Troop becomes disenchanted w/ the Afghan war and deserts. other Troops die looking for him and he gets captured by the Taliban and held for several years. now Obama released some Gitmo detainees as part of a prisoner exchange to get him freed, who may kill even more Troops.
idk if he's an anti-imperialist, but he's sure doing a lot for the cause w/ his bumbling methods.
idk if he's an anti-imperialist, but he's sure doing a lot for the cause w/ his bumbling methods.
his dad said he wont rest until all guantanamo prisoners are freed
don't judge this guy. wait and see who he kills when he gets back. don't call the game at the top of the fifth.
[account deactivated]
well they had telegraph poles since 1896 so they werent doing things totally wrong
fucking irony and trolling taste like sweet candy but leave a bitter taste in my mouth
read that he left base with nothing but a compass because he was going to walk all the way to india, now theres an eat pray love i'd watch
HenryKrinkle posted:
get that man an account
lol they snatched him up mid-shit
i thought bowe was his family nickname. idaho.