actually its fine really
propaganda, agitation,

jools posted:

actually its fine really

i havent read it , just going by his words

he didn't even come close to ‘disavowing’ the book, at least according to the quotes in the article. that journalist upset Isabel Allende for nothing

babyfinland posted:

jools posted:

actually its fine really

i havent read it , just going by his words

just popular leftwing history, its fine really

nytimes will use any excuse to quote right-wing latin americans in "we told you so" terms, as if apologizing for using crude leftist phraseology in a book somehow makes it so that colonialism never existed.

getfiscal posted:

nytimes will use any excuse to quote right-wing latin americans in "we told you so" terms, as if apologizing for using crude leftist phraseology in a book somehow makes it so that colonialism never existed.

a...serious post


babyhueypnewton posted:

a...serious post


daddyholes posted:


how did u come across this? just curious.

[account deactivated]

babyhueypnewton posted:

getfiscal posted:

nytimes will use any excuse to quote right-wing latin americans in "we told you so" terms, as if apologizing for using crude leftist phraseology in a book somehow makes it so that colonialism never existed.

a...serious post



HenryKrinkle posted:

how did u come across this? just curious.

i googled either ferretball or grover furr. almost certainly ferretball

hmmm, lets scout out google news today as part of our daily search for Good Shit... aha, whats this? nice, some Epic shit indeed.

Industry-funded study implies diet soda is 'superior to water for weight loss'
Medical News Today - ‎16 minutes ago‎
The results of a new study published in the journal Obesity imply that diet soda is a more effective weight loss tool than water. The findings are controversial, and what is more, the study was funded by the American Beverage Association.

just for the url http://www.cbsnews.com/news/gwyneth-paltrow-dealing-with-internet-trolls-is-like-going-to-war/
doesn't diet soda make you hungry for no good reason?
some studies have shown that henry, while others have disagreed, but I think our friends at the American Beverage Association would know best, wouldn't you?
it's water w/ CO2 a few virtually noncaloric chemicals and a stimulant in it of course it's going to be "superior for weight loss". it's also superior for gradual degradation of tooth enamel w/o proper care due to the phosphoric acid, and for emptyingf your wallet
gonna stick with amphetamines lady
i take a shitload of caffeine pills its p awesome
caffeine doesnt work on me
me neither it makes me sleepy or panicky and diarrheay

babyfinland posted:


thats not the caffeine tom

caffeine makes me spiderman
word on the street re kshama sawant's next project: raise commercial property taxes and finance a second sewer system connected to tom's house
tom is a Sewage Socialist
Champagne Diarrheanarchist
[account deactivated]
This is what I'm currently reading, and it's EPIC:

Sorry to non-SA members, but that's a whole lot of posts and I can't really screencap it or describe the pure ownage within.
lmao kyrie elison
[account deactivated]
[account deactivated]
[account deactivated]
I just finished Zanzibar Cat and On Strike Against God. Joanna Russ is pretty goddamned win. Someone give me a novel recommendation.
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[account deactivated]
how are you going to have kids without having sex??
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