"Today's #Dailychart looks at the Good Country Index which ranks countries based on how much they do for others globally. Ireland and Finland come on top; Libya is rock bottom!"

Q: What do you mean, “good”? Surely all countries are partly good and partly bad?

A: Try thinking of “good” as a measure of how much a country contributes to the common good. So in this context “good” means the opposite of “selfish”, not the opposite of “bad”. The Good Country Index isn’t trying to make any moral judgments: it just measures, as objectively as possible, what each country contributes to the common good, and what it takes away.


Edited by TheIneff ()

10 of the top 10 countries for 'world order' have a germanic official language
placing canada as #2 for 'planet and climate' is presumably because they overlook our horrific record on energy usage, environmental protection and such because we happen to have a lot of trees left.
Ahahaha this is completely insane.
Very disappointed to learn that Mauritius hates the environment so bad..... shame... shame... Shame... Shame Everybody!! SHAME! SHAME! SHAME! SHAME! SHAME *rubs temples* Shame on you Mauritus.. SHAME! SHAME! SHAME! SHAME!
im guessing "international peace and security" is measured strongly by how many troops a country contributes to UN task forces lmao
I am also[ a fan of The Economist OP.
love all that good Belgian Culture to enrich my life
iraq has done Fuck all for culture to me. i hate to use alphabetical writing systems
lol the bottom 6 cultural countries are all in africa, also the economist is literally run by decendents of cecil rhodes
lol they would rank ireland first overall
let's build some more houses. cha-chign baby
has anyone built a house in ireland since 2008
probably not. our overlords are smarter than that

RBC posted:

lol the bottom 6 cultural countries are all in africa, also the economist is literally run by decendents of cecil rhodes

I know it kind of sounds like it is, but Yemen is not in Africa.


deadken posted:

love all that good Belgian Culture to enrich my life

lol ofcourse a "the economist" Sid Meiers Civilization data table of bestest countries would have a tax shelter as #1 overall
I don't think this has anything to do with The Economist besides the fact they're reporting on it and probably made the chart based on the data.

Lessons posted:

I don't think this has anything to do with The Economist besides the fact they're reporting on it and probably made the chart based on the data.

hear hear


Lessons posted:

I don't think this has anything to do with The Economist besides the fact they're reporting on it and probably made the chart based on the data.

the guy that made it is an "independent consultant" who considers himself an expert in "brands" who is published by the economist.

finally, a chart to measure Objectively the common Good without being bogged down in Moral judgements. Yes. Hm.
i myself am also a fan of supreme gentlemen, and the countries they draw lineage from
also i feel like the reason he made this was clearly so he could fly to various countries and give paid keynote speeches to like the tourism industry consortium in ireland or whatever about "what makes a good national culture" or whatever, so i respect his crass scamming.
international peace and security is the funniest one

Edited by ArisVelouchiotis ()


Bablu posted:

international peace and security is the funniest one

It's definitely environment. They have Canada in 2nd place despite being a major oil producer and the world leader in both tar sands and fracking, while last place is reserved for Zimbabwe which has <2% of Canada's CO2 emissions per capita.


Edited by ArisVelouchiotis ()


Lessons posted:

Bablu posted:

international peace and security is the funniest one

It's definitely environment. They have Canada in 2nd place despite being a major oil producer and the world leader in both tar sands and fracking, while last place is reserved for Zimbabwe which has <2% of Canada's CO2 emissions per capita.

his rationale for this is because canada has a lot of remaining resources. like there is probably i dunno a lot of bauxite or whatever up in the middle of nowhere that we know is there but isn't economically viable or is protected by what shreds of environmental protections remain. that's why congo, australia and brazil score well.


getfiscal posted:

Lessons posted:

Bablu posted:

international peace and security is the funniest one

It's definitely environment. They have Canada in 2nd place despite being a major oil producer and the world leader in both tar sands and fracking, while last place is reserved for Zimbabwe which has <2% of Canada's CO2 emissions per capita.

his rationale for this is because canada has a lot of remaining resources. like there is probably i dunno a lot of bauxite or whatever up in the middle of nowhere that we know is there but isn't economically viable or is protected by what shreds of environmental protections remain. that's why congo, australia and brazil score well.

That is a completely nonsensical reasoning for rating someone highly on the environment.

#1 country for stopping nuclear war: America. They have over 9000 nukes but have only used two. Last place: Zimbabwe. No nukes and they never nuked anyone.
yes but his index measures what a country contributes to other countries, which is even dumber. the reason canada ranks highly is therefore because other countries could potentially buy all those resources off canada eventually.
How does it help the environment for other countries to buy Canada's tar sands exactly?

Lessons posted:

How does it help the environment for other countries to buy Canada's tar sands exactly?

would you believe me if i said he rationalizes this by calling that category "Planet and Climate" instead of "Environment"?

(as in, Resources and Environment)

liberals are bad for planet and climate

Lessons posted:

How does it help the environment for other countries to buy Canada's tar sands exactly?

It helps the environment that Canada has refrained from digging up every last drop of dino diarrhea and turning the entire earths crust to sand, which would be justifiable, if they really wanted to capitalize on their earths resource. Meanwhile you have Mauritius that half its species have been wiped out in the last century... fucking idiots!!

Haha. Sudan has no culture. Including south sudan. This chart is mental!
i know the world wide fund for nature isn't the most popular organization here at the rhizzone—the paltry little stunt they pulled on vince mcmahon and co. still doesn't sit right with many posters—but this should count for something. if only the folks at the economist knew about this particular accolade.

the author didn't include cuba as a country in the good country index because it doesn't have enough trustworthy information in his stupid measures he said. congo does though.