues disputed are pretty difficult so it's not easily apparent why.
My justification for this approach is simple: In Capital and throughout his career, Marx employed a commodity money in his analysis to reach his conclusions. I have yet to find a single credible argument against gold as standard of prices in the analysis of empirical data. Thus, it does not have to be demonstrated why a commodity money is necessary for analysis within labor theory. Rather, labor theorists must explain why a commodity money is not necessary — why, in other words, a valueless fiat currency can serve in place of gold as standard of prices.
lol is this guy Ron Paul? No one uses gold to measure the economy because we do not spend gold on things but dollars, and we havent had a gold backed dollar since 1971. btw this appears to be the main point of the blog as every post I've seen mentions it.
I'm all for random anonymous knowledge clashing, removing personalities, cliques, and academia from the equation, but there are too many blogs and websites full of bullshit these days.
ironic that marxists cant seem to understand writing is a social activity and people have to give a shit about you before you write.