
stegosaurus posted:

n64 is so good and how did that person not see the ugly gucci ft on the tape its so good???

im reading ~historical materialism 19~
I'm reading the labor aristocracy thing by bromma

gyrofry posted:

he can be good but he needs an editor

lol yea p much. whenever you see something i wrote posted elsewhere its generally safe to assume about 500 words of selfindulgent nonsense were mercifully cut from it


elektrenai posted:

toy posted:

The Jacobin vs. Twitter outrage machine absurdity makes me want to throw up.


im obsessed with this, the people defending Kendzior have gone absolutely insane

to be fair some of the people exposing her are now insisting that her accusations constitute an organised intelligence agency assault on the left to stop jacobin talking about imperialism & that anyone who doubts this self-evident truth is in on the conspiracy

i just got twitter, @EnterHoxha

Edited by Chthonic_Goat_666 ()


deadken posted:

to be fair some of the people exposing her are now insisting that her accusations constitute an organised intelligence agency assault on the left to stop jacobin talking about imperialism & that anyone who doubts this self-evident truth is in on the conspiracy

are you suggesting that this event is not the result of a premeditated western spy sabotage operation? *fingers "purge" button*

[account deactivated]

deadken posted:

elektrenai posted:

toy posted:

The Jacobin vs. Twitter outrage machine absurdity makes me want to throw up.


im obsessed with this, the people defending Kendzior have gone absolutely insane

to be fair some of the people exposing her are now insisting that her accusations constitute an organised intelligence agency assault on the left to stop jacobin talking about imperialism & that anyone who doubts this self-evident truth is in on the conspiracy

while i wouldn't go as far as that, i'm pretty sure this was an opportunistic moment seized by a well experienced social media expert to both further her career/personal brand and associate the radical left with rape as part of her own anti-communist viewpoint

^^ i also think this is the most likely scenario
well there is a long history of that type of thing in the US. maybe it's not airtight conspiracy in this case but keeping a running tab of these things is just as useful to us as it is to the rulers surely. if that's boring to the literati then well...
and while i think it's destructive how conspiracy thinking seeps into some radical thought, and poisons the well for critiques of how systems operate, considering the fact that our security agencies have a long history of psyops and ideological conditioning ranging from COINTELPRO to even letting CIA front groups fund creative writing programs led by anti-communist liberal professors, is it really so far-fetched?

the pentagon at this moment has a multi-million dollar program to

determine "the critical mass (tipping point)" of social contagians by studying their "digital traces" in the cases of "the 2011 Egyptian revolution, the 2011 Russian Duma elections, the 2012 Nigerian fuel subsidy crisis and the 2013 Gazi park protests in Turkey."

Twitter posts and conversations will be examined "to identify individuals mobilised in a social contagion and when they become mobilised."


One war-game, said Price, involved environmental activists protesting pollution from a coal-fired plant near Missouri, some of whom were members of the well-known environmental NGO Sierra Club. Participants were tasked to "identify those who were 'problem-solvers' and those who were 'problem-causers,' and the rest of the population whom would be the target of the information operations to move their Center of Gravity toward that set of viewpoints and values which was the 'desired end-state' of the military's strategy."


if the military is investing in social science to better understand how to manipulate ideology, something corporations are already doing to great effect on twitter and other social media, is it so paranoid to think some shit is getting funded in implicit ways to discredit the left?

now excuse me while i go follow the CIA's new twitter account.


palafox posted:

toy posted:

elektrenai posted:

For some reason this has me totally despondent

i don't have a twitter but read some of sarah kendzior's stuff that wasn't on central asia prior to this, and was actually a fan. jools sent me links to all this mess and I spent a couple hours on it and it really broke my heart (more fool me, I guess). it's horrible to see graeber mouthing inanities and henwood frantically doing the same in his wake. it's also horrible to see the race to whichever categorical catchphrase can effectively mark a committed and innocuous leftist as A Real Rotten Mensch to others, especially ostensible leftists. the worst thing about it to me was seeing how credulous and ideologically uncommitted a lot of important people who claim to be serious activists are in the wake of this. that said, all members of rhizzone that I know of who were involved wrote far more intelligent things online than their elders and supposed betters (who possess ten times the career, to a man) on this, so good job for the depression militant squad I guess. it says horrible things about the state and priorities of the famous voices of the western left, but it said good enough things about the rhizz to lure me back here (for which i apologize in advance)

welcome back dude


Makeshift_Swahili posted:

i just got twitter, @EnterHoxha, adding ppl, donmt want to miss the next juicy pro-rape jacobin article or whatever.

add me, on Twitter, on my account just for here, if you find my other account, tell me and then i can block you. Thanks,


vulgar idealism
i followed you, increasin mah brand. Everyone follow

deadken posted:

elektrenai posted:

toy posted:

The Jacobin vs. Twitter outrage machine absurdity makes me want to throw up.


im obsessed with this, the people defending Kendzior have gone absolutely insane

to be fair some of the people exposing her are now insisting that her accusations constitute an organised intelligence agency assault on the left to stop jacobin talking about imperialism & that anyone who doubts this self-evident truth is in on the conspiracy

"Most of all, though, our history is inscribed in the featureless blue plane on which the dog reclines. In fact, it’s swarming with tiny figures: child miners coughing dust, factory workers plunging from rooftops, women with acid scars bursting across their faces, people who wake up shaking from the bombs going off in their dreams, people who wake up shaking from the bombs going off in their ears. A society capable of producing that shade of blue leaves a lot of bodies in its wake."

only the sinister machinations of the cia could provoke the radical left into tearing itself apart over nothing

deadken posted:

only the sinister machinations of the cia could provoke the radical left into tearing itself apart over nothing

[account deactivated]
is that the new impper novel?

babyfinland posted:

it sounds like perverts and losers

*stops, scrolls back up and clicks the link*


daddyholes posted:

Makeshift_Swahili posted:

i just got twitter, @EnterHoxha, adding ppl, donmt want to miss the next juicy pro-rape jacobin article or whatever.

add me, on Twitter, on my account just for here, if you find my other account, tell me and then i can block you. Thanks,

what is your twitter account duder

just read most of sherry ortner's "Anthropology and Social Theory: Culture, Power, and the Acting Subject." it sounds like a survey, and in some ways part of it is, but the marginalia's got her take on the last 50 years of ethnography and theory and she's a genius.

In Anthropology and Social Theory the award-winning anthropologist Sherry B. Ortner draws on her longstanding interest in theories of cultural practice to rethink key concepts of culture, agency, and subjectivity for the social sciences of the twenty-first century. The seven theoretical and interpretive essays in this volume each advocate reconfiguring, rather than abandoning, the concept of culture. Similarly, they all suggest that a theory which depends on the interested action of social beings—specifically practice theory, associated especially with the work of Pierre Bourdieu—requires a more developed notion of human agency and a richer conception of human subjectivity. Ortner shows how social theory must both build upon and move beyond classic practice theory in order to understand the contemporary world.

there's a small part where she basically torpedoes subaltern school stuff in a manner very different than that of the recent indian marxists who've done the same- they use Marx, she uses Geertz. If I have time in the next few days i'm gonna write a semi-effort post on ortner's use of geertz, but adding some stuff written by crow's beloved Peter Dale Scott that draws some unpleasant conclusions about things that ortner has cited. the picture you get from putting the two together is pretty bleak, just a devastated landscape full of the charred bodies of humanities Ph.Ds

agency doesn't exist and is the worst concept to get popular in the 2010s. also i read some takedown of geertz balinese cockfight piece (still good) about how he makes stuff up/projects.
well, please link me to that takedown then. the peter dale scott thing i was going to bring in uses stuff from the geertz anthology that that piece is from, so it may relate to his other writing on Indonesia. ortner's stuff on academic notions of agency is fantastic and worth your time, though . . .
what do u think of PDS generally palafox and maybe if ur familiar with his predecessor in the high brow american conspiracy theory genre carl oglesby
you seem like you know more than me already, i didn't know that he had precedents. crow prolly knows way more than me, and I think discipline said she was reading something by him a while back? I've only read some of his poetry and several short things so far. don't know oglesby but i'll check him out once i'm done with the next couple things i'm reading.

that said, so far I love him. he fuckin murks geertz (and by association a large pile of academia), something i really wasn't expecting, and geertz is an author from whom i derive a lot of personal pleasure and usually end up believing in wholesale. he just sounds so reasonable and right all the time, what with the whole "pay attention to your subject matter for once" thing. After looking at PDS' thing on him I was sort of slackjawed and depressed, which was followed by me hitting up an anthropologist friend and going over the whole thing point by point to see what they thought, and then both of us sitting around sort of slackjawed and depressed
new war nerd


palafox posted:

you seem like you know more than me already, i didn't know that he had precedents. crow prolly knows way more than me, and I think discipline said she was reading something by him a while back? I've only read some of his poetry and several short things so far. don't know oglesby but i'll check him out once i'm done with the next couple things i'm reading.

that said, so far I love him. he fuckin murks geertz (and by association a large pile of academia), something i really wasn't expecting, and geertz is an author from whom i derive a lot of personal pleasure and usually end up believing in wholesale. he just sounds so reasonable and right all the time, what with the whole "pay attention to your subject matter for once" thing. After looking at PDS' thing on him I was sort of slackjawed and depressed, which was followed by me hitting up an anthropologist friend and going over the whole thing point by point to see what they thought, and then both of us sitting around sort of slackjawed and depressed

whenever i find myself agreeing with an author i get suspicious and restless

Please rite that up Palafox. I wanna read it.

Are you in social science?

nah, i didn't even go to real college. my s.o. is, tho. that said there is no way i'm letting rhizzone into my private life so this is going to be written by an amateur, not a professional, and will thus be worth approx. *dog turds*
are you in the social sciences, toy?
Ya, i'm in soc. Don't worry about being an "amateur" it sounds like you get it just fine!
i went to coolidge
clown AND barber
jools I pmed you my gimmick rhizzone twitter. i think i already follow you